Children and Youth Christmas Play Today, Dec. 15, at 10am. All are invited to come to the Lee Activity Center to witness our children and youth perform in a special Christmas Play.
Blue Christmas Service Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 7pm. Our Blue Christmas Service provides space for prayer, reflection, and remembrance for those grieving during this holiday season (Livestreamed)
Christmas Music Sunday Sunday, Dec. 22, at 10:00am. Christmas Music Sunday will feature jams from our Blaine Memorial Choir, B.U.G.S., young adults, and more.
Christmas Eve Service Tuesday, Dec. 24 at 4pm. We will have one Traditional Christmas Eve Lesson and Carols Candlelight Service.
2024 Congregation Photograph
Today, we will be taking a 120th anniversary commemorative photo of our whole congregation in the Lee Activity Center after the children’s Christmas program. Please stay for this photograph which will be a snapshot of our present 2024 congregation in our 120th year as a church family. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of this Blaine Memorial UMC 120th Anniversary photo!
Final Day to Order: Poinsettias on the Altar
It’s time to sign up for poinsettias for the altar. Each plant is $12.00. The deadline for Poinsettia Orders is today.
You may dedicate a poinsettia in celebration of a person or an event, in memory of a loved one, or to honor God’s glory. Poinsettias may be taken home after our Christmas Eve services.
Pick up a form at the Church Office or download an order form. Please share! You can also find a copy of the poinsettia order form in the November/December Beacon newsletter. The order form should be filled out and mailed to Blaine Memorial UMC, Attn: Poinsettias, 3001 24th Ave S., Seattle, WA 98144.
NJAUMC Caucus Advent Study Group • 12/17 at 6:30pm-8:00pm
Members of the NJAUMC Caucus have put together an Advent study based on The Christmas Letters. All NJAUMC churches are invited to attend the study. The facilitators are US Navy Chaplain Rev. John M. Miyahara and Pastor Brian Lee from Simpson UMC in Denver, Colorado, Rev. Ki Choi from Centenary UMC and Rev. Karen Yokota Love from Blaine Memorial UMC. You don’t need to read the book to join the group.
Prayers and Coffee on Zoom • Wednesdays at 9am
Join the Rev. Karen Yokota Love for prayer and community on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM on Zoom. Our time together consists of brief check-ins, devotionals, and prayers. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Feel free to bring a cup of coffee, tea, and a bite to eat. Hope to see you on Wednesday.
From these cotton rice bags, Blaine’s special 120th Anniversary Aprons are created.
Anniversary Aprons…Now Available!
Blaine Memorial UMC 120th Anniversary Aprons will be available for sale after worship on December 8. They are made from cotton rice bags from long ago. They make unique Christmas gifts, too. They are $40.00 each. Please contact Dale Kaneko at with questions.
120th Anniversary Sunday Service and Potluck• January 26, 2025
Blaine Memorial UMC will have a 120th anniversary Sunday service with special guests to celebrate and reflect on its 120-year history and look forward to its further growth and development into the next 120 years of service in love. There will be a potluck gathering and program following the service. There will also be ministry table exhibits of past and present ministries of the church such as music ministry, Sunday School ministry, Youth ministry, missions ministry, sports ministry, etc. Please join us for the culminating celebration of our 120th anniversary and start of our 121st year! We look forward to celebrating with all our members new and old and our many community friends. All are welcome.
Prelude I Want to Walkas a Child of the Light By Kathleen Thomerson Kathy Onishi
Words of Grace and Greeting Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Call to Worship Ron Nobuyama
Opening Hymn People Look East (UMH #202) Eugene and Kathy Onishi
Opening Prayer Ron Nobuyama
Lighting the Advent Candle Howard, Jill, Katelyn and Zach Nakase
Special Music O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Setting by Don Gillespie Blaine Memorial Choir
First Scripture Reading Ruth 1 (CEB) Tsutomu Nagoya, Ron Nobuyama
Second Scripture Reading Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12 (JLB, CEB) Tsutomu Nagoya, Ron Nobuyama
Sermon We Can’t Go Alone Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Music of Reflection Toda la Tierra (All Earth is Waiting) (UMH #210) Eugene and Kathy Onishi
Offertory Invitation Ron Nobuyama
Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow UMH #94
Prayer of Dedication Ron Nobuyama
Announcements Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Closing Hymn Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming (UMH #216) Eugene and Kathy Onishi
Benediction Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Postlude Some Children See Him (By Alfred Burt) Kathy Onishi
Today’s Flowers Carol Kastrup
Sermon Questions
Ruth “should” go home to her family of origin. Why do you think she commits herself to Naomi? What risks does she take? What does she give up or gain?
Ruth and Naomi travel together to Bethlehem paralleling Mary and Joseph’s journey. When has companionship helped you weather a difficult journey?
