
Blaine Memorial UMC’s 120th and 121st Anniversary Sunday Comments Off on Blaine Memorial UMC’s 120th and 121st Anniversary Sunday

Blaine Memorial UMC’s 120th and 121st Anniversary Sunday

Posted by on Jan 26, 2025 in Archives, Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Congregational Care, Episcopal News, Giving, Prayer, Sermons, Service Opportunities, Small Groups, Spiritual Formation, Sunday Worship, Videos

Reflecting on 120 (and 121) Years of Grace!

  • Blaine Memorial UMC’s 120th and 121st Anniversary Sunday
  • January 26, 2025 • 10:00am
  • Hybrid Worship
  • View the PDF

Order of Worship

Holy, Holy, Holy
By John B. Dykes
Kathy Onishi
Welcome of Grace and Greeting
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Call to Worship
Rev. David Nieda
Opening Hymn
You Are the Vine
Words and Music by Danny Daniels and Randy Rigbey
Blaine Praise Band
Opening Prayer
Rev. Shalom Agtarap
Special Music
Goodness of God
Written by Ed Cash, Ben Fielding, Jason Ingram, Brian Johnson and Jenn Johnson
Rev. Dr. Mark C. Hearn,
Rev. Dione Corsilles
First Scripture Reading
1 Corinthians 12:12-31 (JLB, CEB) 
Tsutomu Nagoya, Gail Nomura, Aidan Lew, Kaylee Yokoyama, 
Shigeru Nishida
Children’s Message
Sai Hanaoka
Church School Superintendent
Special Music
Be Thou My Vision
Arr. by Alice Parker
Blaine Memorial UMC Choir
Second Scripture Reading 
Ephesians 3:16-19 (JLB, NRSV) 
Tsutomu Nagoya, Lynne Onishi
Rooted and Grounded…In Love!
Bishop Robert T. Hoshibata
Hymn of Reflection
What Gift Can We Bring
(UMH #87)
Eugene and Kathy Onishi
Special Music
Amazing Grace
By John Newton
(English and Japanese)
Blaine Ukulele Group of Seattle
Video Presentation
The Archives Committee
The Great Thanksgiving
Bishop Robert T. Hoshibata,
Bishop Cedrick D. Bridgeforth,
Rev. Cruz Edwin Santos,
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Holy Communion Music
At This Table
By Idina Menzel
Marina Kozu 
Introduction to the Offering
Rev. Alann Hamada
Praise God,
from Whom All Blessings Flow
Kathy Onishi
Prayer of Dedication
Rev. Alann Hamada
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Closing Hymn

Words by Chris Tomlin
Blaine Praise Band
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
One God and Father of Us All
Words and Music by
Pete Carlson and Kyle Matthews,
Arr. by Jerry Carraway
Kathy Onishi


Congregational Photo • Immediately after worship in the Sanctuary

Immediately after worship, we’ll gather to take a congregational photo in the Sanctuary. This photo will include all of our dignitaries. Since we will be taking a group photo, we are canceling the Zoom Break Out Room. It will provide the opportunity for our facilitators to participate in the congregational photo. We’ll resume the Zoom Break Out Room on Sunday, February 2, 2025. 

Blaine Memorial’s 120th Anniversary Sunday Celebration and Potluck Information

Blaine Memorial UMC will have a 120th anniversary Sunday service with special guests and dignitaries from our past to celebrate and reflect on its 120-year history and look forward to its further growth and development into the next 120 years of service in love.  After the service there will be a potluck gathering and program with exhibits, entertainment, reunions with friends and family, and an honoring of church members who are 88+ years old by the end of January.  Please join us for the culminating celebration of our 120th anniversary and start of our 121st year!  We look forward to celebrating with all our members new and old and our many community friends to remember and renew our connections into the future. Please bring a potluck dish to share. All are welcome.

For the potluck we are asking folks to contribute some dishes to share with others.  (If you are single, please feel free to bring just one of the items.  If you are 88+ years old, you do not need to bring a dish.  This celebration is for you!).  

We hope you can join us for this special culmination celebration of our church’s 120th Anniversary.

