Church News & Events

Third Sunday of Advent Comments Off on Third Sunday of Advent

Third Sunday of Advent

Posted by on Dec 17, 2023 in Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Congregational Care, Giving, Innovation Hub, Miscellaneous, Prayer, Sermons, Service Opportunities, Small Groups, Spiritual Formation, Sunday Worship, Weekly Calendar


  • Sunday, Dec. 17, 2023, 10am
  • Third Sunday of Advent
  • Hybrid Worship
  • Continue scrolling or view the print version of the bulletin

Christmas Music Sunday!

Of The Father’s Love Begotten By C. W. Douglas 
Kathy Onishi
Grace and Greeting 
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Call to Worship 
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Opening Prayer 
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
Congregational Hymn 
People Look East • UMH #202 
Eugene & Kathy Onishi
Lighting the Advent Candle 
George, Wendy, Jamie and Lily Yates
Prayers of the People 
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Introduction to Christmas Music Sunday 
Eugene Onishi
Special Ukulele Music 
Jesus Loves Me, Twelve Days of Christmas, Mele Kalikimaka 
Blaine Ukulele Group of Seattle
Congregational Hymn 
O Come, All Ye Faithful • UMH #234, v. 1-4 
Eugene & Kathy Onishi 
I Shall Know Him When He Comes By D.E. Wagner 
Blaine Memorial Choir
Special Music 
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen • By J. Wilsor
Leann Onishi
Special Music 
Angels we Have Heard on High Hark! The Herald Angels Sing! 
Tone Chime Ringers
Special Music 
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 
Lisa Hirayama, Kathy Onishi

Introduction to the Offering 
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow UMH #94
Kathy Onishi 
Prayer of Dedication 
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
Contemporary Music 
All the World Awaits by Maher, Tomlin, Ingram
Blaine Praise Band
Special Music Christ Child’s Lullaby 
Leann Onishi
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Closing Music 
Glory to God in the Highest • By J. Althouse 
Blaine Memorial Choir
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Postlude  Glory to God in the Highest • By J. Althouse 
Kathy Onishi
Passing of the Peace 
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Zoom Break Out Room 
Rev. Dr. Jeney Park-Hearn

Reflection Questions 

1. What do you “hear” as you sing or listen to the songs of Christmas?

2. How do these carols contribute to your celebration of Christ’s birth?

Daily Lectionary Readings

Monday, Dec. 18, 2023: 
Psalm 125; 1 Kings 18:1-18; Ephesians 6:10-17
Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023: 
Psalm 125; 2 Kings 2:9-22;  Acts 3:17-4:4
Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023: 
Psalm 125; Malachi 3:16-4:6;  Mark 9:9-13
Thursday, Dec. 21, 2023: 
Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26; 2 Samuel 6:1-11; Hebrews 1:1-4
Friday, Dec. 22, 2023: 
Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26; 2 Samuel 6:12-19; Hebrews 1:5-14
Saturday, Dec. 23, 2023: 
Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26; Judges 13:2-24; John 7:40-52


December Worship Dates

Sunday, December 17, 10:00AM
• Christmas Music Sunday in the Sanctuary
Wednesday, December 20, 7:00PM
• Blue Christmas Service in Kono Chapel
Sunday, December 24, 10:00AM
• Fourth Sunday of Advent Worship Service
Sunday, December 24, 5:00PM
• Christmas Eve Candlelight Lesson and Carols Service

Holiday Office and Campus Closure

The Blaine Memorial UMC Church Office and the ENTIRE CAMPUS will be CLOSED from December 25-30, 2023 and January 1-2, 2024.

We will have worship on December 31, 2023. The Church Office and Campus will open on Wednesday, January 3, 2024. All groups may resume activities on Wednesday, January 3. This time away gives our pastoral and church staff the opportunity to spend Christmas and the New Year with their families. Thank you for your understanding and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

Poinsettias on the Altar • Order now through December 17, 2023

Advent season is here and it is time to sign up for poinsettias for the altar. You may dedicate a poinsettia in celebration of a person or an event, in memory of a loved one or to honor God’s glory. Poinsettias may be taken home after our Christmas Eve services. Each plant is $12.00. The deadline for Poinsettia Orders will be Sunday, December 17, 2023.

Download the order form here.

Wednesday Meditation & Prayer • December 20 at 9am

The Wednesday Prayer group continues to meet each week. Our time together consists of a check-in question centering around United Methodist Founder John Wesley’s famous question, “How is it with your soul?” Our time together continues with a few readings from The Upper Room Magazine. Finally, we end our time together with a pastoral prayer. Join us!

