Church News & Events

Blaine Memorial 120th Anniversary Aprons! Comments Off on Blaine Memorial 120th Anniversary Aprons!

Blaine Memorial 120th Anniversary Aprons!

Posted by on Aug 12, 2024 in Church News & Events, Congregational Care, Giving

Hand-made commemorative aprons are now on sale!

Blaine Memorial 120th Anniversary Aprons!

Aprons commemorating our 120th Anniversary are now available! Suggested donation: $40 – contact the Church Office, today.

By Dale Kaneko, additional photos by Kim Akimoto

Our unique, one-of-a-kind 120th Anniversary aprons were created because of the generosity and foresight of Blaine’s former Tuesday Ladies Group. They saved their all-cotton bags that rice and sugar were sold in, having faith that one day in the future, they would somehow be put to good use. To make these aprons even more special, Glenn Mitsui’s 120th Anniversary logo was sewn onto each apron. 

With Nina Chinn’s inspiration and the skillful expertise of Carol Okano, apron sewing kits were distributed to our volunteer sewers. 

We now have a limited number of aprons available for sale. If you are interested in buying an apron, please call the Blaine Memorial UMC office with your request. They are $40 and you are welcome to pay more if you wish. Funds raised from these aprons will go towards our various 120th Anniversary projects. 

Please help us by keeping an eye out for any unwanted cotton rice bags when a garage or basement is being cleared out. You might find a gem, waiting to be re-made into an apron. 

These special Anniversary aprons are a practical reminder of the faith, strength and service of our ancestors these past 120 years. Let us continue to honor and embody their legacy by our actions and thoughts today. 

We are very grateful to be a part of Blaine’s faith family and to see God using and working through each one of us. We are so blessed and may we continue to be a blessing to others. Praise be to God!

Thank you to the wonderful sewers: 

  • Nina Chinn
  • Carol Kastrup
  • Miriam Tong
  • Pam Ikegami
  • Barbara Kanaya
  • Jana Wakasugi
  • Yuki Sofronas
  • Pam Yorozu
  • Kathy Onishi
  • Rachel Lim
  • Julie Shioshita
  • Marina Kozu
  • Donna Sekijima
  • Eunice Gong
  • Dale Kaneko
  • Carol Okano 

Thanks to our donors of additional rice bags:

  • Janet Kometani
  • Kristine Martin
  • Jana Wakasugi

Dale Kaneko is a member of Blaine Memorial UMC.


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Prayers and Coffee on Zoom • Wednesdays at 9am

Join Rev. Karen for prayer and community on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM on Zoom. Our time together consists of brief check-ins, devotionals, and prayers. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Feel free to bring a cup of coffee, tea, and a bite to eat. Hope to see you on Wednesday.

The Beacon is now available!

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Bookmark for more infomation!

Vacation Bible School 2024 Continues!

  • August 18

Theme: Operation Restoration – Mending God’s World Time: 10am to 12pm, including lunch

Location: BMUMC Church School Classrooms

Registration: $20 per Sunday per child, Additional Campers from same family $15. We will register your kiddo on the day of VBS. If you have not registered it is still not too late. We will continue to accept new registrations all the way up to the last day of VBS Sunday! Visit for registration!

Email: to enroll now!

Register here!

2024 Guatemala Mission Trip

From August 16 through August 24, a Blaine mission team (20 from Blaine Memorial and 3 from Mt. Vernon First UMC) will be going on a trip to Guatemala in Central America. We will be working mostly with the indigenous Mayan people near the town of Panajachel by Lake Atitlan with a UMC related organization, Mission Guatemala ( Mission Guatemala is “a faith-based 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to help meet the basic needs and improve the quality of life of under-served and impoverished Guatemalan peoples through health, education and nutrition initiatives and missionary service”. We will have a Vacation Bible School with crafts, games, lots of laughter and fun.

Our construction crew will help build a kitchen at the junior high school in Godinez. Our dental team will be serving Mission Guatemala’s scholarship children at the medical clinic in San Andres, Semetabaj. Most of all, we will be building friendships with the missionaries and staff at Mission Guatemala, with the local families living in the area, and with our team members. We are excited about the opportunity to share and receive God’s love with people of a different culture.

We ask Blaine church members to please pray for safe travels, building relationships with those we meet and showing Christ’s love through our actions and words. Thank you for your prayers and support!

Team Members: Anne Arakaki-Lock, Joshua Akiyama, Milo Choe, Nina Choe, Judy Kuo, Laura Gilbert, Kenji Guess, Alice Ikeda, Howard Nakase, Jill Nishi, Katelyn Nakase, Zachary Nakase, Janet Sekijima, Margaret Sekijima, Bob Sekijima, Donna Sekijima, Lourdes Tifre, Pastor Zulma Tifre, Stacy Lopez, Martin Yagi, Teresa Yagi, Pearl Yamamoto, Rev. Karen Yokota Love

Tsuru for Solidarity Presents: Liberation Obon!

September 1, 2024, 1:00pm to Dusk

Outside the Northwest Detention Center (NWDC) 1623 E J Street, Tacoma, WA 98421

Shut down NWDC! Liberation Obon will celebrate ancestors and resilience to end immigrant detention! Join La Resistencia and Tsuru for Solidarity as we protest wrongful imprisonment.

Activities will include:

  • Traditional circle and street folk dancing
  • Children’s art making
  • Giant Daruma!
  • Community food trucks Healing ceremonies
  • Speakers from inside NWDC

Wear your heritage clothing! Blaine will organize a group to go to the obon after worship! Please contact Rev. Karen is you’re interested in participating!