What would it look like to foster deep connections in this Advent season – by sharing your messy, holy, complicated life? What might this look like for you and for the people at Blaine Memorial UMC?
Bonding occurs between people who are alike. When have you experienced bridging? What would it look like for Blaine Memorial UMC to be a bridge-builder?
Daily Lectionary Readings
Sunday, December 08, 2024 Second Sunday of Advent Baruch 5:1-9 or Malachi 3:1-4 • Luke 1:68-79 • Philippians 1:3-11 • Luke 3:1-6
Saturday, December 14, 2024 Isaiah 12:2-6 • Amos 9:8-15 • Luke 1:57-66
Special Talk with Bethlehem Native, Adam Manasra
Adam Manasra, guest speaker, is visiting us on Sunday (12/8) and will give a presentation in the Webb Room after worship. Adam is a Palestinian who lived his whole life in a village near Bethlehem in the West Bank, Palestine. He will provide reflections and life experiences with updates about the reality of life in the West Bank.
Holiday Card Signing in the Social Hall. Today!
You’re invited to sign Christmas cards for our church members who are sick, recovering from being ill, grieving a loss of a loved one, or in a skilled facility home. The cards are in the Social Hall, today.
Terri Adolfo hangs Giving Tree gift tags for the Blaine Memorial community.
Giving Tree 2024!
Giving Tree, Wrapped Gifts Due Sunday, December 8, 2024
NJAUMC Caucus Advent Study Group • Tuesdays, 12/10, 12/17 at 6:30pm-8:00pm
Members of the NJAUMC Caucus have put together an Advent study based on The Christmas Letters. All NJAUMC churches are invited to attend the study. The facilitators are US Navy Chaplain Rev. John M. Miyahara and Pastor Brian Lee from Simpson UMC in Denver, Colorado, Rev. Ki Choi from Centenary UMC and Rev. Karen Yokota Love from Blaine Memorial UMC. The meeting dates are Tuesdays 12/10, 12/17 from 6:30pm-8:00pm on Zoom. You don’t need to read the book to join the group.
Prayers and Coffee on Zoom • Wednesdays at 9am
Join the Rev. Karen Yokota Love for prayer and community on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM on Zoom. Our time together consists of brief check-ins, devotionals, and prayers. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Feel free to bring a cup of coffee, tea, and a bite to eat. Hope to see you on Wednesday.
From these cotton rice bags, Blaine’s special 120th Anniversary Aprons are created.
Anniversary Aprons…Now Available!
Blaine Memorial UMC 120th Anniversary Aprons will be available for sale after worship on December 8. They are made from cotton rice bags from long ago. They make unique Christmas gifts, too. They are $40.00 each. Please contact Dale Kaneko at with questions.
Order Now: Poinsettias on the Altar
It’s time to sign up for poinsettias for the altar. You may dedicate a poinsettia in celebration of a person or an event, in memory of a loved one, or to honor God’s glory. Poinsettias may be taken home after our Christmas Eve services.
Each plant is $12.00. The deadline for Poinsettia Orders is next Sunday (12/15).
Pick up a form at the Church Office or download an order form. Please share! You can also find a copy of the poinsettia order form in the November/December Beacon newsletter. The order form should be filled out and mailed to Blaine Memorial UMC, Attn: Poinsettias, 3001 24th Ave S., Seattle, WA 98144.
Advent & Christmas Announcements
Children and Youth Christmas Play Sunday, Dec. 15, at 10am. All are invited to come to the Lee Activity Center to witness our children and youth perform in a special Christmas Play.
Blue Christmas Service Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 7pm. Our Blue Christmas Service provides space for prayer, reflection, and remembrance for those grieving during this holiday season (Livestreamed)
Christmas Music Sunday Sunday, Dec. 22, at 10:00am. Christmas Music Sunday will feature jams from our Blaine Memorial Choir, B.U.G.S., young adults, and more.
Christmas Eve Service Tuesday, Dec. 24 at 4pm. We will have one Traditional Christmas Eve Lesson and Carols Candlelight Service.
2024 Congregation Photograph
On December 15, 2024, we will be taking a 120th anniversary commemorative photo of our whole congregation in the Lee Activity Center after the children’s Christmas program. Please stay for this photograph which will be a snapshot of our present 2024 congregation in our 120th year as a church family. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of this Blaine Memorial UMC 120th Anniversary photo!
120th Anniversary Sunday Service and Potluck
On January 26, 2025, Blaine Memorial UMC will have a 120th anniversary Sunday service with special guests to celebrate and reflect on its 120-year history and look forward to its further growth and development into the next 120 years of service in love. There will be a potluck gathering and program following the service. There will also be ministry table exhibits of past and present ministries of the church such as music ministry, Sunday School ministry, Youth ministry, missions ministry, sports ministry, etc. Please join us for the culminating celebration of our 120th anniversary and start of our 121st year! We look forward to celebrating with all our members new and old and our many community friends. All are welcome.
