Spiritual Formation Center

Spiritual Formation Center
Can our Blaine Memorial members give 10% to build a new kin-dom here on earth? If not our time, what talents can we give during this stewardship season?

Stewardship: 90 is Greater than 100

By Anne Arakaki-Lock

I just read an article about 90 being more than 100. Go figure. 

Some of you may know where I may be going with this as it is Stewardship season and each of us will decide what to give this coming year. The idea is that if you tithe 10% of what you make, you get way more back than what you had before giving.

In Malachi’s day, God required people to tithe. Even in the New Testament, Luke 6:38 said, “Give and it will be given to you.” I might add, since everything we have belongs to God, should we really keep 100% of what He gives us or can we “spare” at least 10% to help build his kingdom “on earth, as it is in heaven?” Just wondering. 

“Bring the tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” -Malachi 3 NIV.

Tithing means trusting that God will provide. We’re essentially acknowledging that everything belongs to God — 100%. So, when we “sow our seeds” in faith and return some resources for His work, we’re obeying and showing our dependence on Him. We are also waiting for God to pour out His blessings on us in a big way. We’ll have so much given to us that we won’t even have room to store all of it. Tithing is a chance for us to be in sync with God’s purpose to provide for His people and sow love. It’s a privilege to be God’s partner. So, we give with a cheerful heart.

I pray, Lord, that as your children of Blaine Memorial, we each take time to search deep in our hearts this giving season, trust You to continue to sow tons of blessings on us, and show our faithfulness by being generous to others. Amen. 

Anne Arakaki-Lock is a member of Blaine Memorial UMC.

Also read: “Pray, Pray, Pray*”

Read more Spiritual Formation content from Anne Arakaki-Lock


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Prayers and Coffee on Zoom • Wednesdays at 9am

Join Rev. Karen for prayer and community on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM on Zoom. Our time together consists of brief check-ins, devotionals, and prayers. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Feel free to bring a cup of coffee, tea, and a bite to eat. Hope to see you on Wednesday.

Read about Mission Guatemala in the latest Beacon!

Bazaar 2024 is coming! Mark your calendars for this awesome event! Pre-order your favorite foods by clicking on the image above!

Blaine Memorial Bazaar and Mission Guatemala

A portion of the proceeds will benefit Mission Guatemala. Mission Guatemala helps meet the basic needs and improve the quality of life of underserved Guatemalan people through health, education, and nutrition initiatives and meaningful missionary service. Together, we can make a difference!

Bazaar: Volunteers Needed!

We cannot do this without our trusted volunteers to help out at Bazaar! We need help grilling, cooking, making ohagi, selling baked goods, etc. Please sign up in the Social Hall. 

Please contact Lesley Okura (okura5@aol.com) if you have any questions.

Volunteer Pie-Makers Needed!

We are in GREAT need for many volunteers, at least 30 people for Pie Making, on October 3 at 10:00AM! We will be working in the LAC to make and bake pies for the Bazaar! 

Baked Goods Also Needed!

Do you love to bake? We need baked goods donations for our Bake Goods booth at the Bazaar! We’re seeking donations of baked mochi, manju, brownies and cookies. Please bring them in on Saturday, October 5 before 10:00AM!

Blaine’s special 120th Anniversary Aprons are created from cotton rice bags

Purchase Anniversary Aprons, October 5!

Wow, we are so grateful and excited to see the many rice bags that were generously donated to us recently by Jean Okazaki! Jean’s daughter, Kathleen, read of Blaine’s need for more rice bags and responded! Now our capable and hard working sewers are busy making more of our special 120th Anniversary Aprons.

They will be available for sale at our upcoming Bazaar on October 5th or through the church office. They are $40 and we are happy to accept more; the additional dollars would be considered a donation.

Fall Book Study: “Context: Putting Scripture in Its Place”

You’re invited to join Rev. Dr. John Miyahara (UMC Navy Chaplain), Rev. Brian Lee (Simpson UMC in Arvada, CO), and congregation members of the Japanese American United Methodist Caucus in a 6-week book study. We will be reading Context: Putting Scripture in its Place. Please note that reading the book isn’t required!

Books are available in the Church Office for $17.00. The study will begin on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 from 6:30-8:00 PM. The Zoom link will be sent out closer to the beginning of the book study date. Please contact Rev. Karen will any questions.

The Rev. Karen Yokota Love speaks during a QA session with clergy during Asian Camp 2024.

Asian Camp 50th Anniversary Event (Southern California) • October 12

Calling all Asian Camp campers, counselors, directors, past and present! RSVP for this years AC 50th anniversary event on October 12! RSVPs & ticket purchasing is due by August 20th, 2024.

  • Visit withjoy.com/asiancamp
  • Ticket purchasing will be done through PayPal found at njaumccamps.org/50th OR checks made out to NJAUMC Camping Ministries, sent to our Camping Board Finance Chair Carol Tondo at 2313 Pacific Avenue, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266.

In addition, the Sunday following (10/13), we will be having a joint gathering/service at Centenary UMC at 2PM. Join us in continuing to fellowship together as we celebrate 50 years of camp! Please contact Rev. Karen if you have any questions.

Afghanistan and Ukrainian Refugee Donation Ministry

Items being collected: At this time, we have an abundance of some items and so we are NOT in need of clothing or children’s toys. Especially needed items include women’s products, toothpaste, personal care items, rice cookers, blenders, mixing bowls, microwave ovens, toasters, mixers, irons, dish sets, towels, and blankets.

Blaine Memorial UMC Collection Hours: Collection items can be dropped off at the Blaine Memorial Social Hall from Tuesday-Friday between 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Please call the Church Office at (206) 723-1536 prior to dropping off your items.

South King County Response Center Collection Volunteer Hours: The Donation Center is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, same time as the Tukwila Pantry at 3118 S. 140th St. Seattle. Please text Kim Parks at (206) 683-1707 when you would like to help. Please wear a mask and bring a marking pen and measuring tape if possible. Other Questions? Please contact Donna Sekijima or Anne Arakaki-Lock.

View the October 2024 Calendar