Afghanistan and Ukrainian Refugee Donation Ministry

Items being collected: At this time, we have an abundance of some items and so we are NOT in need of clothing or children’s toys. Especially needed items include women’s products, toothpaste, personal care items, rice cookers, blenders, mixing bowls, microwave ovens, toasters, mixers, irons, dish sets, towels, and blankets.

Blaine Memorial UMC Collection Hours: Collection items can be dropped off at the Blaine Memorial Social Hall from Tuesday-Friday between 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Please call the Church Office at (206) 723-1536 prior to dropping off your items.

South King County Response Center Collection Volunteer Hours: The Donation Center is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, same time as the Tukwila Pantry at 3118 S. 140th St. Seattle. Please text Kim Parks at (206) 683-1707 when you would like to help. Please wear a mask and bring a marking pen and measuring tape if possible. Other Questions? Please contact Donna Sekijima or Anne Arakaki-Lock.

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Walk for Rice 2024! Comments Off on Walk for Rice 2024!

Walk for Rice 2024!

Posted by on Aug 12, 2024 in Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Giving, Service Opportunities, Small Groups

Team Blaine prevails as they raise over $11,500 during the ACRS Walk for Rice event!

Walk for Rice: BMUMC raises $11,500 for low-income families!

By Justine I., photo by Audrey Hwang, et. al.

Thank You, Blaine Memorial UMC Community!

A big THANK YOU to our Team Blaine walkers and the rest of the Blaine community for everyone’s amazing support with this year’s ACRS Walk for Rice! Team Blaine had a fantastic turnout on June 29th at Seward Park – with close to 40 walkers this year, we were the largest team walking on a beautiful Saturday morning to support the ACRS Food Bank.

At the closing ceremony, Team Blaine was recognized by ACRS at the closing ceremony as being in Second Place among all Walk for Rice fundraising teams- as of this writing, we’ve raised over $11,500! We far exceeded our fundraising goal – WAY TO GO, BLAINE!! Our donations will help ACRS to provide culturally familiar food for low-income seniors and families for many months. ACRS will continue to accept donations during the summer, so it’s not too late to donate to Team Blaine and the Walk for Rice.

Thanks so much for your support of this important community resource!

Several members and friends of Blaine Memorial participated in the annual Walk for Rice event held at Seward Park last June.

Justine I., is a member of Blaine Memorial UMC and served as Team Captain during the Walk for Rice. To learn more about the Asian Counseling Referral Service, visit


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Prayers and Coffee on Zoom • Wednesdays at 9am

Join Rev. Karen for prayer and community on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM on Zoom. Our time together consists of brief check-ins, devotionals, and prayers. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Feel free to bring a cup of coffee, tea, and a bite to eat. Hope to see you on Wednesday.

The Beacon is now available!

Read more:

Bookmark for more infomation!

Vacation Bible School 2024 Continues!

  • August 18

Theme: Operation Restoration – Mending God’s World Time: 10am to 12pm, including lunch

Location: BMUMC Church School Classrooms

Registration: $20 per Sunday per child, Additional Campers from same family $15. We will register your kiddo on the day of VBS. If you have not registered it is still not too late. We will continue to accept new registrations all the way up to the last day of VBS Sunday! Visit for registration!

Email: to enroll now!

Register here!

2024 Guatemala Mission Trip

From August 16 through August 24, a Blaine mission team (20 from Blaine Memorial and 3 from Mt. Vernon First UMC) will be going on a trip to Guatemala in Central America. We will be working mostly with the indigenous Mayan people near the town of Panajachel by Lake Atitlan with a UMC related organization, Mission Guatemala ( Mission Guatemala is “a faith-based 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to help meet the basic needs and improve the quality of life of under-served and impoverished Guatemalan peoples through health, education and nutrition initiatives and missionary service”. We will have a Vacation Bible School with crafts, games, lots of laughter and fun.

Our construction crew will help build a kitchen at the junior high school in Godinez. Our dental team will be serving Mission Guatemala’s scholarship children at the medical clinic in San Andres, Semetabaj. Most of all, we will be building friendships with the missionaries and staff at Mission Guatemala, with the local families living in the area, and with our team members. We are excited about the opportunity to share and receive God’s love with people of a different culture.

We ask Blaine church members to please pray for safe travels, building relationships with those we meet and showing Christ’s love through our actions and words. Thank you for your prayers and support!

Team Members: Anne Arakaki-Lock, Joshua Akiyama, Milo Choe, Nina Choe, Judy Kuo, Laura Gilbert, Kenji Guess, Alice Ikeda, Howard Nakase, Jill Nishi, Katelyn Nakase, Zachary Nakase, Janet Sekijima, Margaret Sekijima, Bob Sekijima, Donna Sekijima, Lourdes Tifre, Pastor Zulma Tifre, Stacy Lopez, Martin Yagi, Teresa Yagi, Pearl Yamamoto, Rev. Karen Yokota Love

Tsuru for Solidarity Presents: Liberation Obon!

September 1, 2024, 1:00pm to Dusk

Outside the Northwest Detention Center (NWDC) 1623 E J Street, Tacoma, WA 98421

Shut down NWDC! Liberation Obon will celebrate ancestors and resilience to end immigrant detention! Join La Resistencia and Tsuru for Solidarity as we protest wrongful imprisonment.

