Innovation Hub Update

Blaine young adults hiking up to Lake 22 near Granite Falls on a beautiful September day!

Upcoming Vote on Nov. 5 to determine affiliation with Reconciling Ministries Network

By Lynne Onishi, photos by Kai Yamamoto

Important! Register now for our upcoming vote! Make your voice heard!

Innovation Hub Events

Fall is here! We have been enjoying the last moments of sunshine and warmth before Winter arrives. Last September, we hosted a family film night in the social hall. We watched a lively animated musical and enjoyed plenty of food and snacks! The young adults also hiked up to Lake Twenty-Two, where we enjoyed spectacular views and plenty of sunshine! Many of our young adults also joined the BYG leaders retreat at Mercer Island UMC. 

The Innovation Hub hosted a family movie night in September! We gathered for food, fellowship, and a movie screening. Our film nights are opportunities for people of all ages to gather and enjoy meaningful, inspirational, or thought-provoking movies.

Important! Reconciling Ministries Upcoming Vote

Since June 2022, the Reconciling Ministries Team has been leading the congregation in study and discernment about what it means to be an open and affirming church. One of the most important ways we can align ourselves with justice and reconciliation is to affiliate with the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN), an organization of United Methodist congregations committed to the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people in The United Methodist Church. After over a year of questioning, learning, and discussing, it’s time to take our vote – will we join the Network? 

Affiliation with RMN requires that at least 75% of our congregation votes to adopt a Reconciling statement. We will be voting on this statement of reconciliation on Sunday, November 5:

We celebrate God’s gift of diversity and value the wholeness made possible in community equally shared and shepherded by all. We welcome and affirm people of every gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation, who are also of every age, race, ethnicity, physical and mental ability, level of education, and family structure, and of every economic, immigration, marital, and social status, and so much more. We acknowledge that we live in a world of profound social, economic, and political inequities. As followers of Jesus, we commit ourselves to the pursuit of justice and pledge to stand in solidarity with all who are marginalized and oppressed.

Just like voting in your local elections, we will require that congregation members REGISTER TO VOTE! We will provide paper mail-in style ballots for all who register to vote. We chose this method for security and simple record-keeping reasons. If you have questions, please contact us!

Congregants were invited to register in-person or online by Sunday, October 22. If you are planning to attend church on November 5, you may register and vote in person on that date. 

Ballots will be distributed the week of October 23-27. You may mail them to the church office or return them in-person between October 29 and November 5 (mail needs to be received by November 4). Ballots will be counted after worship on Sunday, November 5.

Click the link for the online registration form or sign up in-person on Sundays. Find our form in the office or social hall! 

The IH team and RM Task Force are always looking for new folks to join us. If you feel called to lend your voice to these important ministries, we invite you to join us at our next team zoom meeting. Please contact Lynne or any of the other team members for more information.

The Beacon is Now Available!

Read the latest issue of The Beacon newsletter, here!

October/November Calendar

Click on calendar to view the PDF.