Prelude Emmanuel, Emmanuel By Bob McGee Kathy Onishi
Words of Grace and Greeting Rev. Cathlynn Law
Call to Worship Inspired by Isaiah 43:1-4and Luke 1:26-29 Rev. Cathlynn Law
Opening Prayer Rev. Cathlynn Law
Opening Hymn Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus (UMH #196) Eugene and Kathy Onishi
Lighting the Advent Candle Harry, Dawn, Evan, Adam and Wyatt Sakaguchi-Tang
Special Music In Silence We Wait By: John Parker, arr. by Lloyd Larson Blaine Memorial Choir
First Scripture Reading Luke 1:26-38 (NRSVUE) Tsutomu Nagoya, Leann Onishi
Second Scripture Reading Isaiah 43:1-3 (NRSVUE) Tsutomu Nagoya, Leann Onishi
Sermon Be Not Afraid, I Have Called You By Name Rev. Cathlynn Law
Music of Reflection I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light (UMH #206) Eugene and Kathy Onishi
Holy Communion Rev. Cathlynn Law and Rev. Dr. Jeney Park-Hearn
Offertory Invitation Leann Onishi
Doxology “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow” (UMH #94)
Prayer of Dedication Leann Onishi
Announcements Leann Onishi and Friends
Closing Hymn O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (UMH #211) Eugene and Kathy Onishi
Benediction Rev. Cathlynn Law
Postlude Like A Child Daniel Charles Damon; arr. by David Cherwien Kathy Onishi
Lectionary Questions
Can you remember a time when you were afraid? What things bring up the feeling of fear? What helps calm your fear and anxiety to bring comfort and courage?
What would it look like for us – individually and as a congregation – to acknowledge the fearful spaces that reside within us and still persist with embodied peace and grace?
What spiritual practices help you move closer to accepting the steadfast and unconditional love of God? What helps you to perceive yourself — and others — as a blessing?
Daily Lectionary Readings
Sunday, December 1, 2024: First Sunday of Advent Jeremiah 33:14-16 • Psalm 25:1-10 • 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 • Luke 21:25-36
Monday, December 2, 2024: Psalm 90 • Numbers 17:1-11 • 2 Peter 3:1-18
Tuesday, December 3, 2024: Psalm 90 • 2 Samuel 7:18-29 • Revelation 22:12-16
Wednesday, December 4, 2024: Psalm 90 • Isaiah 1:24-31 • Luke 11:29-32
Thursday, December 5, 2024: Luke 1:68-79 • Malachi 3:5-12 • Philippians 1:12-18a
Friday, December 6, 2024: Luke 1:68-79 • Malachi 3:13-18 • Philippians 1:18b-26
Saturday, December 7, 2024: Luke 1:68-79 • Malachi 4:1-6 • Luke 9:1-6
Smoked Salmon on Sale for $20!
Immediately after worship on December 1, we’ll have smoked salmon on sale for $20 per pound. There are two varieties available. Lesley Okura will share a limited amount of samples after worship. The proceeds is a part of our Bazaar sales which will help benefit Mission Guatemala! Limited quantities are available.
Holiday Card Signing in the Social Hall until Sunday 12/8!
You’re invited to sign Christmas cards for our church members who are sick, recovering from being ill, grieving a loss of a loved one, or in a skilled facility home. The cards are in the Social Hall until Sunday (12/8). The Social Hall will be open during Church Office Hours (Tuesday-Friday, 10am-4pm). Please contact the Church Office at (206) 723-1536 if you’d like to sign the cards during the week. Let’s fill up each of the cards with Blaine love and hope for our loved ones!
Terri Adolfo hangs Giving Tree gift tags for the Blaine Memorial community.
Giving Tree 2024!
Giving Tree Sunday, November 17- Sunday, December 1, 2024
Giving Tree, Wrapped Gifts Due Sunday, December 8, 2024
NJAUMC Caucus Advent Study Group • Tuesdays, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17 at 6:30pm-8:00pm
Members of the NJAUMC Caucus have put together an Advent study based on The Christmas Letters. All NJAUMC churches are invited to attend the study. The facilitators are US Navy Chaplain Rev. John M. Miyahara and Pastor Brian Lee from Simpson UMC in Denver, Colorado, Rev. Ki Choi from Centenary UMC and Rev. Karen Yokota Love from Blaine Memorial UMC. The meeting dates are Tuesdays 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17 from 6:30pm-8:00pm on Zoom. You don’t need to read the book to join the group.
