A time of waiting, expecting, hoping
By the Rev. Karen Yokota Love
I grew up and lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for 30 years of my life. If you’ve ever visited San Francisco, you’ve probably looked across the Bay and have spotted that famous prison, Alcatraz, sitting on a big rock in the middle of the water.
As a San Francisco Bay Area native, I would never visit Alcatraz on my own. It was one of those places that you’d visit if you had a guest visiting from out of town. One night, we decided to venture out on the “Alcatraz Night Tour.” That night, I remember the guide talking and naming a liturgy of facts as tourists past barred windows, and slowly walked down a concrete hallway to a cell used for solitary confinement. After our group entered the cell, we stood shoulder to shoulder. The guide closed the door to the cell and suddenly, POOF … all the light vanished. It was pitch black.
What seemed like minutes in the dark was just a few seconds. Everyone waited expectantly, quietly, and was surprised by the absence of light.
When the door finally opened, the light poured in, and people smiled. For the first time on the tour, people looked at each other. Nervous laughter masked the relief to be back in the light. It’s amazing how solitary that confinement can be, even with other people standing right next to you. The light makes all the difference in the world.

Advent is here, and we begin the Christian year anew with a season of waiting. As the days grow darker, we draw closer to the arrival of the Light that turns the world upside down—or right-side up! The journey toward and beyond the manger is one of reversing expectations, encountering what we thought we already knew in brand new ways, and receiving good news in unexpected places. So, with one foot in the prophets and another in the Gospels, we journey together as our spirit waits to welcome the Christ child and carry hope, peace, joy and love as we live as disciples who anticipate the now-and-not-yet kin-dom of God.

If you want to see what Jesus means in your life, just imagine a time without him. Have you ever had that time in your life? A time before Jesus existed for you? A time before you knew about the light of the world? Was it as dark as an Alcatraz-style of solitary confinement, even though there were other people around?
Imagine a time before Jesus was born. Where was the hope for the world? Where was the joy? Where was the focus on love and forgiveness? There really was a time before Jesus, a time when the world was waiting, expecting, and hoping.
I’ll tell you something special. During this Advent season, while I continue to watch and wait for Jesus’s love, I am continuing to celebrate the recent unanimous vote that Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church took early in November to proclaim that we are now a Reconciling Ministries church. I’m so thrilled about this proclamation, that it brings great hope for me (see page 8).
I also saw great light this past weekend when we participated in the Greening the Church for Advent. With the beautiful wreaths and swag around the campus, the sparkly snowflakes in our sanctuary windows and the blue tulle hanging in our sanctuary, I’m feeling more prepared for Advent.
During this season of Advent, we wait and expect and hope for the coming of Jesus, while much of the world around us remains in the dark. Let’s walk in that darkness together. Let’s discover a new beginning and a new relationship with the Divine as we prepare for Jesus’s birth. Here are ways in which you can spend your Advent with us at Blaine Memorial UMC. You are invited to join us in any and in all these spaces:

On Sunday, December 10, at 10am, we celebrated Jesus’ birth as we witnessed our children and youth perform in a special Christmas Play. This video is available at blaineonline.org!
- On Sunday, December 17, at 10am, we’ll jam to festive Christmas music both with Christmas hymns and secular music on Christmas Music Sunday featuring our talented Blaine Memorial Choir, B.U.G.S., soloists, and special music from our young adults.
- On Wednesday, December 20, at 7pm, we will have our Blue Christmas/Longest Night Service that is designed to provide space for prayer, reflection, and remembrance for those who are grieving during this holiday season.
- On Sunday, December 24, we will have one worship service at 10am, where we are celebrating the Fourth Sunday of Advent with Christmas music and a 5pm Christmas Eve Lesson and Carols Candlelight Service.
As Christians, the center of our holiday season is the light of the world, an infant named Jesus, bringing peace. Take a moment and consider: What are the ways you will choose to focus on Jesus this season? How will you grow in your knowledge of him? How will you show those around you the difference he has made to you and to the world? Why not invite others to be part of your Christmas and help them grow as well. May the peace of God and the joy of the season illumine your heart and lead you to the heart of God, who has chosen to become one of us as Emmanuel — God with us. God wants to know our sorrows and brokenness. Happy Advent and Merry Christmas!
As we wait, we prepare and stay vigilant, continue to be the hope and love in the world! Seek the light in those dark places.
The Rev. Karen Yokota Love serves as Senior Pastor of Blaine Memorial UMC.
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