All are Welcome!
- Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
- November 24, 2024, 10:00am
- Hybrid Worship
- Today’s flowers are provided by Sharon Maeda.
- View the PDF
Order of Worship
Prelude We Gather Together Arr. by Edward Kremser Kathy Onishi |
Welcome of Grace and Greeting Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
*Call to Worship (Based on Psalm 137, a Psalm of exile) Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
*Opening Hymn I Will Call Upon the Lord (TFWS #2002) Kathy Onishi, Eugene Onishi |
Opening Prayer (Unison) Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
First Scripture Reading John 18:33-37 (CEB) Tsutomu Nagoya, Sharon Maeda |
Children’s Message Sai Hanaoka |
Special Music All Good Gifts Natalie Sleeth Blaine Memorial Choir |
Stewardship Sharing Sharon Maeda |
Second Scripture Reading Jeremiah 29:10-14 (CEB) Tsutomu Nagoya, Sharon Maeda |
Sermon Home Sweet Home Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
Hymn of Reflection How Firm a Foundation (UMH #529) Kathy Onishi, Eugene Onishi |
Prayers of the People Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
Invitation to the Offering Sharon Maeda |
*Doxology Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow (UMH #94) Kathy Onishi |
Prayer of Dedication Sharon Maeda |
Announcements Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
*Closing Hymn Let All Things Now Living (TFWS #2008) Kathy Onishi, Eugene Onishi |
*Benediction Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
Postlude He is Exalted By Twila Paris Kathy Onishi |
Zoom Breakout Room Dale Kaneko |
Sermon Questions
- How does God’s plan for God’s people in exile relate to God’s plan for you in your current circumstances?
- How might the theme of exile and captivity apply to spiritual struggles in your life?
- How can we continue to hope and trust in God’s promises when we don’t see immediate results?
- In what ways does the promise of God in Jeremiah 29:14 inspire you to seek God wholeheartedly?
- What actions can you take to seek the welfare of your community, following the example set in Jeremiah 29?
- How can we apply the lessons from the exiles’ experience to our lives in the face of trials or hardship?
Daily Lectionary Readings
Sunday, November 24, 2024: 2 Samuel 23:1-7 and Psalm 132:1-12 (13-18) • Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 and Psalm 93 • Revelation 1:4b-8 • John 18:33-37 |
Monday, November 25, 2024: Semi-continuous: Psalm 63 • 2 Kings 23:15-25 • Revelation 11:1-14 Complementary: Psalm 76 • Daniel 7:19-27 • Revelation 11:1-14 |
Tuesday, November 26, 2024: Semi-continuous: Psalm 63 • 1 Samuel 17:55-18:5 • Revelation 11:15-19 Complementary: Psalm 76 • Ezekiel 29:1-12 • Revelation 11:15-19 |
Wednesday, November 27, 2024: Semi-continuous: Psalm 63 • 2 Samuel 2:1-7 • John 16:25-33 Complementary: Psalm 76 • Ezekiel 30:20-26 • John 16:25-33 |
Thursday, November 28, 2024: Joel 2:21-27 and Psalm 126 • 1 Timothy 2:1-7 • Matthew 6:25-33 |

Sign-Up Now: Thanksgiving Meals and Giving Tree 2024!
Mashed Potatoes Work Party Today after fellowship, Lee Activity Center |
Kimball Elementary Food Delivery Tuesday, November 26, 2024, 10:00AM |
Giving Tree Sunday, November 17- Sunday, December 1, 2024 |
Giving Tree, Wrapped Gifts Due Sunday, December 8, 2024 |
Read more:

Sign-Up Now: Thanksgiving Meals and Giving Tree 2024!
By Terry Adolfo

BYG Update: Help us develop leaders this Thanksgiving!
By Kaylee Yokoyama

NJAUMC Caucus Advent Study Group • Tuesdays, 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17 at 6:30pm-8:00pm
Members of the NJAUMC Caucus have put together an Advent study based on The Christmas Letters. All NJAUMC churches are invited to attend the study. The facilitators are US Navy Chaplain Rev. John M. Miyahara and Pastor Brian Lee from Simpson UMC in Denver, Colorado, Rev. Ki Choi from Centenary UMC and Rev. Karen Yokota Love from Blaine Memorial UMC. The meeting dates are Tuesdays 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17 from 6:30pm-8:00pm on Zoom. You don’t need to read the book to join the group.

Prayers and Coffee on Zoom • Wednesdays at 9am
Join the Rev. Karen Yokota Love for prayer and community on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM on Zoom. Our time together consists of brief check-ins, devotionals, and prayers. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Feel free to bring a cup of coffee, tea, and a bite to eat. Hope to see you on Wednesday.

More Aprons on the Way!
Recently, Blaine Memorial received three unexpected gifts of many rice bags. This means that our sewers are fortunate to have more apron kits that need to be sewn together! Unique Anniversary Aprons will become available in December, just in time for your holiday shopping. Stay tuned!

The Greening of Blaine • Saturday, November 30, 9am
The Greening of Blaine is one of the biggest half-day (with lunch provided) annual work parties of Blaine Memorial UMC. Join the Worship Committee in making wreaths, swags, and garlands for decorating the church’s campus through Advent and Christmas. Come learn how to craft the greenery and to grace the Sanctuary. Bring clippers or scissors to trim cedar fronds and ribbons.
We will also have a large paper art project where we will hang in the Sanctuary, calling for the shared work of many hands. Welcome, All! Let the Holidays begin!

Advent & Christmas Announcements
Children and Youth Christmas Play Sunday, Dec. 15, at 10am. All are invited to come to the Lee Activity Center to witness our children and youth perform in a special Christmas Play. |
Blue Christmas Service Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 7pm. Our Blue Christmas Service provides space for prayer, reflection, and remembrance for those grieving during this holiday season (Livestreamed) |
Christmas Music Sunday Sunday, Dec. 22, at 10:00am. Christmas Music Sunday will feature jams from our Blaine Memorial Choir, B.U.G.S., young adults, and more. |
Christmas Eve Service Tuesday, Dec. 24 at 4pm. We will have one Traditional Christmas Eve Lesson and Carols Candlelight Service. |

2024 Congregation Photograph
On December 15, 2024, we will be taking a 120th anniversary commemorative photo of our whole congregation in the Lee Activity Center after the children’s Christmas program. Please stay for this photograph which will be a snapshot of our present 2024 congregation in our 120th year as a church family. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of this Blaine Memorial UMC 120th Anniversary photo!

120th Anniversary Sunday Service and Potluck
On January 26, 2025, Blaine Memorial UMC will have a 120th anniversary Sunday service with special guests to celebrate and reflect on its 120-year history and look forward to its further growth and development into the next 120 years of service in love. There will be a potluck gathering and program following the service. There will also be ministry table exhibits of past and present ministries of the church such as music ministry, Sunday School ministry, Youth ministry, missions ministry, sports ministry, etc. Please join us for the culminating celebration of our 120th anniversary and start of our 121st year! We look forward to celebrating with all our members new and old and our many community friends. All are welcome.
Read the latest issue of the Beacon, now!

Our Story Continues
- Senior Pastor Reflection: A Future with Hope (Coming Soon!)
- Blaine Memorial UMC Benefit Bazaar Thank-Yous!
- Sign-Up Now: Thanksgiving Meals and Giving Tree 2024!
- BYG Update: Help us develop leaders this Thanksgiving!
- Spiritual Formation Center: In Thanksgiving, We Celebrate (Coming Soon!)
View the November and December 2024 Calendars