NJAUMC Book Study During Epiphanytide

There’s a new book study sponsored by the National Japanese American United Methodist Caucus that will begin next Tuesday (1/21). Rev. Brian Lee (Simpson UMC in Arvada, CO) and Rev. John Miyahara (UMC Navy Chaplain in San Diego, CA) will facilitate “Secret Harvests: A Hidden Story of Separation and the Resilience of a Family Farm” by David Mas Masumoto. We will gather virtually on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM. (PST). Below is our reading schedule:

Tuesday (1/28)
Parts 3 and 4
Tuesday (2/11)
Parts 5 and 6
Tuesday (2/25)
Parts 7 and 8

Click here to join the Zoom link.

Books are on sale in the Church Office for $15.00 or you are free to purchase online at

At the 2023 Day of Remembrance, a “Never Again is Now” banner adorned by colorful tsuru (origami cranes) reminds event attendees that the history of Executive Order 9066 and Japanese American incarceration still matter today.

Day of Remembrance Film Screening at Blaine Memorial UMC • February 19, 2025

Blaine Memorial UMC is partnering with the Seattle JACL and Puyallup Valley JACL to show the film, Removed by Force: The Eviction of Hawai?i’s Japanese Americans During World II at 6:00PM in the Sanctuary. The film sheds light on the relatively unknown experiences of the 1,500 Americans of Japanese ancestry from 23 geographic areas in Hawai‘i who were evicted, but not interned, during World War II. 

Annual Sukiyaki Dinner • March 1, 2025

Blaine Memorial’s Sukiyaki Benefit Fundraiser is for SATURDAY, MARCH 12025 from 1:00PM-6:00PM! Sukiyaki will be $20.00 each. We will have cooked and uncooked Sukiyaki. We will provide take out and have limited dine in. More information will be announced soon – stay tuned! 

Afghanistan and Ukrainian Refugee Donation Ministry at Riverton Park UMC!

Items being collected: At this time, we have an abundance of some items and so we are NOT in need of clothing or children’s toys. Especially needed items include women’s products, toothpaste, personal care items, rice cookers, blenders, mixing bowls, microwave ovens, toasters, mixers, irons, dish sets, towels, and blankets.

Blaine Memorial UMC Collection Hours: Collection items can be dropped off to the Blaine Memorial Social Hall from Tuesday-Friday between 10:00AM-4:00PM. Please call the Church Office at (206) 723-1536 prior to dropping off your items.

South King County Response Center Collection Volunteer Hours: The Donation Center is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10:00AM-2:00PM, same time as the Tukwila Pantry at 3118 S. 140th St. Seattle. Please text Kim Parks at (206) 683-1707 when you would like to help. Please wear a mask and bring a marking pen and measuring tape if possible. Other Questions? Please contact Donna Sekijima at: and/or Anne Arakaki-Lock at:

A Season of Stewardship: Blaine Memorial UMC Supports Kimball Elementary (Video)

Beacon newsletter will return in February!

Our bi-monthly newsletter, the Beacon, will return in February! Check out our past issues here.

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Second Sunday after Epiphany Comments Off on Second Sunday after Epiphany

Second Sunday after Epiphany

Posted by on Jan 19, 2025 in Archives, Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Congregational Care, Giving, Miscellaneous, Prayer, Sermons, Service Opportunities, Small Groups, Spiritual Formation, Sunday Worship, Videos, Weekly Calendar

Happy New Year!

  • Second Sunday after Epiphany
  • January 19, 2025 • 10:00am
  • Hybrid Worship
  • View the PDF

Order of Worship

Taste and See

By James Moore
Kathy Onishi
Welcome of Grace and Greeting
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Blaine Memorial UMC Land Acknowledgment
Call to Worship
Brad Miyake
Opening Hymn
Come My Way, My Truth, My Life
(UMH #164)
Kathy Onishi & Eugene Onishi
Opening Prayer
Brad Miyake
Scripture Reading
John 2:1-11 (JLB) 
Yuki Sofronas, Brad Miyake
Children’s Message
Sai Hanaoka
Special Announcement
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Special Music
Here I Am, Send Me
Blaine Memorial UMC Choir
Water to Wine
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Song of Reflection
Jesus, Joy of Our Desiring
(UMH #644)
Kathy & Eugene Onishi
Introduction to the Offering
Brad Miyake
Offertory Music
Kathy Onishi
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
(UMH #94)
Kathy & Eugene Onishi
Prayer of Dedication
Brad Miyake
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Closing Hymn
Become to Us the Living Bread
(UMH #630)
Kathy & Eugene Onishi
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Soon and Very Soon
By Andrae Crouch
Kathy Onishi
Passing of the Peace
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Zoom Breakout Room
Rev. Dr. Jeney Park-Hearn
Today’s Flowers
Miriam Tong

