Back to Our Roots
By Jesse N. Love, photos by Kai Yamamoto, additional photos by the Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Friends and family of Blaine Memorial United Methodist celebrated faithfully the Church’s 120th and 121st Anniversary! The congregation welcomed back former clergy who served Blaine Memorial for years, including Bishop Robert T. Hoshibata, the Revs David Nieda, Alann Hamada, Ken Miyake, Shalom Agtarap, and Dione Corsilles. We also welcomed honored guest, Bishop Cedrick Bridgeforth of The Greater Northwest Conference.

Following our Anniversary Worship Service, we enjoyed a grand Church Potluck provided by our congregation. We recognized our church members age 88+ and enjoyed musical performances from the Blaine Ukulele Group of Seattle (B.U.G.S.), the Blaine Memorial UMC Choir, and individual performances from our members.

What will the next chapter of Blaine Memorial UMC look like? What new and exciting ministries are in store for the community? How do we celebrate our 121 years of faith well into the future? Be sure to join us as we embark on a faith journey that is, as Bishop Hoshibata statued, “Rooted and Grounded…In Love!”
Jesse N. Love is a member of Blaine Memorial UMC

Prayer and Coffee • Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Join Rev. Karen for prayer and community on Wednesday (3/5) at 9:00AM on Zoom. Our time together consists of brief check-ins, devotionals, and prayers. This is a great way to begin Lent, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. We will discuss the meaning of Lent and the significance of Ash Wednesday. Feel free to bring a cup of coffee, tea, and a bite to eat. Hope to see you on Wednesday.

Ash Wednesday Service • Wednesday, March 5, 7pm
Next Wednesday, March 5, is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the penitential season of Lent. Ashes will be distributed at 12:00PM and at 7:00PM during an Ash Wednesday service in the Sanctuary. As we begin another Lenten journey, we are invited to reflect on Jesus’ temptations in the wilderness. Lent is a season of remembering our true selves through reflection, reconciliation, and reconnection on the journey toward the cross and the empty tomb.

Meeting Jesus at the Table: A Lenten Study • See Dates and Times (Below)
This year’s all church Lenten Study book is Meeting Jesus at the Table: A Lenten Study. The book is written by Cynthia M. Campbell and Christine Coy Fohr. For Lent this year, our theme will be Bread of Life: Meeting Jesus at the Table. The Gospels are full of stories of Jesus sharing meals with people. Whether multiplying bread to feed a whole crowd, relaxing with his inner circle, or telling curious elites stories about even greater banquets, Jesus imparts wisdom and forgiveness during meal times. This eight-session study provides biblical insights along with thought-provoking queries regarding our own time, such as whom should we invite to Sunday dinner and who is left out and left behind in our culture today. Each chapter includes questions for small group discussion or personal reflection.
Books are on sale in the Church Office for $10.00 each.
Rev. Karen will lead a 7-week Lent Book Study using Meeting Jesus at the Table: A Lenten Study. She will teach the class on the following days:
- Thursday (3/6), 7:00PM
- Tuesday (3/11), 7:00PM
- Tuesday (3/18), 7:00PM
- Tuesday (4/1), 7:00PM
- Tuesday (4/8), 7:00PM
- Tuesday (4/15), 7:00PM
The classes will be held on Zoom and the link will be released the day before. Please note that some classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays due to scheduling conflicts with other events taking place at the church. Thank you in advance for your flexibility.

Kimball Elementary School Cloud Pavilion Art Dedication • Thursday, March 13, 5:30pm
Kimball Elementary School Principal Angela Bogan has invited the Blaine Memorial congregation to Artist Erin Shigaki’s Cloud Pavilion Art Installation in the Kimball Elementary School Library on March 13, from 5:30PM-6:30PM. The Cloud Pavilion (kumo no akusha) by Erin Shigaki conveys the histories, hopes, and relationships of both Kimball Elementary students and Beacon Hill residents. Please RSVP to Yuki Sofronas by Wednesday, March 12 at 4:00PM so we can get a head count. The church is arranging rides to the school entrance. For those who feel comfortable walking to the school, we will walk together in a group.
About Erin Shigaki
Erin Shigaki’s art practice focuses on the experiences of communities of color, often the World War II (1939-45) incarceration of her Japanese-American community. She is passionate about highlighting similarities between that history, the detention and family separation immigrants face today, and other systemic violence and injustices that people of color continue to face. She believes that using art to tell stories about these moments can educate, redress wrongs, and heal. Erin Shigaki was born and raised in Seattle, Washington. She is a graphic designer and illustrator by trade. She is also a community activist. She helps run an annual pilgrimage to Minidoka, the American WWII concentration camp where her family was incarcerated, and she is also a part of Tsuru for Solidarity, working to end detention and incarceration for all. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Yale University.

Blaine Girl Scout Troop #43880 Cookie Booth • March 16, 2025 after Sunday Service (Social Hall)
Please come out to get your favorite cookies and support our Girl Scout Troop this year as they raise money for their annual camping trip! Thank you for your support!

Guatemala Mission Trip Informational Meeting • March 16, 2025
Are you interested in going on a mission trip this coming August 8 to August 16? Do you have a desire to serve others in an underdeveloped country? Are you not sure about going, but want to learn more? Blaine will again partner with Mission Guatemala and send a mission team to San Andrés Semetebaj, Guatemala. Please join us for a short informational meeting Sunday, March 16, in the Webb Room at 12:00. If you have any questions, please contact Bob or Donna Sekijima at or Alice Ikeda.
Read more about Blaine Memorial’s 2024 Guatemala Mission trip.

Migrant and Refugee Donation Ministry @ Riverton Park UMC • Blaine Memorial UMC Collection Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 10:00am-4:00pm
Riverton Park UMC is in dire need of:
- Diapers (sizes 3 through 7)
- Diaper wipes
- Kitchen pots and pans
- Paper plates
- Toothpaste
- Long grain rice
- Cooking oil
Blaine Memorial UMC Collection Hours: Collection items can be dropped off to the Blaine Memorial Social Hall from Tuesday-Friday between 10:00AM-4:00PM. Please call the Church Office at (206) 723-1536 prior to dropping off your items.

An All-Church Retreat to Refresh, Renew, and Rejoice! • August 22-24, 2025
We are bringing back the All-Church Camp Retreat! This year’s theme is Refresh, Renew and Rejoice! Please save the dates: August 22-24, 2025! Our campsite location will be in Olympia, WA. Please contact Harry Tang with questions. More information to be revealed…

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