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Spiritual Formation Center Comments Off on Spiritual Formation Center

Spiritual Formation Center

Posted by on Jan 29, 2024 in Church News & Events, Congregational Care, Prayer, Spiritual Formation, Weekly Calendar

In 2024, what are spiritual practices will you implement that improve faith?

This year, nothing is wasted

By Anne Arakaki-Lock

“Nothing is wasted with God.” 

I know you’ve heard this somewhere, so I can’t take credit for it. 

Every moment of our past, including mine – the unfinished projects, criticisms, rejections, wins and losses – led me to where I am this January 2024. It’s a powerful belief that I’m going to try to remember as I start off this new year. You see, I reviewed my 2023 resolutions and realized that I had not achieved all my goals. I also ruminated over rough spots I experienced, including losses, sadness, and illness. There were promises I made to people that I have yet to fulfill. How easily I can disappoint myself and others. Say and do the “wrong” thing. 

But instead of getting down on myself, I am going to ask God for forgiveness where it’s due, then accept things just where they are. I don’t like having anxiety, fears, and regrets. I’ve been gifted a new year, a new dawn as I walk alongside Jesus on my journey. 

My pain, the skeletons, my woes, along with all the good stuff from this past year and beyond, have led me to where I am now. I know that all of this can lead me to that deep, perfect plan that God has for me. In fact, I trust that God’s plan for all my kids, my husband, and friends, for all of creation, for all of you readers, is perfect. 

I am so incredibly thankful for God’s grace, His faithfulness and willingness to take on my brokenness for me to be transformed and reborn with a deeper understanding of love and joy. It feels good to start off my new year again knowing this. I pray, Holy Spirit, that you etch this acceptance on my heart. 

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.

Anne Arakaki-Lock serves as a member of Blaine Memorial UMC’s Congregational Care Ministry.

Lectionary Epiphany

Second Sunday after the Epiphany 
January 14, 2024 
1 Samuel 3:1-10, (11-20) Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18, 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, John 1:43-51
Third Sunday after the Epiphany 
January 21, 2024 
Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Psalm 62:5-12, 1 Corinthians 7:29-31, Mark 1:14-20
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany 
January 28, 2024   
Deuteronomy 18:15-20, Psalm 111, 1 Corinthians 8:1-13, Mark 1:21-28
Presentation of the Lord 
February 2, 2024 
Malachi 3:1-4, Psalm 84 or Psalm 24:7-10, Hebrews 2:14-18, Luke 2:22-40
Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany 
February 4, 2024 
Isaiah 40:21-31, Psalm 147:1-11, 20c, 1 Corinthians 9:16-23, Mark 1:29-39
Transfiguration Sunday 
February 11, 2024 (Last Sunday before Lent) 
2 Kings 2:1-12, Psalm 50:1-6, 2 Corinthians 4:3-6, Mark 9:2-9

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Associate Pastor’s Spiritual Reflection Comments Off on Associate Pastor’s Spiritual Reflection

Associate Pastor’s Spiritual Reflection

Posted by on Jan 29, 2024 in Church News & Events, Congregational Care, Pastors' Columns, Prayer, Spiritual Formation, Weekly Calendar

The Rev. John Go, Gloria, Grace, and the Rev. Mia MiKyung Park

Let Me be Full, Let Me be Empty!

By the Rev. Mia MiKyung Park

As we approach the farewell to 2023 and usher in the new year of 2024, the words of John Wesley’s Covenant Prayer echo in my mind.

“I am no longer my own, but yours. Put me to what you will, place me with whom you will. Put me to doing, put me to suffering. Let me be put to work for you or set aside for you. Praised for you or criticized for you. Let me be full, let me be empty. Let me have all things, let me have nothing. I freely and fully surrender all things to your glory and service. And now, O wonderful and holy God, Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, you are mine, and I am yours. So be it. And the covenant which I have made on earth, let it also be made in heaven. Amen.”

Derived from the Puritan tradition, this John Wesley’s Covenant Prayer is traditionally recited during Watch Night services, signifying a moment of remembrance and the renewal of the baptismal covenant. It encapsulates the essence of the Jesus way – a path of self-giving and self-emptying love, acknowledging our complete dependence on God in our faith journey.