Sermon Questions

  • How did God speak to you through the scripture/sermon this week? 
  • What details from this story stand out to you? (Where is he, how much wine does he create, what does his mom ask of him, how does the master of the feast respond?) 
  • How does Jesus respond to his mom’s request? What does this show us about his mission?
  • What are some reasons Jesus begins his ministry with turning water into wine?
  • How do the seven signs help bolster our understanding of who Jesus is so that we may have eternal life?
  • Jesus was socially engaged in celebratory events in the lives of others. What does this tell us about how we should engage in the mission of God?

Daily Lectionary Readings

Sunday, January 19, 2025: Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 36:5-10; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; John 2:1-11
Monday, January 20, 2025: 
Psalm 145; Isaiah 54:1-8; Romans 12:9-21;
Tuesday, January 21, 2025: 
Psalm 145; Song of Solomon 4:1-8; 1 Corinthians 1:3-17;
Wednesday, January 22, 2025: 
Psalm 145; Song of Solomon 4:9-5:1; Luke 5:33-39;
Thursday, January 23, 2025: 
Psalm 19; Isaiah 61:1-7; Romans 7:1-6;
Friday, January 24, 2025: 
Psalm 19; Nehemiah 2:1-10; Romans 12:1-8;
Saturday, January 25, 2025: 
Psalm 19; Nehemiah 5:1-13; Luke 2:39-52;


A Celebration of Life Service for Sumi YoshiokaToday at 1pm

You’re invited to the public Celebration of Life Service for Sumiko “Sumi” Yoshioka for this Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 1:00 PM. There will be a reception to follow in the Lee Activity Center. A lifelong church member, she faithfully served as organist, pianist, choir and handbell choir director. She was known for her kindness, grace, and was an island girl at heart. Sumi’s Celebration of Life service will be live-streamed.

1967 Easter —Congregation

120th/121st Anniversary Sunday Service and Potluck • Sunday, January 26, 2025

(See more photos)

On January 26, 2025, Blaine Memorial UMC will have a 120th anniversary Sunday service with special guests from our past to celebrate and reflect on its 120-year history and look forward to its further growth and development into the next 120 years of service in love. After the service there will be a potluck gathering and program with exhibits, entertainment, reunions with friends and family, and an honoring of church members who are 88+ years old by the end of January. Please join us for the culminating celebration of our 120th anniversary and start of our 121st year! We look forward to celebrating with all our members new and old and our many community friends to remember and renew our connections into the future. Please bring a potluck dish to share. All are welcome.

For the potluck we are asking folks to contribute some dishes to share with others. (If you are single, please feel free to bring just one of the items. If you are 88+ years old, you do not need to bring a dish. This celebration is for you!). Potluck assignment recommendations are listed below by last name:

Main dish/Salad
Main dish/Rice
Main dish/ Dessert

NJAUMC Book Study During Epiphanytide

There’s a new book study sponsored by the National Japanese American United Methodist Caucus that will begin next Tuesday (1/21). Rev. Brian Lee (Simpson UMC in Arvada, CO) and Rev. John Miyahara (UMC Navy Chaplain in San Diego, CA) will facilitate “Secret Harvests: A Hidden Story of Separation and the Resilience of a Family Farm” by David Mas Masumoto. We will gather virtually on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM. (PST). Below is our reading schedule:

Tuesday (1/21)
Parts 1 and 2
Tuesday (1/28)
Parts 3 and 4
Tuesday (2/11)
Parts 5 and 6
Tuesday (2/25)
Parts 7 and 8

Click here to join the Zoom link.