Prayers and Coffee on Zoom • Wednesdays at 9am
Join the Rev. Karen Yokota Love for prayer and community on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM on Zoom. Our time together consists of brief check-ins, devotionals, and prayers. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Feel free to bring a cup of coffee, tea, and a bite to eat. Hope to see you on Wednesday.
From these cotton rice bags, Blaine’s special 120th Anniversary Aprons are created.
Anniversary Aprons…Now Available!
Our special 120th Anniversary Aprons are now ready to purchase, $40, starting this Sunday right after worship service. These aprons were made from no longer available cotton rice bags. Many of them reflect stains and blemishes from hard-working ancestors, a reminder of their spirit and perseverance.
We are grateful for the generosity of the friends and families that gifted Blaine Memorial with their rice bags and the many hands that created these sturdy aprons.
Help celebrate Blaine Memorial’s 120 years of our faith journey. This fundraiser helps Blaine Memorial to continue to grow in faith, hope and love. Thanks be to God!
Advent & Christmas Announcements
Children and Youth Christmas Play Sunday, Dec. 15, at 10am. All are invited to come to the Lee Activity Center to witness our children and youth perform in a special Christmas Play.
Blue Christmas Service Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 7pm. Our Blue Christmas Service provides space for prayer, reflection, and remembrance for those grieving during this holiday season (Livestreamed)
Christmas Music Sunday Sunday, Dec. 22, at 10:00am. Christmas Music Sunday will feature jams from our Blaine Memorial Choir, B.U.G.S., young adults, and more.
Christmas Eve Service Tuesday, Dec. 24 at 4pm. We will have one Traditional Christmas Eve Lesson and Carols Candlelight Service.
2024 Congregation Photograph
On December 15, 2024, we will be taking a 120th anniversary commemorative photo of our whole congregation in the Lee Activity Center after the children’s Christmas program. Please stay for this photograph which will be a snapshot of our present 2024 congregation in our 120th year as a church family. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of this Blaine Memorial UMC 120th Anniversary photo!
120th Anniversary Sunday Service and Potluck
On January 26, 2025, Blaine Memorial UMC will have a 120th anniversary Sunday service with special guests to celebrate and reflect on its 120-year history and look forward to its further growth and development into the next 120 years of service in love. There will be a potluck gathering and program following the service. There will also be ministry table exhibits of past and present ministries of the church such as music ministry, Sunday School ministry, Youth ministry, missions ministry, sports ministry, etc. Please join us for the culminating celebration of our 120th anniversary and start of our 121st year! We look forward to celebrating with all our members new and old and our many community friends. All are welcome.
October, Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas: A Future with Hope
By the Rev. Karen Yokota Love
As I write this letter to you, it’s been two weeks after the election results – and I am still processing the election. First of all, please know that you are not alone. Whatever you are feeling or just not feeling for the past weeks, you are not alone. If your heart is aching, you are not alone. If you are in despair, you are not alone. If you are afraid, you are not alone. If you are fired up, you are not alone. If your employment is threatened as a result of the national election, you are not alone.
God is with you – and your Blaine Memorial family is here for you today and in the weeks and months to come. Through worship, youth group, Church School and classes, small groups, fellowship time, prayer, sports ministries, and support of neighbors through our care and social justice ministries, your Blaine Memorial UMC community is here.
Again and again, our call is to love God and love our neighbors. Kin-dom building is a marathon, not a sprint. Countering bigotry, oppression, and injustice is a marathon, not a sprint. There was going to be a lot of work to do no matter who won the election. We have witnessed an election cycle of demonizing and scapegoating, particularly of trans people and immigrants. Misogyny, racism, and cruelty have run rampant. Jesus embodied sacred resistance to an empire mindset, and as followers of Jesus we will do the same. Together we will continue to advocate for policies that protect the beautiful diversity of the human family and advance the common good.
We are called by our United Methodist baptismal vows “to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves”.
We denounce the use of violence and threats of violence as tools for political gain.
We denounce fear-mongering and scapegoating.
We denounce Christian nationalism.
We denounce willful untruth and slander.
We seek to support peacemakers and a culture of empathy and resilience that does not look to violence for answers.
We seek to uphold the inherent dignity of all people.
We seek to collaborate with ecumenical and interfaith partners in respecting each other’s traditions and working together for the common good.
We will continue to support one another and our time to be the community is more important than ever before. God will always be with us and we will continue to do the good work for the common good and for our community.
If you need to talk, please reach out to me.
October Celebrations!
The Sofronas Family (top) and Lew Family (below) celebrate the harvest spirit at this year’s Trunk or Treat event at Blaine Memorial, last October.
