On July 18 and 19, the Reconciling Ministries (RM) team hosted a virtual film screening event. Using Zoom to bring everyone together, we watched the documentary film “UnUnited: Fighting for LGBTQ Inclusion in the United Methodist Church” and had a discussion about the film and our own experiences in the UMC. The documentary follows the story of several faith leaders as they head into the historic 2019 general conference of the UMC. These pastors guide us through the history of LGBTQ+ exclusion in the denomination since 1972, and they offer context as the film crew captures footage from the 2019 conference.
After watching the one-hour film, we stayed after to reflect on what we learned. We shared questions about the future of the denomination and the future of our beloved church. It was a beautiful expression of our community coming together to share stories of hope, despair, grief, curiosity, and support for one another.
If you’d like to see more virtual film events in the future, let us know! Contact Lynne Onishi or anyone on the RM Team with comments and suggestions.
Thank you VBS leaders, participants, parents, and attendees! During the week of Vacation Bible School, volunteers gathered every morning for devotion and prayer. It was a truly humbling experience to serve alongside a diverse group of individuals, both seen and unseen, who dedicated their time and efforts to this year’s VBS. The collective contribution of these volunteers was instrumental in creating a memorable and impactful event.
There were countless individuals who played vital roles behind the scenes, working hard to bring everything together. From the talented hands that crafted the decorations, including the food truck, to those diligently creating the daily special signs and lending their fish kites, their selfless acts of service were evident. Additionally, there were those who generously donated decorations, and others who invested their time and energy into setting up the gym. The commitment and dedication of various leaders and volunteers were one of the main strengths at our VBS. Station leaders, section leaders, shepherds, lunch chefs, and those involved in making name tags and sending out communication emails, all played crucial roles in the smooth operation of each day’s activities. It truly took a village to serve VBS.
As the days progressed, it was amazing to witness the transformation of the children, particularly the younger ones, as they engaged and interacted with their peers. VBS provided a nurturing environment where they could grow, learn, and connect with one another. The seeds of faith and friendship were sown, and it was a joy to see these young hearts blossom as they participated in various activities and embraced the teachings.
Reflecting on VBS 2023, I am reminded of Psalm 126:5-6, which beautifully captures the essence of our experience: “May those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy. Those who go out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, carrying their sheaves.” I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve and be a part of VBS 2023. The collective efforts of volunteers, the enthusiasm of the children, and the blessings we experienced have left an indelible mark on my heart. May the spirit of VBS continue to inspire and uplift us, as we carry the lessons learned and the joy shared into our lives beyond this memorable week.
The Rev. Mia MiKyung Park serves as the Associate Pastor of Blaine Memorial UMC.
Thank you for your continuous love and support. This year, we sent eight campers along with two adult chaperones to Junior High Camp, and six campers and two adult chaperones to Asian Camp! We could not do this without you! Thank you for buying our bake sale goods, candles, cards, donating, and praying for us.
Year after year, youth continue to look forward to camp – a space to grow spiritually and strengthen bonds with friends from Blaine Memorial and churches in Oregon and California. Youth participated in a variety of activities including worship, small groups, and games with fellow youth around the same age.
Parents also look forward to sending their kids to camp. They know it’s a space where their kids are cared for and will make memories to cherish forever. As our youth are already preparing to attend camp next year, we are starting to plan more fundraisers to support our youth to attend camp! Please look out for future fundraisers in the coming months! Thank you so much for your love and support!
Kai Yamamoto serves as an Associate Co-Director for the Blaine Youth Group.
As we progress through the summer, the Blaine Youth Group has been taking a break from our regular Sunday morning meetings. Although we have not been meeting on Sundays, our youth have been able to gather and fellowship together!
Prior to BYG’s summer break and youth leaving for Junior High Camp, BYG gathered one last time to fellowship and prepare for the summer!
This past June, we sent eight youth to JHC, where they were able to spend a week together growing and developing their faith together at Camp Lodestar in California.
Our BYG also helped at Vacation Bible School this year! They did a wonderful job guiding the campers in their faith journeys and walked alongside Jesus throughout the week. At VBS, the youth could be found shepherding and helping as station teachers.
BYG also held a room cleanup day! We gathered the youth together for fellowship and clean the BYG room as we prepare for next year. It is always great to start the new year with a clean room! We organized several different drawers and bins. We also vacuumed and cleaned the furniture and floors to give us a fresh start for the new year of BYG!
BYG is also planning a Bake Sale this August! As the youth are already preparing to go to camp next summer, the funds from this bake sale will help provide the youth and their families an opportunity for them to go to camp! Thank you for all your support and we hope to see you at the bake sale!
As fall is rapidly approaching, the BYG leadership team will be preparing for the next school year. Like last year, the leadership team will gather for a retreat to reflect on past years of BYG and begin plan for this next year of BYG. BYG leaders will continue to meet throughout this summer and brainstorm ideas for future BYG nights and events.
BYG will not meet on Sunday mornings throughout the month of August. We encourage youth and families to attend worship together at 10:00am in-person or via live stream!