Activities will include:

  • Traditional circle and street folk dancing
  • Children’s art making
  • Giant Daruma!
  • Community food trucks Healing ceremonies
  • Speakers from inside NWDC

Wear your heritage clothing! Blaine will organize a group to go to the obon after worship! Please contact Rev. Karen is you’re interested in participating!

Afghanistan and Ukrainian Refugee Donation Ministry

Items being collected: At this time, we have an abundance of some items and so we are NOT in need of clothing or children’s toys. Especially needed items include women’s products, toothpaste, personal care items, rice cookers, blenders, mixing bowls, microwave ovens, toasters, mixers, irons, dish sets, towels, and blankets.

Blaine Memorial UMC Collection Hours: Collection items can be dropped off at the Blaine Memorial Social Hall from Tuesday-Friday between 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Please call the Church Office at (206) 723-1536 prior to dropping off your items.

South King County Response Center Collection Volunteer Hours: The Donation Center is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, same time as the Tukwila Pantry at 3118 S. 140th St. Seattle. Please text Kim Parks at (206) 683-1707 when you would like to help. Please wear a mask and bring a marking pen and measuring tape if possible. Other Questions? Please contact Donna Sekijima or Anne Arakaki-Lock.

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Asian Camp 2024 Comments Off on Asian Camp 2024

Asian Camp 2024

Posted by on Aug 12, 2024 in Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Prayer, Small Groups, Spiritual Formation

The Blaine Youth Group got together for a quick photo at Asian Camp 2024 at Camp Gilmore in California.

BYG Update Camping Edition: Asian Camp 2024

Why Asian Camp is Important for the Future

By Edwin Santos, additional photos by the Rev. Karen Yokota Love

This year’s Asian Camp in California prepares youth for their faith journeys, “Yesterday, Today, and Forever”.

The 2024 Asian Camp was held at Camp Gilmore in Calabasas, CA from July 14-19, 2024. Asian Camp had youth from various states such as Washington, Colorado, and the majority being from California. As a first-time attendee, it was great to be part of the Asian American community, especially when observing the Blaine Youth Group (BYG) as part of worship, outdoor activities, and faith moments. 

The theme of Asian Camp “Yesterday, Today, and Forever” focuses on the growth of our identities. Fellow campers were each part of a “Growth Group” that included a counselor throughout the duration of the camp. The program tied very well with current life and identity themes with Christ in an ever changing world. As we recognize where God showed up in our past, we can anticipate his presence today, and plan for it in our tomorrow. 

Compared to other youth camps that I have attended, the food at Asian Camp was delicious and nutritious! Youth camp meals tend to be bland, but Asian Camp checked all the boxes in flavor, nutritional value, and variety!

Having an excellent experience for youth is important because of their dwindling numbers in the church. If the youth do not have a welcoming experience in a camp, then they won’t return for future events. Not only are youth the future, they are the present and they need to be provided a space for all youth in order for them to grow in Christ for the future. 

Emma and Katelyn pop balloons over their fellow competitors after a victorious win during the water balloon toss!

Parents are also important in the camp experience. They can help keep the lessons learned from Asian camp relevant by making sure that their children attend future camps so that they can stay up to date with what’s going on in their community. It’s crucial to have camps based on affinity/culture so that the youth can stay connected to their history and culture. I also believe that it is very important that people of color be part of other camps because in the eyes of God we are one family; we are God’s family. 

Lastly, the theme of faith is part of daily life for our youth. Growing up, many of them are experiencing the hardships of being part of the world but not fully responsible or in control of it. Being reminded of the importance of faith in life is vital for youth in their walk as a believers of Christ. 

Edwin Santos attends Blaine Memorial UMC in Seattle, Washington.

Asian Camp 2024 Reactions

This year’s AC provided great experiences for our young people. Let’s hear what they had to say about camp!

“I really enjoyed Asian Camp. I attended Junior High Camp for the past two years so going to Asian Camp was really “reconciling-ish.” My favorite moment was being part of the (community with the) same faith and similar background. The theme of the camp was “Yesterday, Today, and Forever”. It was very centered on the future and how you can still change it and let God lead the way. It’s not set in stone yet.”

-Mia I.

“It was a fun and welcoming experience. We had a lot of fun activities like water day and a banquet. I’ll remember those moments.”

-Annabelle A.

BYG will not meet on Sunday mornings throughout the summer. We encourage youth and families to attend worship together at 10:00am in-person and via live stream!

Blaine Youth Group (BYG) is a place where youth (6th-12th grade) are invited into a loving community and celebrated as they are. BYG provides a safe environment for youth to build lasting friendships, grow spiritually, learn acceptance of self and others, express compassion for the world and develop a love for God. BYG has a space for any person who is interested and all are welcome.

Contact Information

Director of Youth Ministry (Outgoing)

Lynne Onishi

Associate Directors of Youth Ministry

Kai Yamamoto and Kaylee Yokoyama


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Prayers and Coffee on Zoom • Wednesdays at 9am

Join Rev. Karen for prayer and community on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM on Zoom. Our time together consists of brief check-ins, devotionals, and prayers. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Feel free to bring a cup of coffee, tea, and a bite to eat. Hope to see you on Wednesday.

The Beacon is now available!

Read more:

Bookmark for more infomation!

Vacation Bible School 2024 Continues!

  • August 18

Theme: Operation Restoration – Mending God’s World Time: 10am to 12pm, including lunch

Location: BMUMC Church School Classrooms

Registration: $20 per Sunday per child, Additional Campers from same family $15. We will register your kiddo on the day of VBS. If you have not registered it is still not too late. We will continue to accept new registrations all the way up to the last day of VBS Sunday! Visit for registration!