This year’s Trunk or Treat was a HUGE success! On Sunday, October 27, after church, our parking lot was bustling with excitement with many spooky and fun decorated trunks. Many from our church came out to serve our community by decorating their cars, our BYG served hot dogs, and we welcomed families from the neighborhood.
The result was a safe, welcoming and fabulously fun party! At this year’s event we had 12 creatively decorated cars for our guests (big and small) to visit. Most cars included a game or activity for the guests to play, and every car had candy or treats. Themes included Scooby-Doo, Cats, Hot Dogs, Hello Kitty, Cookie Monster, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, to name a few themes.
Thank you so much to Jennifer Lew for organizing this year’s Trunk-or-Treat and for all those who gave their time, energy and talents to this event. Your warm hospitality and service is making a difference.
Thanksgiving and Stewardship:A Future With Hope
This year’s Stewardship theme is “A Future With Hope”. During November, we’re thinking and praying together about how Christian life includes cycles of exile and return. There is exile, there is return, and then there is a third movement: being sent back out into the world for the sake of our neighbors and creation as a whole. It’s being commissioned, sent for the sake of God’s love and justice, God’s future of hope.
Blaine Memorial UMC is a community of return, a place of homecoming. And it’s also a community of sending, a place that commissions us as agents of God’s love and grace, so that all may experience a sense of homecoming into God’s new world of compassion, dignity, and joy. Giving Sunday is on Sunday, November 24, 2024. I’ve encouraged you to pray on your Pledge Cards that you should have received earlier this month (if you misplaced it, just let us know and we’ll email you another!), and plan on joining us online or in person on Sunday, November 24, 2024. With a past so full of grace, our future is full of hope.
Your pledge commitment to Blaine Memorial UMC helps sustain our current ministries and create new ministries as we continue to discern the needs of our members, our community, and our neighborhood. May the Holy Spirit guide you as you pray on what you’ll commit to in 2025.
Advent Words for the Beginning
As we talk about themes of exile and return during the month of November, in December, we’ll talk more about Advent. Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year comes to a close, a new church year rushes in. Christ’s birth ushers us into new ways of living and loving — and yet, we feel the weight of many things coming to an end. The world as we know it spins madly onward and there is constant change and the shifting of life that continues. What are the reminders we will need in order to move faithfully through this threshold?
Advent will be a season of changes in the way we live. What will you reflect on during this time as we await the birth of Jesus? Stay tuned to for more.
This year’s Advent series is filled with blessings, with the words we need to hear again and again as we begin a new season. We imagined the words Mary would speak to her newborn son. What scriptures and stories would she impart to him? What lessons would she teach him as he grew? And so, our weekly themes may feel like the lessons we teach to children, but in reality, these are lessons we continue to learn and relearn as adults. I invite you to enter this Advent season as if you are entering a sacred new chapter, holding fast to the reminders that will bolster you for the journey ahead.
In many ways, pregnant Mary was surrounded by endings—large and small, personal and political. And yet, Mary proclaimed hope in a God who was and is making all things new. As we also move through new personal and political chapters, may these words for the beginning renew us and remind us of the ways we are called to live out our faith. No matter what you are facing, no matter what this new day brings, let love be your beginning.
Please take a look at the series of announcements for the Advent Christmas season. This year, we are trying something new and we will have one Christmas Eve Service which will have our traditional Christmas music with lessons and carols at 4:00 PM on December 24, 2024. I really hope you can join us this year. I can’t wait to celebrate the Advent and Christmas season with you.
Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Advent, Merry Christmas and joy to you as we finish up 2024 together. May your faith walk be blessed with God’s guidance through whatever situations you face today. Be the hope!
The Rev. Karen Yokota Love serves as Senior Pastor of Blaine Memorial UMC.
The young people of Blaine Memorial UMC help prepare Thanksgiving meals for Kimball Elementary. Want to help? Contact Terry Adolfo or our Church Office for information!
Sign-Up Now: Thanksgiving Meals and Giving Tree 2024!
Kimball Elementary Food Delivery Tuesday, November 26, 2024, 10:00AM
Giving Tree Sunday, November 17- Sunday, December 1, 2024
Giving Tree, Wrapped Gifts Due Sunday, December 8, 2024
Read more:
Terri Adolfo hangs Giving Tree gift tags for the Blaine Memorial community.
NJAUMC Caucus Advent Study Group • Tuesdays, 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17 at 6:30pm-8:00pm
Members of the NJAUMC Caucus have put together an Advent study based on The Christmas Letters. All NJAUMC churches are invited to attend the study. The facilitators are US Navy Chaplain Rev. John M. Miyahara and Pastor Brian Lee from Simpson UMC in Denver, Colorado, Rev. Ki Choi from Centenary UMC and Rev. Karen Yokota Love from Blaine Memorial UMC. The meeting dates are Tuesdays 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17 from 6:30pm-8:00pm on Zoom. You don’t need to read the book to join the group.