Books are on sale in the Church Office for $15.00 or you are free to purchase online at

Volunteers finish packing baked goods.

Blaine’s Benefit Sukiyaki NominationsDue Weds. Jan. 22, 2025

Blaine Memorial UMC’s Annual Sukiyaki will be on Saturday, March 1, 2025. Currently, the Sukiyaki Committee is seeking nominations for a beneficiary for the upcoming Sukiyaki event. Please submit a brief description of your recommended beneficiary recipient to the Church Office by Wednesday, January 22, 2025 (for review and approval by Ad Board). Beneficiary Nominations Forms are available in the Church Office.

If you have any questions, please contact Yuki Sofronas at our Church Office.

Prayer and Coffee • Wednesday, January 22, 2025 

Join Rev. Karen for prayer and community on Wednesday (1/22/25) at 9:00AM on Zoom. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Hope to see you on Wednesday.

Video: “A Season of Stewardship: Blaine Memorial UMC Supports Kimball Elementary”

With challenges such as food insecurity, a harsh economy, and homelessness, Blaine Memorial UMC has teamed with Kimball Elementary School to provide dinners through Thanksgiving Meals and presents through the Giving Tree.

Several members of the Blaine Memorial UMC Community, including its Blaine Youth Group (BYG), share what makes this lay-led ministry vital to the families in the neighborhood.

Visit our Original Videos page to view this story and more!

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Jan. 26: 120th and 121st Anniversary Sunday Service and Potluck! Comments Off on Jan. 26: 120th and 121st Anniversary Sunday Service and Potluck!

Jan. 26: 120th and 121st Anniversary Sunday Service and Potluck!

Posted by on Jan 3, 2025 in Archives, Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Prayer, Sunday Worship

120th and 121st Anniversary Sunday Service and Potluck

On January 26, 2025, Blaine Memorial UMC will have a 120th anniversary Sunday service with special guests from our past to celebrate and reflect on its 120-year history and look forward to its further growth and development into the next 120 years of service in love.  

After the service there will be a potluck gathering and program with exhibits, entertainment, reunions with friends and family, and an honoring of church members who are 88+ years old.  

Please join us for the culminating celebration of our 120th anniversary and start of our 121st year!  We look forward to celebrating with all our members new and old and our many community friends to remember and renew our connections into the future. Please bring a potluck dish to share. All are welcome.

Worship begins at 10am in the Sanctuary.

1905 Seattle Japanese Methodist Episcopal Church

1918 Sunday School

1925 Junior Church

Circa 1930 Sunday School

1941 Congregation

1967 Easter — Congregation

2024 Congregation. Photo by Kai Yamamoto with Aiden Lew.

Contact the Church Office for more information.

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Innovation Hub Update Comments Off on Innovation Hub Update

Innovation Hub Update

Posted by on Mar 11, 2024 in Archives, Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Congregational Care, Giving, Innovation Hub, Lenten Season, Prayer, Service Opportunities, Small Groups, Spiritual Formation, Weekly Calendar

Last year at the Day of Remembrance Part II, members of Blaine Memorial UMC caravaned to the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Wash. The solidarity with the Japanese American community and those who are in the NWDC link the past and present injustices, drew attention to worsening conditions inside NWDC.

(Above) At the 2023 Day of Remembrance, a “Never Again is Now” banner adorned by colorful tsuru (origami cranes) reminds event attendees that the history of Executive Order 9066 and Japanese American incarceration still matter today.

Reflections on historical community ties

By Lynne Onishi

Recently, I reconnected with a friend from high school. We hadn’t seen each other in nearly 10 years, and I was fascinated to hear about all the life he had lived since. My friend explained how he had studied history in college out of a deep curiosity about the past but ended up uncovering so many stories that the world needs to hear today. I haven’t stopped thinking about this. In the last couple of years, I’ve been doing more history-focused reading, hoping to uncover some kind of truth that will help me make sense of my life now. I think a similar phenomenon also connects people of faith to our sacred texts and traditions. We return to the rituals and readings from so long ago, knowing that God is somehow still speaking through these ancient stories.