Email: to enroll now!

Register here!

2024 Guatemala Mission Trip

From August 16 through August 24, a Blaine mission team (20 from Blaine Memorial and 3 from Mt. Vernon First UMC) will be going on a trip to Guatemala in Central America. We will be working mostly with the indigenous Mayan people near the town of Panajachel by Lake Atitlan with a UMC related organization, Mission Guatemala ( Mission Guatemala is “a faith-based 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to help meet the basic needs and improve the quality of life of under-served and impoverished Guatemalan peoples through health, education and nutrition initiatives and missionary service”. We will have a Vacation Bible School with crafts, games, lots of laughter and fun.

Our construction crew will help build a kitchen at the junior high school in Godinez. Our dental team will be serving Mission Guatemala’s scholarship children at the medical clinic in San Andres, Semetabaj. Most of all, we will be building friendships with the missionaries and staff at Mission Guatemala, with the local families living in the area, and with our team members. We are excited about the opportunity to share and receive God’s love with people of a different culture.

We ask Blaine church members to please pray for safe travels, building relationships with those we meet and showing Christ’s love through our actions and words. Thank you for your prayers and support!

Team Members: Anne Arakaki-Lock, Joshua Akiyama, Milo Choe, Nina Choe, Judy Kuo, Laura Gilbert, Kenji Guess, Alice Ikeda, Howard Nakase, Jill Nishi, Katelyn Nakase, Zachary Nakase, Janet Sekijima, Margaret Sekijima, Bob Sekijima, Donna Sekijima, Lourdes Tifre, Pastor Zulma Tifre, Stacy Lopez, Martin Yagi, Teresa Yagi, Pearl Yamamoto, Rev. Karen Yokota Love

Tsuru for Solidarity Presents: Liberation Obon!

September 1, 2024, 1:00pm to Dusk

Outside the Northwest Detention Center (NWDC) 1623 E J Street, Tacoma, WA 98421

Shut down NWDC! Liberation Obon will celebrate ancestors and resilience to end immigrant detention! Join La Resistencia and Tsuru for Solidarity as we protest wrongful imprisonment.

Activities will include:

  • Traditional circle and street folk dancing
  • Children’s art making
  • Giant Daruma!
  • Community food trucks Healing ceremonies
  • Speakers from inside NWDC

Wear your heritage clothing! Blaine will organize a group to go to the obon after worship! Please contact Rev. Karen is you’re interested in participating!

Afghanistan and Ukrainian Refugee Donation Ministry

Items being collected: At this time, we have an abundance of some items and so we are NOT in need of clothing or children’s toys. Especially needed items include women’s products, toothpaste, personal care items, rice cookers, blenders, mixing bowls, microwave ovens, toasters, mixers, irons, dish sets, towels, and blankets.

Blaine Memorial UMC Collection Hours: Collection items can be dropped off at the Blaine Memorial Social Hall from Tuesday-Friday between 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Please call the Church Office at (206) 723-1536 prior to dropping off your items.

South King County Response Center Collection Volunteer Hours: The Donation Center is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, same time as the Tukwila Pantry at 3118 S. 140th St. Seattle. Please text Kim Parks at (206) 683-1707 when you would like to help. Please wear a mask and bring a marking pen and measuring tape if possible. Other Questions? Please contact Donna Sekijima or Anne Arakaki-Lock.

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Junior High Camp 2024 Comments Off on Junior High Camp 2024

Junior High Camp 2024

Posted by on Aug 12, 2024 in Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Prayer, Small Groups, Spiritual Formation

Junior High Camp (incoming 6th-9th grade) was held on June 23-28, 2024 at Camp Lodestar in Wilseyville, California.

BYG Update Camping Edition: Junior High Camp 2024

Finding Your True Self

By Kai Yamamoto

Those with sound thoughts you will keep in peace, in peace because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord is a rock for all ages.

Isaiah 26: 3-4

The theme for Junior High Camp this year was “Trust”. We followed Isaiah 26: 3-4, a song about Trusting in God. But what does it look like to trust in God? 

During camp, the Rev. Keith Inouye presented his sermon on how Peter trusted the Lord – when he stepped off the boat and walked on water. The water was turbulent, and he had many fears, yet he trusted in the Lord and the Lord took care of him. After listening to his sermon, I reflected on the journey that took me back to JHC this year. 

I had not attended Junior High Camp or Asian Camp for several years prior, and this was my first year back. As a camper, JHC was not for me. I did not enjoy attending JHC; it was hard to make friends at camp. But like Peter, I stepped off the boat. I decided that I would make the trip alongside Aidan Lew, who also had not attended JHC or Asian Camp for a few years. Aidan decided that this year he would counsel JHC, even though he had not seen many of his fellow counselors in a while. But we trusted that the Lord would take care of us for the week and allow us to have a great time –and we did! 

Tyler and Jordan alongside Counselor Aidan dressed up and ready for etiquette dinner.

“Counseling JHC was honestly one of the best experiences of my life! I felt my connection with God grew through experiences that both my campers and fellow counselors taught me. Being able to spend time with and learn from my campers in my growth group was an incredible experience. JHC has been so important in how I’ve developed as a Christian for years. Even though camp is transitioning into a new era, the same values and traditions that have made it special for people of so many generations are still very strong. I got to witness camp magic firsthand…I encourage everyone to keep supporting camping ministries as a whole so we can grow our camp community even more. I look forward to counseling and creating more memories in the future!”

