Happy New Year!
- Second Sunday after Epiphany
- January 19, 2025 • 10:00am
- Hybrid Worship
- View the PDF
Order of Worship
Prelude Taste and See By James Moore Kathy Onishi |
Welcome of Grace and Greeting Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
Blaine Memorial UMC Land Acknowledgment |
Call to Worship Brad Miyake |
Opening Hymn Come My Way, My Truth, My Life (UMH #164) Kathy Onishi & Eugene Onishi |
Opening Prayer Brad Miyake |
Scripture Reading John 2:1-11 (JLB) Yuki Sofronas, Brad Miyake |
Children’s Message Sai Hanaoka |
Special Announcement Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
Special Music Here I Am, Send Me Blaine Memorial UMC Choir |
Sermon Water to Wine Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
Song of Reflection Jesus, Joy of Our Desiring (UMH #644) Kathy & Eugene Onishi |
Introduction to the Offering Brad Miyake |
Offertory Music Kathy Onishi |
Doxology Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow (UMH #94) Kathy & Eugene Onishi |
Prayer of Dedication Brad Miyake |
Announcements Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
Closing Hymn Become to Us the Living Bread (UMH #630) Kathy & Eugene Onishi |
Benediction Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
Postlude Soon and Very Soon By Andrae Crouch Kathy Onishi |
Passing of the Peace Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
Zoom Breakout Room Rev. Dr. Jeney Park-Hearn |
Today’s Flowers Miriam Tong |
Sermon Questions
- How did God speak to you through the scripture/sermon this week?
- What details from this story stand out to you? (Where is he, how much wine does he create, what does his mom ask of him, how does the master of the feast respond?)
- How does Jesus respond to his mom’s request? What does this show us about his mission?
- What are some reasons Jesus begins his ministry with turning water into wine?
- How do the seven signs help bolster our understanding of who Jesus is so that we may have eternal life?
- Jesus was socially engaged in celebratory events in the lives of others. What does this tell us about how we should engage in the mission of God?
Daily Lectionary Readings
Sunday, January 19, 2025: Second Sunday after the Epiphany Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 36:5-10; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; John 2:1-11 |
Monday, January 20, 2025: Psalm 145; Isaiah 54:1-8; Romans 12:9-21; |
Tuesday, January 21, 2025: Psalm 145; Song of Solomon 4:1-8; 1 Corinthians 1:3-17; |
Wednesday, January 22, 2025: Psalm 145; Song of Solomon 4:9-5:1; Luke 5:33-39; |
Thursday, January 23, 2025: Psalm 19; Isaiah 61:1-7; Romans 7:1-6; |
Friday, January 24, 2025: Psalm 19; Nehemiah 2:1-10; Romans 12:1-8; |
Saturday, January 25, 2025: Psalm 19; Nehemiah 5:1-13; Luke 2:39-52; |

A Celebration of Life Service for Sumi Yoshioka • Today at 1pm
You’re invited to the public Celebration of Life Service for Sumiko “Sumi” Yoshioka for this Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 1:00 PM. There will be a reception to follow in the Lee Activity Center. A lifelong church member, she faithfully served as organist, pianist, choir and handbell choir director. She was known for her kindness, grace, and was an island girl at heart. Sumi’s Celebration of Life service will be live-streamed.

120th/121st Anniversary Sunday Service and Potluck • Sunday, January 26, 2025
On January 26, 2025, Blaine Memorial UMC will have a 120th anniversary Sunday service with special guests from our past to celebrate and reflect on its 120-year history and look forward to its further growth and development into the next 120 years of service in love. After the service there will be a potluck gathering and program with exhibits, entertainment, reunions with friends and family, and an honoring of church members who are 88+ years old by the end of January. Please join us for the culminating celebration of our 120th anniversary and start of our 121st year! We look forward to celebrating with all our members new and old and our many community friends to remember and renew our connections into the future. Please bring a potluck dish to share. All are welcome.
For the potluck we are asking folks to contribute some dishes to share with others. (If you are single, please feel free to bring just one of the items. If you are 88+ years old, you do not need to bring a dish. This celebration is for you!). Potluck assignment recommendations are listed below by last name:
A-H: Main dish/Salad |
I-S: Main dish/Rice |
T-Z: Main dish/ Dessert |

NJAUMC Book Study During Epiphanytide
There’s a new book study sponsored by the National Japanese American United Methodist Caucus that will begin next Tuesday (1/21). Rev. Brian Lee (Simpson UMC in Arvada, CO) and Rev. John Miyahara (UMC Navy Chaplain in San Diego, CA) will facilitate “Secret Harvests: A Hidden Story of Separation and the Resilience of a Family Farm” by David Mas Masumoto. We will gather virtually on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM. (PST). Below is our reading schedule:
Tuesday (1/21) Parts 1 and 2 |
Tuesday (1/28) Parts 3 and 4 |
Tuesday (2/11) Parts 5 and 6 |
Tuesday (2/25) Parts 7 and 8 |
Click here to join the Zoom link.
Books are on sale in the Church Office for $15.00 or you are free to purchase online at Amazon.com.

Blaine’s Benefit Sukiyaki Nominations • Due Weds. Jan. 22, 2025
Blaine Memorial UMC’s Annual Sukiyaki will be on Saturday, March 1, 2025. Currently, the Sukiyaki Committee is seeking nominations for a beneficiary for the upcoming Sukiyaki event. Please submit a brief description of your recommended beneficiary recipient to the Church Office by Wednesday, January 22, 2025 (for review and approval by Ad Board). Beneficiary Nominations Forms are available in the Church Office.
If you have any questions, please contact Yuki Sofronas at our Church Office.

Prayer and Coffee • Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Join Rev. Karen for prayer and community on Wednesday (1/22/25) at 9:00AM on Zoom. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Hope to see you on Wednesday.
Video: “A Season of Stewardship: Blaine Memorial UMC Supports Kimball Elementary”
With challenges such as food insecurity, a harsh economy, and homelessness, Blaine Memorial UMC has teamed with Kimball Elementary School to provide dinners through Thanksgiving Meals and presents through the Giving Tree.
Several members of the Blaine Memorial UMC Community, including its Blaine Youth Group (BYG), share what makes this lay-led ministry vital to the families in the neighborhood.
Visit our Original Videos page to view this story and more!