Epiphany Sunday


  • Epiphany Sunday
  • January 7, 2024, 10:00am
  • Hybrid Worship
  • Continue scrolling or view the print version of the bulletin
  • Thank you to Sharon Maeda for providing today’s flower arrangements! 

Order of Worship

McDonald’s Reel 
Leann Onishi & Mako Willett
Welcome of Grace and Greeting 
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Call to Worship 
Rev. Karen Yokota Love 
By Townley/Ministry Matters
Opening Hymn
The First Noel
UMH #245 (Verses 1-3, 5) 

Kathy Onishi 
Opening Prayer
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park 
Scripture Reading 
Genesis 1:1-5 (NRSVUE, JLB)
Mariko Ronan & Tsutomu Nagoya
Children’s Message 
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
Scripture Reading 
Matthew 2:1-12 (CEB, JLB) 
Stephen Sumida & Tsutomu Nagoya
Journey of the Magi
By T.S. Eliot 

Stephen Sumida
Revealed on the Journey 
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Hymn of Reflection 
We Three Kings
UMH #254 (Verses 1-4) 

Kathy Onishi 
Holy Communion
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
Holy Communion Music 
Star Child
By Onishi, Tsuki, Taki, Yamada
Leann Onishi & Mako Willett
Introduction to the Offering 
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
Offertory Music 
Amazing Grace 
Leann Onishi & Mako Willett
UMH #94
Kathy Onishi
Prayer of Dedication 
Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
Rev. Karen and Friends
*Closing Hymn 
Joy to the World 
UMH #246 (Verses 1-4)

Kathy Onishi
Rev. Karen Yokota Love
Traditional Okinawan Song 
Leann Onishi & Mako Willett
Zoom Breakout Room 
Rev. Dr. Jeney Park-Hearn

Sermon Questions

1. Describe a recent epiphany that you’ve had or an Aha moment. How did that change you?

2. What are the barriers to faith and following Jesus that you must contend with in your life right now (ex: doubt, negative church experiences, etc.)? What are some the current faith struggles that you are dealing with?

3. How is the Christian life exemplified in the magi (seeking Jesus, worshiping Jesus, offering our gifts to Jesus)?

4. How might you better live as a Christian this coming year? How can this group help?

Daily Lectionary Readings

Sunday, January 7, 2024:
Baptism of the Lord
Genesis 1:1-5; Psalm 29; Acts 19:1-7; Mark 1:4-11
Monday, January 8, 2024: 
Psalm 69:1-5, 30-36; Genesis 17:1-13; Romans 4:1-12
Tuesday, January 9, 2024:
Psalm 69:1-5, 30-36; Exodus 30:22-38; Acts 22:2-16
Wednesday, January 10, 2024:
Psalm 69:1-5, 30-36; Isaiah 41:14-20; John 1:29-34
Thursday, January 11, 2024:
Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18; Judges 2:6-15; 2 Corinthians 10:1-11
Friday, January 12, 2024:
Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18; Judges 2:16-23; Acts 13:16-25
Saturday, January 13, 2024:
Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18; 1 Samuel 2:21-25; Matthew 25:1-13


OzoniToday, after service

Ozoni is returning to Blaine! Welcome back to eating ozoni mochi soup after the church worship service, today.

The Blaine Memorial Choir is resuming the customary making and serving of the New Year’s rice-cake ozoni, after three years of missing this celebration because of the pandemic. The Choir is happy to serve you best wishes for the new year of 2024 in every bowl of ozoni!

De-greening, removing the Christmas decorationsToday, after lunch

The Worship Committee is needing your help and calling all Blaine Memorial members! We need help on Sunday (1/7) to remove the Christmas decorations in the Sanctuary! We’ll also need help removing all the swag around the church campus. Immediately after the Ozoni soup lunch, please stick around to help take down the decorations. If we have more helping hands, the de-greening will go faster! We thank you in advance!

Wednesday Meditation & Prayer • January 10 at 9am

The Wednesday Prayer group continues to meet each week. Our time together consists of a check-in question centering around United Methodist Founder John Wesley’s famous question, “How is it with your soul?” Our time together continues with a few readings from The Upper Room Magazine. Finally, we end our time together with a pastoral prayer. Join us!

A beautiful landscape view of green plants on hills and Volcan de Fuego mountains on the horizon in Antigua, Guatemala

Guatemala Mission Trip Info Meeting • January 21, 2024

Are you interested in going on a mission trip this coming August? Do you have a desire to serve others in an underdeveloped country? Are you not sure about going, but want to learn more? 

Blaine will again partner with Mission Guatemala and send a mission team to San Andrés Semetebaj, Guatemala. Please join us for a short informational meeting Sunday, January 21 in the Webb Room at 12:00. If you have any questions, please contact Bob or Donna Sekijima at b_d_sekijima@comcast.net.

Blaine Memorial UMC’s 120th Anniversary • Sunday, January 28, 2024

It is such a great joy to celebrate Blaine Memorial UMC’s 120th Anniversary! We’ll honor our church members and friends who have or will have reached by the end of January, the glorious age of 88 and older by reading their names aloud during worship. 

What’s a better way than to show our appreciation to our 88+ year old church members than having a ’Blaine’ potluck? We are asking folks to contribute! (If you are single, please feel free to bring just one of the items. If you are 88+ years old, you do not need to bring a dish. This celebration is for you!):

A-H: Main dish/dessert

I-S: Main dish/salad

T-Z: Main dish/rice

We hope that you can join us on to joyfully celebrate our 88+ year old church members and loved ones!

Special thanks to Glenn Mitsui for this year’s spectacular design!

Sukiyaki Dinner Returns!

Saturday, March 2, 2024 • Blaine Memorial UMC

More information to come!

Afghanistan and Ukranian Refugee Donation Ministry

At this time, needed items include women’s products, toothpaste, personal care items, rice cookers, blenders, mixing bowls, microwave ovens, toasters, mixers, irons, dish sets, towels, and blankets. No to clothes or toys.

Blaine Memorial UMC Collection Hours: Tuesday-Friday between 10:00AM-4:00PM. Call the Church Office at (206) 723-1536 prior to dropping off your items.

South King County Response Center Collection Volunteer Hours: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10:00AM-2:00PM, same time as the Tukwila Pantry at 3118 S. 140th St. Seattle. Please text Kim Parks at (206) 683-1707 when you would like to help. Please wear a mask and bring a marking pen and measuring tape if possible. Other Questions? Please contact Donna Sekijima at: donnasek@outlook.com and/or Anne Arakaki-Lock at: salock@comcast.net.

Read our latest Beacon!

December 2023 – January 2024 Calendar

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