-Aiden Lew

Jordan enjoying the night on the dance floor.

Although there were many familiar faces, there were also many new ones, too, and I had a great time. Connecting with the fellow adult staff, campers, counselors, and directors was a great experience! I was able to feel the camp magic for the first time, although from a different perspective. I saw our youth, Jordan and Tyler, connect with friends they had not seen since last year and have so much fun! I was also able to see a bond between Aidan and the other counselors, and how tight knit the entire group was! It was hard for everyone to say goodbye at the end of the week. But in trusting God, I know They will bring us all back together next year!

Leadership from this year’s Junior High Camp gather for a photo including adult staff, JHC directors, and our own BYG co-associate director Kai Yamamoto.

Now going back to the question, what does it look like to trust in God? Pastor Yoshi Kuramoto discussed how we must know that “God wants goodness for you and to find your truest self—not just for you, but for the person next to you, and the person next to that”.

To Trust in God is to find ourselves and to be ourselves. We are going to be loved and cared for, no matter who we are and our past experiences.

Kai Yamamoto serves as a co-director of the Blaine Youth Group.

Upcoming Events

  • August 24, 2024: Asian Camp 50th Anniversary Basketball Tournament

BYG will not meet on Sunday mornings throughout the summer. We encourage youth and families to attend worship together at 10:00am in-person and via live stream!

Blaine Youth Group (BYG) is a place where youth (6th-12th grade) are invited into a loving community and celebrated as they are. BYG provides a safe environment for youth to build lasting friendships, grow spiritually, learn acceptance of self and others, express compassion for the world and develop a love for God. BYG has a space for any person who is interested and all are welcome.

Contact Information

Director of Youth Ministry (Outgoing)

Lynne Onishi

Associate Directors of Youth Ministry

Kai Yamamoto and Kaylee Yokoyama


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Prayers and Coffee on Zoom • Wednesdays at 9am

Join Rev. Karen for prayer and community on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM on Zoom. Our time together consists of brief check-ins, devotionals, and prayers. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Feel free to bring a cup of coffee, tea, and a bite to eat. Hope to see you on Wednesday.

The Beacon is now available!

Read more:

Bookmark for more infomation!

Vacation Bible School 2024 Continues!

  • August 18

Theme: Operation Restoration – Mending God’s World Time: 10am to 12pm, including lunch

Location: BMUMC Church School Classrooms

Registration: $20 per Sunday per child, Additional Campers from same family $15. We will register your kiddo on the day of VBS. If you have not registered it is still not too late. We will continue to accept new registrations all the way up to the last day of VBS Sunday! Visit for registration!

Email: to enroll now!

Register here!

2024 Guatemala Mission Trip

From August 16 through August 24, a Blaine mission team (20 from Blaine Memorial and 3 from Mt. Vernon First UMC) will be going on a trip to Guatemala in Central America. We will be working mostly with the indigenous Mayan people near the town of Panajachel by Lake Atitlan with a UMC related organization, Mission Guatemala ( Mission Guatemala is “a faith-based 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to help meet the basic needs and improve the quality of life of under-served and impoverished Guatemalan peoples through health, education and nutrition initiatives and missionary service”. We will have a Vacation Bible School with crafts, games, lots of laughter and fun.

Our construction crew will help build a kitchen at the junior high school in Godinez. Our dental team will be serving Mission Guatemala’s scholarship children at the medical clinic in San Andres, Semetabaj. Most of all, we will be building friendships with the missionaries and staff at Mission Guatemala, with the local families living in the area, and with our team members. We are excited about the opportunity to share and receive God’s love with people of a different culture.

We ask Blaine church members to please pray for safe travels, building relationships with those we meet and showing Christ’s love through our actions and words. Thank you for your prayers and support!

Team Members: Anne Arakaki-Lock, Joshua Akiyama, Milo Choe, Nina Choe, Judy Kuo, Laura Gilbert, Kenji Guess, Alice Ikeda, Howard Nakase, Jill Nishi, Katelyn Nakase, Zachary Nakase, Janet Sekijima, Margaret Sekijima, Bob Sekijima, Donna Sekijima, Lourdes Tifre, Pastor Zulma Tifre, Stacy Lopez, Martin Yagi, Teresa Yagi, Pearl Yamamoto, Rev. Karen Yokota Love

Tsuru for Solidarity Presents: Liberation Obon!

September 1, 2024, 1:00pm to Dusk

Outside the Northwest Detention Center (NWDC) 1623 E J Street, Tacoma, WA 98421

Shut down NWDC! Liberation Obon will celebrate ancestors and resilience to end immigrant detention! Join La Resistencia and Tsuru for Solidarity as we protest wrongful imprisonment.

Activities will include:

  • Traditional circle and street folk dancing
  • Children’s art making
  • Giant Daruma!
  • Community food trucks Healing ceremonies
  • Speakers from inside NWDC

Wear your heritage clothing! Blaine will organize a group to go to the obon after worship! Please contact Rev. Karen is you’re interested in participating!

Afghanistan and Ukrainian Refugee Donation Ministry

Items being collected: At this time, we have an abundance of some items and so we are NOT in need of clothing or children’s toys. Especially needed items include women’s products, toothpaste, personal care items, rice cookers, blenders, mixing bowls, microwave ovens, toasters, mixers, irons, dish sets, towels, and blankets.