Prayers and Coffee on Zoom • Wednesdays at 9am
Join the Rev. Karen Yokota Love for prayer and community on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM on Zoom. Our time together consists of brief check-ins, devotionals, and prayers. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Feel free to bring a cup of coffee, tea, and a bite to eat. Hope to see you on Wednesday.
From these cotton rice bags, Blaine’s special 120th Anniversary Aprons are created.
More Aprons on the Way!
Recently, Blaine Memorial received three unexpected gifts of many rice bags. This means that our sewers are fortunate to have more apron kits that need to be sewn together! Unique Anniversary Aprons will become available in December, just in time for your holiday shopping. Stay tuned!
The Greening of Blaine • Saturday, November 30, 9am
The Greening of Blaine is one of the biggest half-day (with lunch provided) annual work parties of Blaine Memorial UMC. Join the Worship Committee in making wreaths, swags, and garlands for decorating the church’s campus through Advent and Christmas. Come learn how to craft the greenery and to grace the Sanctuary. Bring clippers or scissors to trim cedar fronds and ribbons.
We will also have a large paper art project where we will hang in the Sanctuary, calling for the shared work of many hands. Welcome, All! Let the Holidays begin!
Advent & Christmas Announcements
Children and Youth Christmas Play Sunday, Dec. 15, at 10am. All are invited to come to the Lee Activity Center to witness our children and youth perform in a special Christmas Play.
Blue Christmas Service Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 7pm. Our Blue Christmas Service provides space for prayer, reflection, and remembrance for those grieving during this holiday season (Livestreamed)
Christmas Music Sunday Sunday, Dec. 22, at 10:00am. Christmas Music Sunday will feature jams from our Blaine Memorial Choir, B.U.G.S., young adults, and more.
Christmas Eve Service Tuesday, Dec. 24 at 4pm. We will have one Traditional Christmas Eve Lesson and Carols Candlelight Service.
2024 Congregation Photograph
On December 15, 2024, we will be taking a 120th anniversary commemorative photo of our whole congregation in the Lee Activity Center after the children’s Christmas program. Please stay for this photograph which will be a snapshot of our present 2024 congregation in our 120th year as a church family. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of this Blaine Memorial UMC 120th Anniversary photo!
120th Anniversary Sunday Service and Potluck
On January 26, 2025, Blaine Memorial UMC will have a 120th anniversary Sunday service with special guests to celebrate and reflect on its 120-year history and look forward to its further growth and development into the next 120 years of service in love. There will be a potluck gathering and program following the service. There will also be ministry table exhibits of past and present ministries of the church such as music ministry, Sunday School ministry, Youth ministry, missions ministry, sports ministry, etc. Please join us for the culminating celebration of our 120th anniversary and start of our 121st year! We look forward to celebrating with all our members new and old and our many community friends. All are welcome.
I was struck by his lesson from Josh Scott’s “Context: Putting Scripture in Its Place”. Scott reminds me that God wasn’t necessarily talking to me individually about an already-prescribed plan, but he was talking about the collective plan and dream he has for everyone. God wants us to partner with Him in love so we all end up flourishing and that there will be justice and hope for all people “on earth as it is in Heaven.” This is God’s dream.
As I reflect on the past, I have been given a directive to generously share what I personally have and to boldly step out and serve:
He wants me to help carry out the plan that He has for his world.
God wants the Blaine Memorial community, transformed by love, to use his resources that we have been stewarding throughout the years, such as our property, our finances, our people talent to work with him to serve “our neighbors “ in order for them to flourish as well.
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”-1 Peter 4:10
As the Archives Committee has been helping us to remember our rich history and 120 years of blessings, we are thankful for God’s faithfulness and we renew our commitment to partner with him to serve our neighbors down the street as well as abroad. We reflect on ways to continue to use our resources, knowledge and experiences to build God’s Kingdom as we worship and give Him all the glory as we celebrate our anniversary.