This is a time of year when so many of us look back into our history and let those stories inform our lives today. In February, we celebrate Black History Month and lift up the Black stories and individuals who have shaped our present and continue to pave the way for our future. In 2024, we celebrate African Americans and the arts. On February 19th we observed the Day of Remembrance, the anniversary of President Roosevelt’s signing of Executive Order 9066. In the Japanese American community, we honor our ancestors, tell their stories, educate the public, speak up so that this never happens to marginalized people today.

And at Blaine Memorial UMC, we’re spending the whole year celebrating 120 years of ministry! Now, I’ve only been around for a small portion of this history. But as I hear more stories from our past, I have started to piece together a larger tapestry of the ways this community has touched the lives of many. And I’m finding new ways that my personal and family stories intertwine with the story of Blaine Memorial UMC. Perhaps this is true for you, too. Our community’s history tells us not only how we became who we are today, but we can also let our past inform who we will become.

The IH and RM teams are always looking for new folks to join us. If you feel called to lend your voice to these important ministries, we invite you to join us at our next team zoom meeting. Please contact Lynne or any of the other team members for more information.

Questions? Send an email.

Lynne Onishi is the director of the Blaine Youth Group and serves on the Reconciling Ministries Team.


Order Easter Lillies Today!

Download the PDF form and print at home. Forms are needed by Sunday, March 24.

Read the latest issue of the Beacon!

Our February-March issue of the Beacon newsletter is ready for view. The March 2024 issue will be available very soon with more of the great news and insights Blaine Memorial UMC has to offer!

You can access past issues in our archive.

Wednesday Meditation & Prayer • Every Wednesday

The Wednesday Prayer group continues to meet each week. Our time together consists of a check-in question centering around United Methodist Founder John Wesley’s famous question, “How is it with your soul?” Our time together continues with a few readings from The Upper Room Magazine. Finally, we end our time together with a pastoral prayer. Join us!

Lent Book Studies

The Third Day: Living the Resurrection Lenten Book Study

This year’s All Church Lenten study is The Third Day: Living the Resurrection by Tom Berlin and Mark A. Miller. Just us in this Zoom study on Tuesdays at 7:00PM, which is being facilitated by Rev. Mia MiKyung Park and Rev. Karen Yokota Love. The link will be emailed prior to the meeting date. We will also meet on the remainig Tuesdays: 3/12, and 3/19 to discuss each chapter. 

The Office is selling The Third Day: Living the Resurrection books for $14.00 and the Leader Guide is $12.00. You are welcome to buy the book in the Office and read with your small groups. 

In The Third Day: Living the Resurrection, Tom Berlin uses his storytelling gifts and scriptural understanding to connect readers to the experiences of individuals around Jesus in his final days. The focus is on new life and redemption rather than loss.

Come and journey with characters like Peter, Mary Magdalene, and Thomas as they experience the despair of losing Jesus and the surprise and joy that awaits them in the resurrection. This study will explore events around these characters, along with Paul and the disciples at Emmaus, and how the resurrection transforms their lives.

NJAUMC Lenten Book Study continues until March 25!

Join Rev. John Miyahara (UMC/US Navy Chaplain), Rev. Brian Lee (Simpson UMC), and members of the Japanese American United Methodist Caucus congregations in a 6-week Lenten book study. We are reading Savior: What the Bible Says about the Cross by Magrey DeVega. Books are $17.00 in the Church Office. Please note that reading the book isn’t required! Join us tomorrow, Monday, March 11 from 4:30-6:00 PM (Hawaii), 6:30-8:00 PM (Pacific) and 7:30-9:00 PM (Mountain). The study will conclude on Mon., March 25.

Educational Scholarships 2024, Apply Now! • Due May 15, 2024

The Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church Educational Scholarships are designed to support the mission of the church through supporting a multitude of educational opportunities. We are proud to have helped students in their pursuit of continuing education since 1968. We encourage all applicants; from those just entering their next phase of education to those returning to complete or pursue continued education.

We are blessed to offer the following scholarships:

  • Vera Ing Scholarship
  • Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church Scholarship
  • Yasuda Scholarship
  • William S. Yorozu Scholarship
  • Robert S. Sato Scholarship

Applications are available through emailing Blaine Scholarships or through the church office. All scholarships will consider, but are not limited to, elements such as grades (if applicable), personal essay, church participation and finances. Applications and two (2) letters of recommendation must be received no later than May 15, 2024 for consideration.