Blaine Memorial UMC Collection Hours: Collection items can be dropped off at the Blaine Memorial Social Hall from Tuesday-Friday between 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Please call the Church Office at (206) 723-1536 prior to dropping off your items.

South King County Response Center Collection Volunteer Hours: The Donation Center is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, same time as the Tukwila Pantry at 3118 S. 140th St. Seattle. Please text Kim Parks at (206) 683-1707 when you would like to help. Please wear a mask and bring a marking pen and measuring tape if possible. Other Questions? Please contact Donna Sekijima or Anne Arakaki-Lock.

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Innovation Hub Update Comments Off on Innovation Hub Update

Innovation Hub Update

Posted by on Aug 12, 2024 in Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Innovation Hub, Service Opportunities, Small Groups, Spiritual Formation

During February 2023, Lynne Onishi and Blaine Memorial participated in part II of the Day of Remembrance at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, WA to protest worsening conditions inside NWDC.

Lynne to attend Claremont Seminary!

By Lynne Onishi, photos by Ryan Kozu, Kai Yamamoto, et. al.

Outgoing Blaine Youth Group Director and Innovation Hub Convener, Lynne Onishi, shares some memories and thank-yous for those she has served during her years of leadership at Blaine Memorial UMC. Thank you, Lynne for being a vibrant part of Blaine Memorial’s church history! Blessings to you as you embark on new adventures!

At the end of the summer, I’ll be moving to Los Angeles to begin a three-year Master of Divinity program at the Claremont School of Theology. It will be a big change in my life, and I ask for your continued prayers. I couldn’t take this next step without the care and support of my community at home!

Lynne Onishi supports Seattle First UMC during last year’s Pride Weekend.

This has not been an easy decision to make. I’ve been discerning this call to ministry for many years now and I feel like it’s finally time for me to take this next step forward. I’m excited for seminary and for all the new changes ahead, but this is truly a bittersweet moment for me. It’s hard to say goodbye to everything and everyone I’ve known.

It’s been seven years since I first began directing the youth ministry at Blaine Memorial in the fall of 2017. What I thought was just going to be a one-year college gig turned into a formative experience leading ministry. It has changed the trajectory of my life! Throughout this time, I have had the privilege of watching several young people grow up and become more fully themselves! We led ministry virtually for over a year! And in 2021, I embarked on a new project here leading the Blaine Innovation Hub and starting new ministries with young adults. My role has expanded to include leadership and ministry support in several areas since. I’ve been lucky to see the Spirit moving in so many ways!

Lynne Onishi and Blaine’s young adults hiked up to Lake 22 near Granite Falls, September 2023. Onishi served as a leader for both youth and young adults!

I wanted to take a moment to express some big thank-yous to this Blaine Memorial community who has walked alongside me. I want to extend my gratitude to the Innovation Hub team who has continually dreamed of new ideas and ways to engage young adults. I want to thank the reconciling team who has put so much thought and care into becoming a reconciling church. I will forever be grateful to the Blaine Youth Group leaders who show up each week and bring the energy with them. I want to thank the Blaine Memorial pastoral leadership past and present for your guidance in all things ministry, grad school, leadership, spiritual formation and life! I want to thank all the youth and their families who have been so supportive and receptive over the years.

The Innovation Hub held Zoom Bible Studies that covered various topics such as justice and inclusion. Lynne Onishi helped convened events that brought issues of LGBTQI+ inclusion to the forefront of Blaine Memorial’s ministry.

And I’d like to make a few shout-outs to the individuals who have been in the depths of this work with me over the years – my co-directors and co-conveners. You’ve made this work meaningful and transformative not only for the congregation but for me.

Firstly, I want to thank Kai Yamamoto and Kaylee Yokoyama for the ways you’ve stepped up to lead BYG alongside me for the last year and a half. You’ve put so much time and care into ministry with our leaders, youth, and families. It has been an honor to see you both grow into the leaders you are today!

Next, I need to make a big shoutout to Lawrence Paltep, who co-directed the youth ministry with me for over four years, including those uncertain and chaotic pandemic years! We accomplished so much thanks to your passion, creativity, and desire to try wild and wacky things!

Lastly, I want to thank Yoshi Kuramoto, who began this journey with me as my BYG co-director all the way back in 2017 and went on to lead the Innovation Hub and young adult ministry! I’m so proud of the work we’ve done together, and I am forever grateful for your encouragement to keep asking the questions and responding faithfully.

In 2023, the Innovation Hub hosted a family movie night in September! IH events like this provided opportunities for people of all ages to gather and enjoy meaningful, inspirational fellowship with friends of all ages.

As I transition to new places and new experiences, I hope the Blaine Memorial community will continue trying new ways to do ministry and dream about new possibilities for what this church can look like. I hope you may embrace the neighborhood and wider community that you’re part of. And may you continue to listen for God’s calling in all of this!

Lynne Onishi is the outgoing Youth Director for BYG, Innovation Hub Convener for Blaine Memorial UMC. Thank you for your service, Lynne and blessing on your journey at Claremont School of Theology!


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Prayers and Coffee on Zoom • Wednesdays at 9am

Join Rev. Karen for prayer and community on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM on Zoom. Our time together consists of brief check-ins, devotionals, and prayers. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Feel free to bring a cup of coffee, tea, and a bite to eat. Hope to see you on Wednesday.

The Beacon is now available!

Read more:

Bookmark for more infomation!

Vacation Bible School 2024 Continues!

