Original Videos

Original Videos

Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church features stories of faith through our video ministries. Enjoy these presentations that fulfill our mission as well as reach out to the communities we serve.

A Season of Stewardship: Blaine Memorial UMC Supports Kimball Elementary through Thanksgiving Meals and Giving Tree Projects

With challenges such as food insecurity, a harsh economy, and homelessness, Blaine Memorial UMC has teamed with Kimball Elementary School to provide dinners through Thanksgiving Meals and presents through the Giving Tree.

Several members of the Blaine Memorial UMC Community, including its Blaine Youth Group (BYG), share what makes this lay-led ministry vital to the families in the neighborhood.

BYG Suno Dogs Support Maui Relief

Associate Director of the Blaine Youth Group, Kaylee Yokoyama, presents the team’s efforts to support Maui through it’s contributions of Suno Dog sales at this year’s Bazaar.

Learn how the youth worked together to prep delicious Suno Dogs, as well as train youth in managing their booth. Special thanks to Revs. Mia and Karen as well as our photographers and videographers, Kai Yamamoto, Kobe Yamamoto, and Joshua Santos.

Zephyr Retreat 2023: A Time Away

The NCJCCF Zephyr Point Retreat was held in July 2023 bringing friends from Japanese American congregations together in Zephyr Cove, Nevada. A few attendees speak about highlights from this week-long event.

Zephyr Retreat 2023: “Give Thanks”

Attendees from the Zephyr Retreat 2023 practice “Give Thanks”. Blaine Memorial UMC does not own the rights to this music.

Making a Scene with Dr. Stephen Sumida

From the beginning of 2023, Dr. Stephen Sumida with Blaine members Shig Nishida and others have been working on a special video project for Blaine’s 120th anniversary depicting an unjust moment in US American history: a reenactment of the removal of Japanese Americans from Seattle’s Japantown in April 1942.

By remembering the past, we can ensure the future of Blaine Memorial UMC internalizes the history of its culture and faith. Special thanks to Glenn Mitsui for preparing this video presentation of Dr. Stephen Sumida. Also, special thanks to the leadership of the Rev. David V. Valera and the PNW Conference for supporting this project.

Anniversary Sunday – “Here I Am. I Am Me”

Blaine Memorial UMC celebrated 118 years of ministry through its worship service and a historical reenactment of the beginnings of the Catharine Blaine House for Single Women.