Typically, each member of my family establishes three to four resolutions every year and shares them as we sit together after breakfast on New Year’s Day. Additionally, we review the previous year’s resolutions. The year 2023 has been one of personal and spiritual growth for me, and I am deeply grateful for the experiences and lessons it has brought. Also, 2023 has been a juxtaposed year; as much as I experienced and was challenged to find internal peace, the world has been in deep chaos and disturbance from wars, conflicts, disasters, etc. In these juxtaposed times, I am grounded in the words from Jesus in John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

Looking forward to 2024, my primary resolution is to embrace a simpler life, one that resonates with the principles embedded in John Wesley’s Covenant Prayer. Simplicity is not just about decluttering physical spaces but extends to decluttering the mind and heart, focusing on what truly matters in life. In a world often defined by materialism and constant busyness, simplicity becomes a counter-cultural choice. It involves intentionally choosing a life that is less about accumulating possessions and more about cultivating meaningful connections, both with others and with the divine. What truly matters in my life, and how can I align my actions with these values? It might mean letting go of unnecessary commitments, decluttering spaces that no longer serve a purpose, and prioritizing activities and relationships that bring joy, growth, richness, and fulfillment.

Also, simplicity relates to the wisdom and reflection of saying ‘no.’ In a society that glorifies busyness and productivity, the ability to decline unnecessary obligations becomes a powerful act of self-care. By recognizing my limitations and setting boundaries, I want to create space for what truly enriches my life in which “I am no longer mine but thine.”

Furthermore, embracing simplicity invites a deepened spiritual awareness. It encourages a closer connection with the divine, slowing down, being mindful of the present moment, here and now, and finding gratitude in the simple pleasures of life.

As I embark on this journey towards a simpler life in 2024, I am mindful of the challenges that may arise. However, the foundation laid by John Wesley’s Covenant Prayer reminds me of the transformative power of surrender and trust in God’s grace and leaning on God’s faithfulness and goodness. The memorization of Church School in January is Jeremiah 33:3: “Call to me, and I will answer you and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.”

As we step into the unknown of 2024, let us be open and mindful of the great and hidden things that God will show us and does within and amongst us. May the coming year be a journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and a deepened relationship with God and our loved ones. Wishing you a blessed and abundant new year!

The Rev. Mia MiKyung Park serves as the Associate Pastor of Blaine Memorial UMC.

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Innovation Hub Update Comments Off on Innovation Hub Update

Innovation Hub Update

Posted by on Jan 29, 2024 in Church News & Events, Innovation Hub, Sermons, Service Opportunities, Small Groups, Spiritual Formation, Weekly Calendar

Blaine Memorial UMC celebrated becoming a part of the Reconciling Ministries Network on December 3, 2023.

What kind of legacy do we want to leave for future generations? 

By Lynne Onishi

December Recap

On Sunday, December 3, we gathered for a luncheon to celebrate our vote to become a Reconciling church! Thank you to all who helped put this spectacular lunch together! Later in the month, our young adults celebrated the festive holiday season at the Bellevue Botanical Garden’s holiday lights display. 

The end of the year is always a prime opportunity to reflect on what we’ve done and see how we might want to change things to better serve our congregation and community. Our Innovation Hub Committee met in December to reflect on our last year of ministry and discuss goals for 2024. We talked about the cycle of innovation and the importance of measuring and evaluating our work. We recalled all the joys and changes we’ve seen at the Church this past year, including Blaine’s recent affiliation with the Reconciling Ministries Network! Some highlights from the year were the “Reparations” film screening, the Kubota Garden spiritual walk, and the many beautiful hiking trips! 

A New Year

Personally, I have also been reflecting on my last year and the things I need to evaluate as an individual. I’ve never been someone who makes good on New Year’s resolutions, but I intend to start off the new year with a renewed approach to life. As I prepare for all that is to come in these next few months, I have found myself thinking back to January of last year and my immersion trip to San Antonio. This trip was an opportunity to learn about new ways of innovative ministry that often occur outside the walls of a church. We spoke with pastors, non-profit leaders, artists, and archivists who were reimagining church and community. So much of what we saw and experienced was relevant to this congregation and community I call home. 