  • August 18

Theme: Operation Restoration – Mending God’s World Time: 10am to 12pm, including lunch

Location: BMUMC Church School Classrooms

Registration: $20 per Sunday per child, Additional Campers from same family $15. We will register your kiddo on the day of VBS. If you have not registered it is still not too late. We will continue to accept new registrations all the way up to the last day of VBS Sunday! Visit for registration!

Email: to enroll now!

Register here!

2024 Guatemala Mission Trip

From August 16 through August 24, a Blaine mission team (20 from Blaine Memorial and 3 from Mt. Vernon First UMC) will be going on a trip to Guatemala in Central America. We will be working mostly with the indigenous Mayan people near the town of Panajachel by Lake Atitlan with a UMC related organization, Mission Guatemala ( Mission Guatemala is “a faith-based 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to help meet the basic needs and improve the quality of life of under-served and impoverished Guatemalan peoples through health, education and nutrition initiatives and missionary service”. We will have a Vacation Bible School with crafts, games, lots of laughter and fun.

Our construction crew will help build a kitchen at the junior high school in Godinez. Our dental team will be serving Mission Guatemala’s scholarship children at the medical clinic in San Andres, Semetabaj. Most of all, we will be building friendships with the missionaries and staff at Mission Guatemala, with the local families living in the area, and with our team members. We are excited about the opportunity to share and receive God’s love with people of a different culture.

We ask Blaine church members to please pray for safe travels, building relationships with those we meet and showing Christ’s love through our actions and words. Thank you for your prayers and support!

Team Members: Anne Arakaki-Lock, Joshua Akiyama, Milo Choe, Nina Choe, Judy Kuo, Laura Gilbert, Kenji Guess, Alice Ikeda, Howard Nakase, Jill Nishi, Katelyn Nakase, Zachary Nakase, Janet Sekijima, Margaret Sekijima, Bob Sekijima, Donna Sekijima, Lourdes Tifre, Pastor Zulma Tifre, Stacy Lopez, Martin Yagi, Teresa Yagi, Pearl Yamamoto, Rev. Karen Yokota Love

Tsuru for Solidarity Presents: Liberation Obon!

September 1, 2024, 1:00pm to Dusk

Outside the Northwest Detention Center (NWDC) 1623 E J Street, Tacoma, WA 98421

Shut down NWDC! Liberation Obon will celebrate ancestors and resilience to end immigrant detention! Join La Resistencia and Tsuru for Solidarity as we protest wrongful imprisonment.

Activities will include:

  • Traditional circle and street folk dancing
  • Children’s art making
  • Giant Daruma!
  • Community food trucks Healing ceremonies
  • Speakers from inside NWDC

Wear your heritage clothing! Blaine will organize a group to go to the obon after worship! Please contact Rev. Karen is you’re interested in participating!

Afghanistan and Ukrainian Refugee Donation Ministry

Items being collected: At this time, we have an abundance of some items and so we are NOT in need of clothing or children’s toys. Especially needed items include women’s products, toothpaste, personal care items, rice cookers, blenders, mixing bowls, microwave ovens, toasters, mixers, irons, dish sets, towels, and blankets.

Blaine Memorial UMC Collection Hours: Collection items can be dropped off at the Blaine Memorial Social Hall from Tuesday-Friday between 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Please call the Church Office at (206) 723-1536 prior to dropping off your items.

South King County Response Center Collection Volunteer Hours: The Donation Center is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, same time as the Tukwila Pantry at 3118 S. 140th St. Seattle. Please text Kim Parks at (206) 683-1707 when you would like to help. Please wear a mask and bring a marking pen and measuring tape if possible. Other Questions? Please contact Donna Sekijima or Anne Arakaki-Lock.

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Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost Comments Off on Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

Posted by on Aug 11, 2024 in Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Congregational Care, Giving, Innovation Hub, Prayer, Sermons, Service Opportunities, Small Groups, Spiritual Formation, Sunday Worship, Weekly Calendar

All are Welcome!

  • Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
  • August 11, 2024, 10:00am
  • Hybrid Worship
  • Continue scrolling or view the PDF

Order of Worship

Arr. by Ruth Elaine Schram

Kathy Onishi
Welcome of Grace and Greeting
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
*Call to Worship
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
VBS Scripture Reading
Matthew 18:21-22 Luke 11:1-4 (JLB, CEB)
Tsutomu Nagoya, Justine I.
VBS Children’s Storytime
Stephen Sumida
Commissioning of Mission Guatemala Team
Rev. Karen Yokota Love (or Rev. Cruz Santos)
Song of Inspiration
To Know You More
(TFWS #2161)

Kathy and Eugene Onishi
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Introduction to the Offering
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
(UMH #94)

Kathy Onishi
Prayer of Dedication
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Rev. Karen and Friends
*Closing Hymn
More Like You (TFWS #2167)
Eugene and Kathy Onishi
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
The Compassion Hymn
By Getty/Townend

Kathy Onishi

Daily Lectionary

Sunday, August 11, 2024
2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33 and Psalm 130; 1 Kings 19:4-8 and Psalm 34:1-8; Ephesians 4:25-5:2; John 6:35, 41-51;
Monday, August 12, 2024
Semi-continuous: Psalm 57; 2 Samuel 15:13-31; Ephesians 5:1-14 • Complementary: Psalm 81; 1 Kings 17:1-16; Ephesians 5:1-14;
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Semi-continuous: Psalm 57; 2 Samuel 18:19-33; 2 Peter 3:14-18 • Complementary: Psalm 81; Ruth 2:1-23; 2 Peter 3:14-18;
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Semi-continuous: Psalm 57; 2 Samuel 19:1-18; John 6:35-40 • Complementary: Psalm 81; Jeremiah 31:1-6; John 6:35-40;
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Semi-continuous: Psalm 111; 1 Kings 1:1-30; Acts 6:8-15 • Complementary: Psalm 34:9-14; Job 11:1-20; Acts 6:8-15;
Friday, August 16, 2024
Semi-continuous: Psalm 111; 1 Kings 1:28-48; Romans 16:17-20 • Complementary: Psalm 34:9-14; Job 12:1-25; Romans 16:17-20;
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Semi-continuous: Psalm 111; 1 Kings 2:1-11; John 4:7-26 • Complementary: Psalm 34:9-14; Job 13:1-19; John 4:7-26;


Vacation Bible School 2024 Continues!