Merry Swift-mas! A Special Film Screening Event • December 22
Join us on Friday, December 22 at 7:00 PM in the Social Hall for a very special concert film screening in the Blaine Memorial Social Hall. Snacks and drinks will be provided. But please RSVP to the event through the QR code or link provided.

Note: this film is rated PG-13 and may contain strong language not suitable for young children. Parental guidance is advised.

Contact Lynne Onishi with questions.
Sign up here!

‘Tis the Season and the Place: Calling for Haiku and Senryu • Deadline: December 22

This year the special Advent and Christmas “ornament” for Blaine MUMC is a haiku contest dreamed up by Shig Nishida. Not just haiku, but also senryu. 

Haiku is a 17-syllable poem, conventional in Japanese, in three lines of 5-7-5 syllables. Senryu, like Haiku, are 17-syllable poems about insights into society, people, rather than about perceptions of nature. Senryu are social commentary or criticism, or personal self-reflections. The poem should imply or suggest the season it occurs in, should be focused on the immediate setting or place where the poem occurs, and should try to show a spontaneous insight. 

Submit your entry on a 5×7 index card (available in the entrance of the Sanctuary and in the church office) with bold and large font or handwriting in drop boxes or the office by the deadline of December 22. A panel of judges will select poems in each category submitted in Advent and the poets and their poems will be announced in church. This contest is open to members of all ages, and you may submit multiple entries with prizes awarded to winners.

A beautiful landscape view of green plants on hills and Volcan de Fuego mountains on the horizon in Antigua, Guatemala

Guatemala Mission Trip Info MeetingJanuary 21, 2024

Are you interested in going on a mission trip this coming August? Do you have a desire to serve others in an underdeveloped country? Are you not sure about going, but want to learn more? 

Blaine will again partner with Mission Guatemala and send a mission team to San Andrés Semetebaj, Guatemala. Please join us for a short informational meeting Sunday, January 21 in the Webb Room at 12:00. If you have any questions, please contact Bob or Donna Sekijima.

Sukiyaki Dinner Returns!

Saturday, March 2, 2024 • Blaine Memorial UMC

More information to come!

Read our latest Beacon!

December 2023 – January 2024 Calendar

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Second Sunday of Advent Comments Off on Second Sunday of Advent

Second Sunday of Advent

Posted by on Dec 9, 2023 in Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Congregational Care, Giving, Prayer, Sermons, Service Opportunities, Small Groups, Spiritual Formation, Sunday Worship, Weekly Calendar


  • Sunday, Dec. 10, 2023, 10am
  • Second Sunday of Advent
  • Hybrid Worship
  • Continue scrolling or view the print version of the bulletin

Order of Worship

He Is Born • UMH #228 
Kathy Onishi
Grace and Greeting 
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Call to Worship 
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Opening Prayer 
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Advent Candle Lighting
Hazel, Masami and Aka
Opening Hymn 
Emmanuel, Emmanuel (x 2) • UMH #204 
Congregational Singing 
Kathy and Eugene Onishi 
Hand Chime Ringers
Scripture Reading 
Mark 1:1-8 (CEB, JLB) 
Sylvia Wong, Yuki Sofronas
Prayers of the People 
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Church School Play Intro
Superintendent Sai Hanaoka
Christmas Play 
BREAKING NEWS! The Savior is Born! 
Church School and BYG
Response Hymn
There is Song in the Air
Church School and BYG 
Kathy Onishi
Offering Introduction 
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park

Offering Music 
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly 
Hand Chime Ringers
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow • UMH #94 
Kathy and Eugene Onishi
Prayer of Dedication 
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Closing Hymn 
Go Tell It on the Mountain
Church School and BYG
Eugene and Kathy Onishi
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Go Tell It on the Mountain • UMH #251 
Kathy Onishi
Zoom Break Out Room
Rev. Dr. Jeney Park-Hearn


December Worship Dates

Sunday, December 17, 10:00AM
• Christmas Music Sunday in the Sanctuary
Wednesday, December 20, 7:00PM
• Blue Christmas Service in Kono Chapel
Sunday, December 24, 10:00AM
• Fourth Sunday of Advent Worship Service
Sunday, December 24, 5:00PM
• Christmas Eve Candlelight Lesson and Carols Service

Free hearing tests in the Library • Today

Do you have trouble understanding conversation in noisy places? Do you ask people to repeat themselves? Have people told you to get your hearing checked? If you are experiencing any of these concerns, there will be an opportunity immediately after worship to have your hearing checked. Offerings include a free screening of your hearing, and a free cleaning of your ears. If you use hearing aids, you can have those checked, as well. Please go to the Blaine Library to have your hearing checked!