We are looking forward to applicants excited about pursuing their education.

Stay connected with Blaine Memorial on Facebook!

February-March 2024 Calendar

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Fourth Sunday of Epiphany, 120th Anniversary Sunday Comments Off on Fourth Sunday of Epiphany, 120th Anniversary Sunday

Fourth Sunday of Epiphany, 120th Anniversary Sunday

Posted by on Jan 27, 2024 in Archives, Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Congregational Care, Giving, Innovation Hub, Pastors' Columns, Prayer, Service Opportunities, Small Groups, Spiritual Formation, Sunday Worship, Weekly Calendar

All are Welcome!

  • Fourth Sunday of Epiphany, 120th Anniversary Sunday
  • January 28, 2024 • 10:00am
  • Hybrid Worship
  • Thank you to Sharon Maeda for providing today’s altar flowers!
  • Continue scrolling of view the print version of the bulletin.

Order of Worship

How Majestic Is Your Name
By Michael W. Smith
Kathy Onishi
Welcome of Grace and Greeting 
Rev. Karen Yokota Love 
Call to Worship 
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Opening Hymn
Holy, Holy. Holy (UMH #64) 
Eugene Onishi and Kathy Onishi
Opening Prayer 
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
Scripture Reading 
Romans 5:2-5 (NRSVUE, JLB)
Tsutomu Nagoya and Gail Nomura
Children’s Message
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
Special Music 
For Everyone Born
By Shirley Erena Murray, Brian Mann, Tom Trenney
Blaine Memorial UMC Choir 
Go Forth in Faith 
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Video Presentation 
Go Forth in Faith: Remembering the First 120 Years of Blaine Memorial UMC
Gail Nomura and Dale Kaneko
Celebrating our 88+ Church Members 
Revs. Karen, Mia with Rev. Dr. Jeney
Remembering Our 88+ Saints
Introduction to the Offering 
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings 
Kathy Onishi
Prayer of Dedication 
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Closing Hymn 
We Are the Church
(UMH #558) 
Kathy Onishi
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Great Is The Lord 
By Michael W. Smith
and Deborah D. Smith 
Kathy Onishi
Passing of the Peace 
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Zoom Breakout Room 
Rev. Dr. Jeney Park-Hearn

Daily Lectionary Readings

Sunday, January 28
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Psalm 111; 1 Corinthians 8:1-13: Mark 1:21-28
Monday, January 29
Psalm 35:1-10; Numbers 22: 1-21; Acts 21:17-26
Tuesday, January 30
Psalm 35:1-10; Numbers 22:22-28; 1 Corinthians 7:32-40
Wednesday, January 31
Psalm 35:1-10
Jeremiah 29: 1-14; 
Mark 5:1-20
Thursday, February 1
Psalm 147: 1-11, 20c; 
Proverbs 12:10-21; Galatians 5:2-15
Friday, February 2
Presentation of the Lord
Malachi 3:1-4; Psalm 84 or Psalm 24:7-10; Hebrews 2:14-18;  Luke 2:22-40; Psalm 147: 1-11, 20c; Job 36:1-23; 1 Corinthians 9:1-16
Saturday February 3
Psalm 147: 1-11, 20c; Isaiah 46:1-13; Matthew 12: 9-14


Wednesday Meditation & Prayer • January 31 at 9am

The Wednesday Prayer group continues to meet each week. Our time together consists of a check-in question centering around United Methodist Founder John Wesley’s famous question, “How is it with your soul?” Our time together continues with a few readings from The Upper Room Magazine. Finally, we end our time together with a pastoral prayer. Join us!

RM Book Study Kickoff – Sunday, February 4

This Spring, the Reconciling Team invites you to participate in a new Book Study Group! We’ll read and discuss Outside the Lines by author and Pastor Mihee Kim-Kort. Learn more at our kickoff meeting on Sunday, February 4 after worship service. If you would like to participate in the study but cannot make it to the kickoff meeting, please let us know. Contact Lynne Onishi with questions:

Last year at the Day of Remembrance Part II, members of Blaine Memorial UMC caravaned to the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Wash. The solidarity with the Japanese American community and those who are in the NWDC link the past and present injustices, drew attention to worsening conditions inside NWDC. Photo by Ryan Kozu.