  • August 11
  • August 18

Theme: Operation Restoration – Mending God’s World Time: 10am to 12pm, including lunch

Location: BMUMC Church School Classrooms

Registration: $20 per Sunday per child, Additional Campers from same family $15. We will register your kiddo on the day of VBS. If you have not registered it is still not too late. We will continue to accept new registrations all the way up to the last day of VBS Sunday! Visit for registration!

Email: to enroll now!

Register here!

2024 Guatemala Mission Trip

From August 16 through August 24, a Blaine mission team (20 from Blaine Memorial and 3 from Mt. Vernon First UMC) will be going on a trip to Guatemala in Central America. We will be working mostly with the indigenous Mayan people near the town of Panajachel by Lake Atitlan with a UMC related organization, Mission Guatemala ( Mission Guatemala is “a faith-based 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to help meet the basic needs and improve the quality of life of under-served and impoverished Guatemalan peoples through health, education and nutrition initiatives and missionary service”. We will have a Vacation Bible School with crafts, games, lots of laughter and fun.

Our construction crew will help build a kitchen at the junior high school in Godinez. Our dental team will be serving Mission Guatemala’s scholarship children at the medical clinic in San Andres, Semetabaj. Most of all, we will be building friendships with the missionaries and staff at Mission Guatemala, with the local families living in the area, and with our team members. We are excited about the opportunity to share and receive God’s love with people of a different culture.

We ask Blaine church members to please pray for safe travels, building relationships with those we meet and showing Christ’s love through our actions and words. Thank you for your prayers and support!

Team Members: Anne Arakaki-Lock, Joshua Akiyama, Milo Choe, Nina Choe, Judy Kuo, Laura Gilbert, Kenji Guess, Alice Ikeda, Howard Nakase, Jill Nishi, Katelyn Nakase, Zachary Nakase, Janet Sekijima, Margaret Sekijima, Bob Sekijima, Donna Sekijima, Lourdes Tifre, Pastor Zulma Tifre, Stacy Lopez, Martin Yagi, Teresa Yagi, Pearl Yamamoto, Rev. Karen Yokota Love

Click the image above to preorder your BYG merch!

BYG Merch Presale • Now to Aug. 11

Thank you for supporting BYG’s Camping Ministries! We will be taking presale orders for our new sweatshirts, caps, and tote bags (and T-shirts) until Sunday, August 11th at 11:59pm.

  • T-Shirts are $30 each
  • Hoodies are $40 each
  • Caps are $30 each
  • Tote bags are $25 each

Pre-order here!

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Prayers and Coffee on Zoom • Wednesdays at 9am

Join Rev. Karen for prayer and community on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM on Zoom. Our time together consists of brief check-ins, devotionals, and prayers. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Feel free to bring a cup of coffee, tea, and a bite to eat. Hope to see you on Wednesday.

View the latest issue of the Beacon!

  • Rev. Karen’s Summer Message!
  • Walk for Rice Update!
  • Jr. High Camp AND Asian Camp stories!
  • Lynne Onishi’s Farewell!

Click cover image above to view the PDF!

Tsuru for Solidarity Presents: Liberation Obon!

September 1, 2024, 1:00pm to Dusk

Outside the Northwest Detention Center (NWDC) 1623 E J Street, Tacoma, WA 98421

Shut down NWDC! Liberation Obon will celebrate ancestors and resilience to end immigrant detention! Join La Resistencia and Tsuru for Solidarity as we protest wrongful imprisonment.

Activities will include:

  • Traditional circle and street folk dancing
  • Children’s art making
  • Giant Daruma!
  • Community food trucks Healing ceremonies
  • Speakers from inside NWDC

Wear your heritage clothing! Blaine will organize a group to go to the obon after worship! Please contact Rev. Karen is you’re interested in participating!

Afghanistan and Ukrainian Refugee Donation Ministry

Items being collected: At this time, we have an abundance of some items and so we are NOT in need of clothing or children’s toys. Especially needed items include women’s products, toothpaste, personal care items, rice cookers, blenders, mixing bowls, microwave ovens, toasters, mixers, irons, dish sets, towels, and blankets.

Blaine Memorial UMC Collection Hours: Collection items can be dropped off at the Blaine Memorial Social Hall from Tuesday-Friday between 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Please call the Church Office at (206) 723-1536 prior to dropping off your items.

South King County Response Center Collection Volunteer Hours: The Donation Center is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, same time as the Tukwila Pantry at 3118 S. 140th St. Seattle. Please text Kim Parks at (206) 683-1707 when you would like to help. Please wear a mask and bring a marking pen and measuring tape if possible. Other Questions? Please contact Donna Sekijima or Anne Arakaki-Lock.

View the Calendar!

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