Wednesday Meditation & Prayer • December 13 at 9am

The Wednesday Prayer group continues to meet each week. Our time together consists of a check-in question centering around United Methodist Founder John Wesley’s famous question, “How is it with your soul?” Our time together continues with a few readings from The Upper Room Magazine. Finally, we end our time together with a pastoral prayer. Join us!

Poinsettias on the Altar • Order now through December 17, 2023

Advent season is here and it is time to sign up for poinsettias for the altar. You may dedicate a poinsettia in celebration of a person or an event, in memory of a loved one or to honor God’s glory. Poinsettias may be taken home after our Christmas Eve services. Each plant is $12.00. The deadline for Poinsettia Orders will be Sunday, December 17, 2023.

Download the order form here.

Sukiyaki Dinner Returns!

Saturday, March 2, 2024 • Blaine Memorial UMC

More information to come!

Coming Soon!

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First Sunday of Advent Comments Off on First Sunday of Advent

First Sunday of Advent

Posted by on Dec 3, 2023 in Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Congregational Care, Giving, Innovation Hub, Pastors' Columns, Prayer, Sermons, Service Opportunities, Small Groups, Spiritual Formation, Sunday Worship, Videos, Weekly Calendar


  • Sunday, Dec. 3, 2023, 10am
  • First Sunday of Advent
  • Hybrid Worship
  • Continue scrolling or view the print version of the bulletin

Order of Worship

Like a Child
By D. Damon, D. Cherwien

Kathy Onishi
Words of Grace and Greeting
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Call to Worship
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Opening Hymn
Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus • UMH #196
Eugene and Kathy Onishi
Opening Prayer
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
Lighting the Advent Candle
Glenn and Arlene Mitsui with Gibby
Scripture Reading
Mark 13:24-37 (NRSVUE, JLB)
Arlene Mitsui and George Yates
Message for the Children
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
Special Music
Waiting for the Promise
By J. McGuire and L. Larson

Blaine Memorial Choir
Our Shocking Hope
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Music of Reflection
I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light • UMH #206
Eugene and Kathy Onishi
Holy Communion
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
Offertory Invitation
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
“Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow” • UMH #94
Eugene and Kathy Onishi
Prayer of Dedication
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Closing Hymn
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel • UMH #211
Eugene and Kathy Onishi
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel • By L. Larson
Kathy Onishi

Sermon Questions

1. What are your temple stories? What stories have been foundational for you but no longer give you a safe or life-giving place to stand?

2. What things do you do to stay awake and prepared for God’s work in your life?

3. What commitments are you willing to make to God during this Advent season?

Daily Lectionary Readings

Monday, December 4, 2023:
Psalm 79; Micah 4:1-5; Revelation 15:1-8
Tuesday, December 5, 2023:
Psalm 79; Micah 4:6-13; Revelation 18:1-10
Wednesday, December 6, 2023:
Psalm 79; Micah 5:1-5a;  Luke 21:34-38
Thursday, December 7, 2023:
Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13; Hosea 6:1-6;  1 Thessalonians 1:2-10
Friday, December 8, 2023:
Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13;  Jeremiah 1:4-10; Acts 11:19-26
Saturday, December 9, 2023:
Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13;  Ezekiel 36:24-28; Mark 11:27-33


December Worship Dates

Sunday, December 3, 10:00AM
First Sunday of Advent and Holy Communion Sunday
Sunday, December 10, 10:00AM
Christmas Play with children and youth in the LAC
Sunday, December 17, 10:00AM
Christmas Music Sunday in the Sanctuary
Wednesday, December 20, 7:00PM
Blue Christmas Service in Kono Chapel
Sunday, December 24, 10:00AM
Fourth Sunday of Advent Worship Service
Sunday, December 24, 5:00PM
Christmas Eve Candlelight Lesson and Carols Service

Reconciling Ministries Curry Lunch! • Today!

Join us on Sunday (12/3) immediately after worship in the Social Hall when we will celebrate with joy that we are a Reconciling Ministries congregation! The Reconciling Ministries Team is hosting a chicken curry lunch with an ube cake (with a macapuno filling) celebration! ALL are welcome!

Terri Adolfo hangs Giving Tree gift tags for the Blaine Memorial community.

The Giving Tree Gift Return Deadline • Today

Please return wrapped gifts with securely attached tags by today, Sunday (12/3) in the Social Hall. If you missed the chance to participate or contribute to the Giving Tree this year, we warmly welcome donations. For any inquiries, please contact Terri Adolfo at

Holiday Card Signing • Today

You’re invited to sign Christmas cards for our church members who are sick or in a skilled facility home. The cards are on multiple tables in the Social Hall waiting for your signature until Sunday (12/3). The Social Hall will be open during Church Office Hours (Tuesday-Friday, 10am-4pm). Please contact the Church Office at (206) 723-1536 if you’d like to sign the cards during the week.