Day of Remembrance 2024 “Remember & Resist”

Sunday, February 18, 1:00 – 3:30 pm (One event at TWO sites)

Washington State Fairgrounds’ Agriplex
5th St SW, Puyallup, WA 98371
1:00 – 1:45pm
Northwest Detention Center
1623 E J Street, Tacoma, WA 98421
2:30 – 3:30 pm

February 19, 2024 will mark 82 years since the signing of Executive Order 9066, ordering the forced removal and mass incarceration of Japanese Americans on the West Coast. Most Japanese Americans in the Seattle area spent their first few months in detention at the Puyallup Assembly Center, ironically nicknamed “Camp Harmony.” It’s now the site of the State fairgrounds.

The trauma of family separation, child imprisonment, poor sanitation, bad food, inadequate health care, and uncertain futures CONTINUES today at Northwest Detention Center (NWDC) in Tacoma, just a 20 minute drive from Puyallup. NWDC is a private prison with capacity to hold 1500 immigrants, but Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) is secretive and never disclose how many are incarcerated or who they are. We know most are from Mexico, Central & South America, Southeast Asia, India, Africa and the Middle East who seek asylum and opportunity in the US.

Conditions inside are horrific; detainees often hold long hunger strikes demanding humane treatment and their legal rights. There were 7 last year and another in January. This private for profit prison in our state must shut down.

Join us to hear from incarceration survivors at both Puyallup and Tacoma – Japanese American camp survivors and people recently detained at NWDC. There will be Taiko! When we raise the roof with drums and voices, those held inside know they are not forgotten.

Please come to both parts of this important event – we will remember our past AND speak out for the rights of others.

Organized by Tsuru for Solidarity, La Resistencia, Puyallup and Seattle chapters of the JACL, Minidoka Pilgrimage Planning Committee, and Densho. For more information, media inquiries, and to find out about volunteer opportunities email

Sukiyaki Dinner Returns!

Saturday, March 2, 2024 • Blaine Memorial UMC

More information to come!

Afghanistan and Ukranian Refugee Donation Ministry

At this time, needed items include women’s products, toothpaste, personal care items, rice cookers, blenders, mixing bowls, microwave ovens, toasters, mixers, irons, dish sets, towels, and blankets. No to clothes or toys.

Blaine Memorial UMC Collection Hours: Tuesday-Friday between 10:00AM-4:00PM. Call the Church Office at (206) 723-1536 prior to dropping off your items.

South King County Response Center Collection Volunteer Hours: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10:00AM-2:00PM, same time as the Tukwila Pantry at 3118 S. 140th St. Seattle. Please text Kim Parks at (206) 683-1707 when you would like to help. Please wear a mask and bring a marking pen and measuring tape if possible. Other Questions? Please contact Donna Sekijima at: and/or Anne Arakaki-Lock at:

The Beacon is now available!

View the Jan-Feb 2024 Calendar

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Senior Pastor News Comments Off on Senior Pastor News

Senior Pastor News

Posted by on Dec 1, 2023 in Archives, Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Congregational Care, Innovation Hub, Pastors' Columns, Prayer, Sermons, Service Opportunities, Small Groups, Spiritual Formation

Lynne Onishi, Arlene Naganawa, Dale Watanabe, and the Rev. Karen Yokota Love celebrate Blaine Memorial’s entrance into the Reconciling Ministries Network.

A time of waiting, expecting, hoping

By the Rev. Karen Yokota Love

I grew up and lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for 30 years of my life. If you’ve ever visited San Francisco, you’ve probably looked across the Bay and have spotted that famous prison, Alcatraz, sitting on a big rock in the middle of the water. 