Anne Arakaki-Lock is a member of Blaine Memorial UMC
Lectionary Readings
All Saints Day November 1, 2024 (Sometimes observed on first Sunday in November) Wisdom of Solomon 3:1-9 • Psalm 24 or Isaiah 25:6-9 • Revelation 21:1-6a • John 11:32-44
Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost November 3, 2024 (If All Saints not observed on this day) Ruth 1:1-18 • Psalm 146 • Deuteronomy 6:1-9 • Psalm 119:1-8 • Hebrews 9:11-14 • Mark 12:28-34
Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost November 10, 2024 Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17 • Psalm 1271 • Kings 17:8-16 • Psalm 146 • Hebrews 9:24-28 • Mark 12:38-44
Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost November 17, 2024 1 Samuel 1:4-20 • 1 Samuel 2:1-10 • Daniel 12:1-3 • Psalm 16 • Hebrews 10:11-14, (15-18), 19-25 • Mark 13:1-8
Reign of Christ Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost November 24, 2024 2 Samuel 23:1-7 • Psalm 132:1-12, (13-18) • Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 • Psalm 93 • Revelation 1:4b-8 • John 18:33-37A
Thanksgiving Day November 28, 2024 Joel 2:21-27 • Psalm 1261 • Timothy 2:1-7 • Matthew 6:25-33
First Sunday of Advent December 1, 2024 Jeremiah 33:14-16 • Psalm 25:1-10 • 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 • Luke 21:25-36
Second Sunday of Advent December 8, 2024 Baruch 5:1-9 or Malachi 3:1-4 • Luke 1:68-79 • Philippians 1:3-11 • Luke 3:1-6
Third Sunday of Advent December 15, 2024 Zephaniah 3:14-20 • Isaiah 12:2-6 • Philippians 4:4-7 • Luke 3:7-18
Fourth Sunday of Advent December 22, 2024 Micah 5:2-5a • Luke 1:46b-55 orPsalm 80:1-7 • Hebrews 10:5-10 • Luke 1:39-45, (46-55)
The young people of Blaine Memorial UMC help prepare Thanksgiving meals for Kimball Elementary. Want to help? Contact Terry Adolfo or our Church Office for information!
Sign-Up Now: Thanksgiving Meals and Giving Tree 2024!
Kimball Elementary Food Delivery Tuesday, November 26, 2024, 10:00AM
Giving Tree Sunday, November 17- Sunday, December 1, 2024
Giving Tree, Wrapped Gifts Due Sunday, December 8, 2024
Read more:
Terri Adolfo hangs Giving Tree gift tags for the Blaine Memorial community.
NJAUMC Caucus Advent Study Group • Tuesdays, 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17 at 6:30pm-8:00pm
Members of the NJAUMC Caucus have put together an Advent study based on The Christmas Letters. All NJAUMC churches are invited to attend the study. The facilitators are US Navy Chaplain Rev. John M. Miyahara and Pastor Brian Lee from Simpson UMC in Denver, Colorado, Rev. Ki Choi from Centenary UMC and Rev. Karen Yokota Love from Blaine Memorial UMC. The meeting dates are Tuesdays 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17 from 6:30pm-8:00pm on Zoom. You don’t need to read the book to join the group.
Prayers and Coffee on Zoom • Wednesdays at 9am
Join the Rev. Karen Yokota Love for prayer and community on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM on Zoom. Our time together consists of brief check-ins, devotionals, and prayers. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Feel free to bring a cup of coffee, tea, and a bite to eat. Hope to see you on Wednesday.
From these cotton rice bags, Blaine’s special 120th Anniversary Aprons are created.
More Aprons on the Way!
Recently, Blaine Memorial received three unexpected gifts of many rice bags. This means that our sewers are fortunate to have more apron kits that need to be sewn together! Unique Anniversary Aprons will become available in December, just in time for your holiday shopping. Stay tuned!
The Greening of Blaine • Saturday, November 30, 9am
The Greening of Blaine is one of the biggest half-day (with lunch provided) annual work parties of Blaine Memorial UMC. Join the Worship Committee in making wreaths, swags, and garlands for decorating the church’s campus through Advent and Christmas. Come learn how to craft the greenery and to grace the Sanctuary. Bring clippers or scissors to trim cedar fronds and ribbons.
We will also have a large paper art project where we will hang in the Sanctuary, calling for the shared work of many hands. Welcome, All! Let the Holidays begin!
Advent & Christmas Announcements
Children and Youth Christmas Play Sunday, Dec. 15, at 10am. All are invited to come to the Lee Activity Center to witness our children and youth perform in a special Christmas Play.
Blue Christmas Service Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 7pm. Our Blue Christmas Service provides space for prayer, reflection, and remembrance for those grieving during this holiday season (Livestreamed)
Christmas Music Sunday Sunday, Dec. 22, at 10:00am. Christmas Music Sunday will feature jams from our Blaine Memorial Choir, B.U.G.S., young adults, and more.
Christmas Eve Service Tuesday, Dec. 24 at 4pm. We will have one Traditional Christmas Eve Lesson and Carols Candlelight Service.
2024 Congregation Photograph
On December 15, 2024, we will be taking a 120th anniversary commemorative photo of our whole congregation in the Lee Activity Center after the children’s Christmas program. Please stay for this photograph which will be a snapshot of our present 2024 congregation in our 120th year as a church family. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of this Blaine Memorial UMC 120th Anniversary photo!