Free hearing tests in the Library • Today

Do you have trouble understanding conversation in noisy places? Do you ask people to repeat themselves? Have people told you to get your hearing checked? If you are experiencing any of these concerns, there will be an opportunity immediately after worship to have your hearing checked. Offerings include a free screening of your hearing, and a free cleaning of your ears. If you use hearing aids, you can have those checked, as well. Please go to the Blaine Library to have your hearing checked!

Wednesday Meditation & Prayer • December 6 at 9am

The Wednesday Prayer group continues to meet each week. Our time together consists of a check-in question centering around United Methodist Founder John Wesley’s famous question, “How is it with your soul?” Our time together continues with a few readings from The Upper Room Magazine. Finally, we end our time together with a pastoral prayer. Join us!

contacting the church office for Zoom info.

Poinsettias on the Altar • Order now through December 17, 2023

Advent season is here and it is time to sign up for poinsettias for the altar. You may dedicate a poinsettia in celebration of a person or an event, in memory of a loved one or to honor God’s glory. Poinsettias may be taken home after our Christmas Eve services. Each plant is $12.00. The deadline for Poinsettia Orders will be Sunday, December 17, 2023.

Download the order form here.

‘Tis the Season and the Place: Calling for Haiku and Senryu • Deadline: December 22

This year the special Advent and Christmas “ornament” for Blaine MUMC is a haiku contest dreamed up by Shig Nishida. Not just haiku, but also senryu.

Haiku is a 17-syllable poem, conventional in Japanese, in three lines of 5-7-5 syllables. Senryu, like Haiku, are 17-syllable poems about insights into society, people, rather than about perceptions of nature. Senryu are social commentary or criticism, or personal self-reflections. The poem should imply or suggest the season it occurs in, should be focused on the immediate setting or place where the poem occurs, and should try to show a spontaneous insight.

Submit your entry on a 5×7 index card (available in the entrance of the Sanctuary and in the church office) with bold and large font or handwriting in drop boxes or the office by the deadline of December 22. A panel of judges will select poems in each category submitted in Advent and the poets and their poems will be announced in church. This contest is open to members of all ages, and you may submit multiple entries with prizes awarded to winners.

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Associate Pastor’s Spiritual Reflection Comments Off on Associate Pastor’s Spiritual Reflection

Associate Pastor’s Spiritual Reflection

Posted by on Dec 1, 2023 in Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Pastors' Columns, Prayer, Service Opportunities, Small Groups, Spiritual Formation

The children of Blaine Memorial presented their play, “Breaking News! The Savior is Born!”

Go tell it on the mountain!

By the Rev. Mia MiKyung Park

The Church calendar begins with Advent, a season of anticipation and waiting for the arrival of our Savior, who came to us as a tiny baby. This period is a time of reflection and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It reminds me of the most mysterious and significant event in all human history – the incarnation. In this divine act, God took on human form to be with us, and the very name “Emmanuel: God with us” signifies the incredible hope, peace, joy and love he brings to all people.

As we eagerly anticipate the arrival of Christmas and the boundless joy it brings, we must also acknowledge the somber realities of our world. Ongoing conflicts, such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the Israel-Hamas conflict, cast a shadow of despair and suffering over our global community. The juxtaposition of this turmoil with the message of hope during Advent raises the question: how do we find and maintain hope in seemingly hopeless situations? How can we sustain inner peace amidst external chaos?

The answer lies in the promise from the Gospel of Luke 2:10-12. These verses are a beacon of hope, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, we can find light and solace. The angel’s message to the shepherds is a message to us all: “Do not be afraid, for see, I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people.” Which is our Church School’s December memorization. 

This message encapsulates the essence of the Christmas season. It is a call to banish fear from our hearts, for perfect love casts out fear. In a world where fear often seems to govern our actions and decisions, it is in this perfect love, this divine love, that we find hope, peace and joy. The birth of Jesus on Christmas Day signifies the embodiment of this perfect love, a love that can dispel even the deepest fears and transform it to endless love. 

The challenges and circumstances of life may attempt to diminish the great joy we receive through this divine love, but the good news remains steadfast. It is not exclusive to a select few; it is meant for “all the people.” 

As we light the candles on the Advent wreath, we are reminded of the meanings of each candle – hope, peace, joy and love. The season allows us to reflect on the message Advent, deepening our understanding and experiencing of incarnation that Christ’s birth brings.