As a San Francisco Bay Area native, I would never visit Alcatraz on my own. It was one of those places that you’d visit if you had a guest visiting from out of town. One night, we decided to venture out on the “Alcatraz Night Tour.” That night, I remember the guide talking and naming a liturgy of facts as tourists past barred windows, and slowly walked down a concrete hallway to a cell used for solitary confinement. After our group entered the cell, we stood shoulder to shoulder. The guide closed the door to the cell and suddenly, POOF … all the light vanished. It was pitch black.

What seemed like minutes in the dark was just a few seconds. Everyone waited expectantly, quietly, and was surprised by the absence of light. 

When the door finally opened, the light poured in, and people smiled. For the first time on the tour, people looked at each other. Nervous laughter masked the relief to be back in the light. It’s amazing how solitary that confinement can be, even with other people standing right next to you. The light makes all the difference in the world. 

The Rev. Karen welcomes attendees to Blaine Memorial UMC.

Advent is here, and we begin the Christian year anew with a season of waiting. As the days grow darker, we draw closer to the arrival of the Light that turns the world upside down—or right-side up! The journey toward and beyond the manger is one of reversing expectations, encountering what we thought we already knew in brand new ways, and receiving good news in unexpected places. So, with one foot in the prophets and another in the Gospels, we journey together as our spirit waits to welcome the Christ child and carry hope, peace, joy and love as we live as disciples who anticipate the now-and-not-yet kin-dom of God.

Candles on the second Sunday of Advent.

If you want to see what Jesus means in your life, just imagine a time without him. Have you ever had that time in your life? A time before Jesus existed for you? A time before you knew about the light of the world? Was it as dark as an Alcatraz-style of solitary confinement, even though there were other people around? 

Imagine a time before Jesus was born. Where was the hope for the world? Where was the joy? Where was the focus on love and forgiveness? There really was a time before Jesus, a time when the world was waiting, expecting, and hoping. 

I’ll tell you something special. During this Advent season, while I continue to watch and wait for Jesus’s love, I am continuing to celebrate the recent unanimous vote that Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church took early in November to proclaim that we are now a Reconciling Ministries church. I’m so thrilled about this proclamation, that it brings great hope for me (see page 8).

I also saw great light this past weekend when we participated in the Greening the Church for Advent. With the beautiful wreaths and swag around the campus, the sparkly snowflakes in our sanctuary windows and the blue tulle hanging in our sanctuary, I’m feeling more prepared for Advent.

During this season of Advent, we wait and expect and hope for the coming of Jesus, while much of the world around us remains in the dark. Let’s walk in that darkness together. Let’s discover a new beginning and a new relationship with the Divine as we prepare for Jesus’s birth. Here are ways in which you can spend your Advent with us at Blaine Memorial UMC. You are invited to join us in any and in all these spaces:

Our children performed during their annual Christmas play on December 10.

On Sunday, December 10, at 10am, we celebrated Jesus’ birth as we witnessed our children and youth perform in a special Christmas Play. This video is available at!

  • On Sunday, December 17, at 10am, we’ll jam to festive Christmas music both with Christmas hymns and secular music on Christmas Music Sunday featuring our talented Blaine Memorial Choir, B.U.G.S., soloists, and special music from our young adults. 
  • On Wednesday, December 20, at 7pm, we will have our Blue Christmas/Longest Night Service that is designed to provide space for prayer, reflection, and remembrance for those who are grieving during this holiday season. 
  • On Sunday, December 24, we will have one worship service at 10am, where we are celebrating the Fourth Sunday of Advent with Christmas music and a 5pm Christmas Eve Lesson and Carols Candlelight Service. 

As Christians, the center of our holiday season is the light of the world, an infant named Jesus, bringing peace. Take a moment and consider: What are the ways you will choose to focus on Jesus this season? How will you grow in your knowledge of him? How will you show those around you the difference he has made to you and to the world? Why not invite others to be part of your Christmas and help them grow as well. May the peace of God and the joy of the season illumine your heart and lead you to the heart of God, who has chosen to become one of us as Emmanuel — God with us. God wants to know our sorrows and brokenness. Happy Advent and Merry Christmas!

 As we wait, we prepare and stay vigilant, continue to be the hope and love in the world! Seek the light in those dark places. 

The Rev. Karen Yokota Love serves as Senior Pastor of Blaine Memorial UMC.

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