Blaine Youth Group (BYG) is a place where youth (6th-12th grade) are invited into a loving community and celebrated as they are. BYG provides a safe environment for youth to build lasting friendships, grow spiritually, learn acceptance of self and others, express compassion for the world, and develop a love for God and neighbor. BYG has a space for any person who is interested.
Director of Youth Ministry: Lynne Onishi, lynneonishi@gmail.com; Associate Directors of Youth Ministry: Kai Yamamoto, kai.yamamo@gmail.com and Kaylee Yokoyama, kaylee.yokoyama1@gmail.com
By Rev. Karen Yokota Love, additional photos by Ryan Kozu, Roger Tanioka, and Kai Yamamoto
Jesus came and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “Don’t be afraid.” When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus. Matthew 17:7-8
We are deep into the summer months now as we approach mid-August. For many people it is a time of rest and relaxation, some are enjoying the last few days of vacation, and, for some, school is beginning.
Why do we look forward to vacations so much? Even if we enjoy our regular routine, whether at home, school, or in the office, we also enjoy doing different and fun experiences. We even use an interesting word to describe these events. We call them, “recreational.”
As I reflect on that word, recreation, it means to “re-create” or “create anew.” It implies that what is being re–created in your life is, well … in need of it! After all, things wear down, and our own energy and spirit can wear down over time as well. A few days away from our usual daily routine can help us develop a different overall perspective that can come from a relaxing time at the beach, or a hike to see a beautiful and scenic mountainside, or just about any great vacation place.
Even staying at home for a “staycation” can help! Matthew 17:7-8 offers something that will never fade, never diminish, and never wear down. Jesus knows his disciples are about to enter a secular world to bring the message of salvation and love to a sometimes, hostile world. Jesus knows it will be hard and stressful work at times. He wants them to rely on something that will always be at full strength for them wherever they are.
Jesus took several of his closest friends to a mountaintop and was transfigured before them. No one today knows exactly what happened, but the testimony of his disciples was that it was wonderful. They never forgot it and it stayed with them for the rest of their lives. Jesus replicated that event through the holy ritual of Holy Communion. Jesus continues to be the daily bread that sustains the disciples in all of their future adventures – no matter how stressful.
The very best “re-creation” comes from time spent with Our Lord! We had the opportunity to recreate ministry adventures this summer and bring a new twist on everything!
Many of our youth went to Jr. High Camp and Asian Camp and had a wonderful time connecting with new and old friends while growing deep in their faith with Christ. I’m also grateful for a wonderful week of Vacation Bible School (VBS) which proved to be another successful year with this year’s theme, “Food Truck Party.”
I also had the opportunity to serve as a faith leader at this year’s Minidoka Pilgrimage. Around 250 pilgrims journeyed to Twin Falls, ID, 131 miles southeast of Boise. The three-day event consisted of educational lectures, and workshops at the College of Southern Idaho. We shared meals and made new friends. On Saturday, we hopped on charter buses to visit the Minidoka Incarceration site in Hunt, ID. Stories were told – tragic stories, as well as stories of great healing. Today, the site continues to hold a mixture of memories and strong emotions – feelings of denial, distrust, shame. There is also a keen sense of joy and recognition of community and love who care for each other. This year’s pilgrimage theme was grounded with the question, “What kind of ancestors do we want to be?” (The typography on the front cover is created by Artist and Designer Erin Shigaki.)
The pilgrimage was attended by former incarcerees, their family members, friends, and allies. It offers an opportunity to safely revisit the land and the memories amidst family, friends, supporters, and National Park Service officials. On the final day of the pilgrimage, the National Park Services unveiled a revamped Honor Roll of those who were incarcerated who served in the military. The Honor Roll listed an additional 150 names. We also learned about the existential threat that Minidoka currently faces from the massive Lava Ridge wind farm. If the wind farm is built, it will destroy the sacred land of Minidoka and that could erase the preservation and sacredness of the site.
At the end of July, I was honored to serve as the primary speaker at the NCJCCF Zephyr Point Church Retreat at Lake Tahoe, NV. I spent a week guiding 50 participants through a journey about aging. Aging can happen through three areas of life that we all need to face which encompasses moving through our grief, having gratitude, and seeing God’s grace. The week was woven together with pilgrims’ faith journey stories, golfing, swimming, line dancing, learning about other church ministries, Japanese card making, and learning how to use the Apple iMovie software program to create and edit video! Blaine’s very own Dale Kaneko taught the group how to use iMovie and folks were asked to create 30-second videos. The week proved to be a time to get deep with our small group friends, and closer to Christ, and, of course, to have fun!
As we look towards autumn, I’m excited to announce that we’re having our well-known and much anticipated Blaine Memorial Bazaar! This year’s Bazaar is on Saturday, October 7, from 11am-5pm. We’ll have our favorites which include BBQ chicken, udon, curry, baked goods and a Farmer’s Market.
Among my prayers this month is for August to be a month of summer blessings. May your time with each other be relaxing and joyful. May the arrival of autumn also be a time of celebration and hope.
The Rev. Karen Yokota Love serves as the Senior Pastor of Blaine Memorial UMC.