As I prepare to return to San Antonio (this time as a leader for a new cohort of young people), I am wondering what new insights I’ll gather and bring home with me. I am also thinking about this concept of legacy, of passing on stories and wisdom to a new generation of young people. What will I want to pass down to the leaders here that come after me?

At the end of the month, this congregation will gather to celebrate 120 years of ministry! And with this anniversary approaching, I can’t help but think about the legacy of this Church. What kind of legacy do we want to leave for future generations? How will the choices we make now shape the stories that are told about us 120 years in the future? 

I’m excited for all the storytelling that comes with such an occasion! Though I’ve grown up in this congregation, I am still learning new stories about this community each day. I’m sure we’ll tell many stories about the history of this Church that will inform the future. This congregation has endured changes throughout the years and must continue to adapt as the lives of our community members and neighbors change. And only through honoring our past will we determine how best to move forward! Cheers to 120 years of ministry!

The Innovation Hub team and Reconciling Ministries Task Force are always looking for new folks to join us. If you feel called to lend your voice to these important ministries, we invite you to join us at our next team zoom meeting. Please contact Lynne or any of the other team members for more information.

Questions? Send an email to lynneonishi@gmail.com

Lynne Onishi serves as the Director for the Blaine Youth Group.

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Haiku & Senryu Comments Off on Haiku & Senryu

Haiku & Senryu

Posted by on Jan 29, 2024 in Church News & Events, Miscellaneous, Spiritual Formation, Weekly Calendar

Haiku and Senryu poems highlight community’s meaning of Christmas and more!

By Shig Nishida, photos by Yuki Sofronas

The first Blaine Memorial haiku/senryu contest was a resounding success. There were 36 entries and they were all winners. Since there were only six prizes, a jury of their peers had the difficult task of picking six “winners”. Congratulations to Kim Akimoto, Neal Komedal, Barbara Nagaoka, Gail Nomura, Lesley Okura, and Mike Takahashi.

Each winner received a gift card that is worth $25. One was for a gourmet ice cream and the rest is for Starbucks.

Congratulations to the winners and be sure to enter another poem for the next contest!

Honoring Blaine’s Creativity

Showing Compassion

(By Michelle Vaughan)

A Season of Joy

(By Linda Fazio)

(By Kathy Onishi)

Celebrating Christmas

Thrills of Victory

Shig Nishida is a member of Blaine Memorial UMC.

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BYG Update Comments Off on BYG Update

BYG Update

Posted by on Jan 29, 2024 in Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Prayer, Service Opportunities, Small Groups, Spiritual Formation, Weekly Calendar

BYG made and delivered spaghetti for Tent City 3. TC3 is located a block away from Blaine Memorial UMC.

BYG Ministry in ‘23 sets up impact for ‘24

By Kaylee Yokoyama

At this time of year we are all setting New Year resolutions by reflecting on the past year. As we reflect on BYG, this past year, BYG has engaged in various events and activities throughout 2023. 

We started off the year by fundraising through candle making. This was a time where the youth came together and taught one another how to make a candle. Also, BYG was fortunate enough to establish a relationship with Tent City 3. Throughout the year, BYG served food to Tent City 3 on multiple occasions, especially during times of need. The youth were able to support Tent City 3 through making blankets during the winter. Additionally, BYG was able to bring back many popular events such as overnighters and serving Easter breakfast. This is a time for youth and leaders to gather and spend time reflecting and have fun! 

BYG organized another Bake Sale to raise funds for Jr. High Camp and Asian Camp.

In the summer, we were able to send our youth to Junior High Camp and Asian Camp (a total of 15 youth!). Youth worked diligently to fund-raise for camping ministries through various activities. These included bake sales, candle making, and volunteering their time at receptions. Also during this time, our youth volunteered as leaders for VBS. It was amazing to see the youth grow from campers into stepping into these important leadership roles (WOW! Time flies!). 

BYG had a White Elephant gift exchange at a BYG Christmas party overnighter. Everyone had a marvelous time!

As we transitioned into Autumn, we brought back the Youth Booth for Bazaar. Some of our younger youth, who have never experienced working in the Youth booth, learned how to make their first Suno Dog! Transitioning to November, we participated in the famous Thanksgiving service project. Our youth made mashed potatoes and apple crisps by hand, for a total of 24 Kimball families! 