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, let us not only be recipients of hope, peace, joy and love but also channels through which these gifts can flow to others. Children and youth delivered the message of Christmas in their play BREAKING NEWS! The Savior is Born! on Sunday, December 10 in the Lee Activity Center. The message from our children reached out to every person living in different circumstances or stations in life. We honor the true meaning of this season, and we participate in the sacred mission of spreading hope, peace, joy and love in a world that often longs for them. May we remember the angel’s message: “Do not be afraid,” for through the birth of Christ, we are invited to go tell the message on the mountains and to be a sanctuary of perfect love that can withstand any storm, illuminating our lives and those around us until all can truly sleep in heavenly peace.

The Rev. Mia MiKyung Park serves as the Associate Pastor of Blaine Memorial UMC.

Check out the Beacon!

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Spiritual Formation Center Comments Off on Spiritual Formation Center

Spiritual Formation Center

Posted by on Dec 1, 2023 in Church News & Events, Prayer, Spiritual Formation

I will be thankful for the simple and extraordinary blessings all around me. Father, I thank you for life. I thank you for Jesus.

It’s a Merry Christmas!

By Anne Arakaki-Lock

God, for my Christmas present this year I wish for peace on earth. 

I pray that there will be no more killing and fighting in Ukraine, that the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians ends. I pray that the shootings on the streets of Seattle end and that we can feel safe in our neighborhoods, parks, shopping malls, places of worship. Dear Lord, may we all have peace in our hearts. 

In fact, Lord, I will remember to sing and rejoice for your coming and feel the rays of sunshine. I will smile with the silly little kids, laugh when the weather changed and the nagging wife said to her complaining shivering husband, “I told you: you should have brought your jacket.” Then turning to her friend, “I told him he should have brought his jacket.” (Haha, sounds like me). 

I will look for the funny things that make me laugh. I will be thankful for the simple and extraordinary blessings all around me. Father, I thank you for life. I thank you for Jesus. Yes, it’s a Merry Christmas! “But I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord because he has dealt bountifully with me.” Psalm 13:5-6 ESV

Anne-Arakaki Lock serves on Blaine Memorial UMC’s Congregational Care team.

Check out the Beacon!

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BYG Update Comments Off on BYG Update

BYG Update

Posted by on Dec 1, 2023 in Blaine Youth Group, Church News & Events, Prayer, Service Opportunities, Small Groups, Spiritual Formation

Youth, young adults, and parents supported Kimball Elementary School through it’s Thanksgiving Meals project!

BYG successfully feeds local neighborhood

By Kai Yamamoto

As we are wrapping up Stewardship month and entering Advent, the Blaine Youth Group has been working on serving those in need this holiday season. In November, BYG made 41 delicious apple crisps and 70 pounds of mashed potatoes as part of our annual Thanksgiving project. We delivered these handmade dishes alongside 41 roasted chickens, 40 bags of salad, 30 bags of oranges, and 40 bags of dinner rolls. These meals went to local families who attend Kimball Elementary School, across the street from Blaine Memorial UMC and Concord International Elementary school in the South Park neighborhood. This year, we were able to serve 30 families! Thank you to all who donated to our Thanksgiving project, and a big thank you to the families and those who were involved in making these delicious dishes!

In December, we are also planning on serving Tent City 3. During our upcoming Christmas overnighter we plan on making sandwiches for the residents to enjoy. We will serve a hot meal all 70 residents in TC3. Thank you to all our Youth and Leaders who helped to make sandwiches!

Parents and young people gathered on Zoom to discuss college planning.

Also in November, we held a panel for parents and a panel for youth to talk about college planning. Our amazing BYG leadership team and BYG parents answered questions from fellow parents and Youth about the “college experience,” both from a parent and student perspective. It was amazing to see the Youth and parents begin to think about college and hear from our past and present college students and parents. We cannot wait to see what the future holds for our youth! 

BYG meets on Sundays at 10:00 AM. We will gather in the sanctuary for the beginning of worship service before transitioning over to the Nishida Room for BYG time after the children’s message.

Blaine Youth Group (BYG) is a place where youth (6th-12th grade) are invited into a loving community and celebrated as they are. BYG provides a safe environment for youth to build lasting friendships, grow spiritually, learn acceptance of self and others, express compassion for the world, and develop a love for God and neighbor. BYG has a space for any person who is interested.

Director of Youth Ministry: Lynne Onishi,

Associate Directors of Youth Ministry: Kai Yamamoto, and Kaylee Yokoyama,

Check out the Beacon!

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