120th Anniversary Sunday Service and Potluck
On January 26, 2025, Blaine Memorial UMC will have a 120th anniversary Sunday service with special guests to celebrate and reflect on its 120-year history and look forward to its further growth and development into the next 120 years of service in love. There will be a potluck gathering and program following the service. There will also be ministry table exhibits of past and present ministries of the church such as music ministry, Sunday School ministry, Youth ministry, missions ministry, sports ministry, etc. Please join us for the culminating celebration of our 120th anniversary and start of our 121st year! We look forward to celebrating with all our members new and old and our many community friends. All are welcome.
The young people of Blaine Memorial UMC help prepare Thanksgiving meals for Kimball Elementary. Want to help? Contact Terry Adolfo or our Church Office for information!
Sign-Up Now: Thanksgiving Meals and Giving Tree 2024!
Mashed Potatoes Work Party Today after fellowship, Lee Activity Center
Kimball Elementary Food Delivery Tuesday, November 26, 2024, 10:00AM
Giving Tree Sunday, November 17- Sunday, December 1, 2024
Giving Tree, Wrapped Gifts Due Sunday, December 8, 2024
Read more:
Terri Adolfo hangs Giving Tree gift tags for the Blaine Memorial community.
NJAUMC Caucus Advent Study Group • Tuesdays, 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17 at 6:30pm-8:00pm
Members of the NJAUMC Caucus have put together an Advent study based on The Christmas Letters. All NJAUMC churches are invited to attend the study. The facilitators are US Navy Chaplain Rev. John M. Miyahara and Pastor Brian Lee from Simpson UMC in Denver, Colorado, Rev. Ki Choi from Centenary UMC and Rev. Karen Yokota Love from Blaine Memorial UMC. The meeting dates are Tuesdays 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17 from 6:30pm-8:00pm on Zoom. You don’t need to read the book to join the group.
Prayers and Coffee on Zoom • Wednesdays at 9am
Join the Rev. Karen Yokota Love for prayer and community on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM on Zoom. Our time together consists of brief check-ins, devotionals, and prayers. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Feel free to bring a cup of coffee, tea, and a bite to eat. Hope to see you on Wednesday.
From these cotton rice bags, Blaine’s special 120th Anniversary Aprons are created.
More Aprons on the Way!
Recently, Blaine Memorial received three unexpected gifts of many rice bags. This means that our sewers are fortunate to have more apron kits that need to be sewn together! Unique Anniversary Aprons will become available in December, just in time for your holiday shopping. Stay tuned!
The Greening of Blaine • Saturday, November 30, 9am
The Greening of Blaine is one of the biggest half-day (with lunch provided) annual work parties of Blaine Memorial UMC. Join the Worship Committee in making wreaths, swags, and garlands for decorating the church’s campus through Advent and Christmas. Come learn how to craft the greenery and to grace the Sanctuary. Bring clippers or scissors to trim cedar fronds and ribbons.
We will also have a large paper art project where we will hang in the Sanctuary, calling for the shared work of many hands. Welcome, All! Let the Holidays begin!
Advent & Christmas Announcements
Children and Youth Christmas Play Sunday, Dec. 15, at 10am. All are invited to come to the Lee Activity Center to witness our children and youth perform in a special Christmas Play.
Blue Christmas Service Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 7pm. Our Blue Christmas Service provides space for prayer, reflection, and remembrance for those grieving during this holiday season (Livestreamed)
Christmas Music Sunday Sunday, Dec. 22, at 10:00am. Christmas Music Sunday will feature jams from our Blaine Memorial Choir, B.U.G.S., young adults, and more.
Christmas Eve Service Tuesday, Dec. 24 at 4pm. We will have one Traditional Christmas Eve Lesson and Carols Candlelight Service.
2024 Congregation Photograph
On December 15, 2024, we will be taking a 120th anniversary commemorative photo of our whole congregation in the Lee Activity Center after the children’s Christmas program. Please stay for this photograph which will be a snapshot of our present 2024 congregation in our 120th year as a church family. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of this Blaine Memorial UMC 120th Anniversary photo!
120th Anniversary Sunday Service and Potluck
On January 26, 2025, Blaine Memorial UMC will have a 120th anniversary Sunday service with special guests to celebrate and reflect on its 120-year history and look forward to its further growth and development into the next 120 years of service in love. There will be a potluck gathering and program following the service. There will also be ministry table exhibits of past and present ministries of the church such as music ministry, Sunday School ministry, Youth ministry, missions ministry, sports ministry, etc. Please join us for the culminating celebration of our 120th anniversary and start of our 121st year! We look forward to celebrating with all our members new and old and our many community friends. All are welcome.
Read the latest issue of the Beacon, now!
Our Story Continues
Senior Pastor Reflection: A Future with Hope (Coming Soon!)