Finally, ending the year, our youth volunteered to participate in the various Christmas festivities at church. This included roles in the Christmas play and music ministries. Youth dedicated their time to showcase their performing talents for the congregation. We cannot thank the youth enough for all the talent they brought to us in the month of December. 

BYG constructed the Twelve Days of Christmas signs to accompany the Blaine Ukulele Group of Seattle’s musical performance for Christmas Music Sunday. The beautiful art work is designed by Ally S.

We have done so much this year! BYG thanks you for your continued support. Without congregational support, BYG would not be able to do all we have done. We look forward to this upcoming year, where we can continually showcase our talents and remain involved in the church community! 

Continue to check the church calendar and BYG weekly updates for events! 

BYG meets on Sundays at 10:00 AM. We will gather in the Sanctuary for the beginning of worship service before transitioning over to the Nishida Room for BYG time after the children’s message. Blaine Youth Group (BYG) is a place where youth (6th-12th grade) are invited into a loving community and celebrated as they are. 

BYG provides a safe environment for youth to build lasting friendships, grow spiritually, learn acceptance of self and others, express compassion for the world, and develop a love for God. BYG has a space for any person who is interested and all are welcome. 

Contact Information

Director of Youth Ministry:

Lynne Onishi


Associate Directors of Youth Ministry:

Kai Yamamoto and Kaylee Yokoyama

kai.yamamo@gmail.com, kaylee.yokoyama1@gmail.com

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Senior Pastor Reflection Comments Off on Senior Pastor Reflection

Senior Pastor Reflection

Posted by on Jan 29, 2024 in Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Pastors' Columns, Prayer, Sermons, Service Opportunities, Small Groups, Spiritual Formation, Weekly Calendar

The Blaine Memorial Staff celebrates Christmas with a surprise visit from Santa Claus after the Children’s Play.

Happy New Year: Arise and Shine!

By the Rev. Karen Yokota Love

Happy New Year, Beloved Community! Another year passed and a new year is in front of us. We concluded the Christmas season with the feast of Epiphany, a celebration of God’s glory revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. Isaiah, often referred to as the “prophet of hope,” invites us to “Arise and Shine.” What an invitation and command to hear, especially, as we start a new year! Thank you, Blaine, for a wonderful Christmas season. It was lovely to celebrate the season together with our full-fledged ministries on fire! 

Individually and collectively, we are called to arise and awaken spiritually from the slumber of complacency and the darkness of sin. We are called to open our eyes to God’s truth, God’s presence, and God’s guidance, lifting our eyes to see and experience the glory of the Lord.

Much like the wise people from the East, we are invited to follow the guiding light — moments of inspiration, encounters with wisdom, and signs of grace. Like the magi, we are invited on a spiritual journey, to offer our best talents, resources, time, and, most importantly, our hearts to God.

We are not who we were before the pandemic. We are not who we were even six months ago. To look to our past organization as a guide for the future would be a mistake; like putting new wine into old wineskins. Instead, as we continue the process of adaptive change as a community of faith, we become stronger, healthier, and better able to say “yes” to the life-giving ministries we are called to, and “no” to those things that suck the energy of the congregation without positive effect. Sometimes, these changes feel like they’re slower than molasses, and sometimes it feels as if they have been sprung upon us with no warning. As we look to a new year, we’ll continue to navigate new changes and new ministry offerings at Blaine Memorial.

The Young Adults gathered to have a Merry Swiftmas and celebrate Taylor Swift’s concert movie, “The Eras Tour”.

As we move into the new year, and feel the forward motion in our individual lives, I ask that you pray regularly and sincerely for the health and future of Blaine Memorial UMC. Pray for our Leadership Team. Pray for the new people finding their way into this congregation. Pray for the staff. Pray for me. Pray with joy and with concern. This is a beautiful and vigorous congregation, and I am absolutely inspired about our life together moving forward in 2024! It’s not always easy, but it is indeed always good. Just like God is always creating something new, so we, too, are renewed. Thanks be to God! 

Blessings to you all,

Rev. Karen

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