- Sunday Nov. 12, 2023, 10am
- Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
- Hybrid Worship
- Continue to scrolling or view the print version of the bulletin
Order of Worship
Prelude “Would I Have Answered When You Called” Ralph Williams Kathy Onishi |
Welcome of Grace and Greeting Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
Reconciling Ministries Announcement The Reconciling Ministries Team |
*Call to Worship Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
*Opening Hymn Leaning on the Everlasting Arms (UMH #133) Eugene and Kathy Onishi |
Opening Prayer Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
Honoring Our Veterans Tom Kometani |
First Scripture Reading Matthew 25:1-13 (CEB, JLB) Ron Nobuyama and Tsutomu Nagoya |
Children’s Message Sai Hanaoka |
The Baptism of Janet Kometani Rev. Karen Yokota Love, Rev. Mia MiKyung Park, and Rev. Dr. Jeney Park-Hearn |
Special Music “Now We Thank You, Lord” by J.P. Williams, D. Nolan Blaine Memorial Choir |
Stewardship Campaign 2024 Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
Second Scripture Reading Psalm 98: 1-3 (CEB, JLB) Ron Nobuyama and Tsutomu Nagoya |
Sermon Together for Joy: New Song Rev. Mia MiKyung Park |
Hymn of Reflection They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love (TFWS #2223) Eugene and Kathy Onishi |
Offering Ron Nobuyama |
*Doxology Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow (UMH #94) Eugene and Kathy Onishi |
*Prayer of Dedication Ron Nobuyama |
Announcements Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
*Closing Hymn Together We Serve (TFWS #2175) Eugene and Kathy Onishi |
*Benediction Rev. Mia MiKyung Park |
Postlude “May You Run and Not Be Weary“ by P. Murakami, H. Hanson Kathy Onishi |
Passing of the Peace Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
Zoom Breakout Room Rev. Dr. Jeney Park-Hearn |
Sermon Questions
1. What does Psalm 98:1-3 teach us about the joy and praise that should be associated with stewardship?
2. How can we interpret the “new song” mentioned in the passage in the context of stewardship?
3. How does joyful stewardship differ from mere duty or obligation?
4. How can this passage inspire us to be more mindful and intentional stewards of the gifts and resources that God has entrusted to us?*
Daily Lectionary Readings
Monday, November 13, 2023: Semi-continuous: Psalm 78; Joshua 24:25-33; 1 Corinthians 14:20-25 Complementary: Psalm 63; Amos 8:7-14; 1 Corinthians 14:20-25 |
Tuesday, November 14, 2023: Semi-continuous: Psalm 78; Nehemiah 8:1-12; 1 Thessalonians 3:6-13 Complementary: Psalm 63; Joel 1:1-14; 1 Thessalonians 3:6-13 |
Wednesday, November 15, 2023: Semi-continuous: Psalm 78; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Matthew 24:29-35 Complementary: Psalm 63; Joel 3:9-21; Matthew 24:29-35 |
Thursday, November 16, 2023: Semi-continuous: Psalm 123; Judges 2:6-15; Revelation 16:1-7 Complementary: Psalm 90:1-8, 12; Ezekiel 6:1-14; Revelation 16:1-7 |
Friday, November 17, 2023: Semi-continuous: Psalm 123; Judges 2:16-23; Revelation 16:8-21 Complementary: Psalm 90:1-8, 12; Ezekiel 7:1-9; Revelation 16:8-21 |
Saturday, November 18, 2023: Semi-continuous: Psalm 123; Judges 5:1-12; Matthew 12:43-45 Complementary: Psalm 90:1-8, 12; Ezekiel 7:10-27; Matthew 12:43-45 |

Poinsettias on the Altar • Order now through December 17, 2023
Advent season is here and it is time to sign up for poinsettias for the altar. You may dedicate a poinsettia in celebration of a person or an event, in memory of a loved one or to honor God’s glory. Poinsettias may be taken home after our Christmas Eve services. Each plant is $12.00. The deadline for Poinsettia Orders will be Sunday, December 17, 2023.

Choir members needed! • Tues. at 7pm, Sun. at 9am, 11:45am
Join us as we bring musical messages to the Blaine family each week. If you sing, or if you would like to learn to sing, please come join! Whether you sing in public or just in the shower or are available “full-time” or “part-time,” all are welcome! Contact Eugene Onishi.

Wednesday Meditation & Prayer • Nov. 15 at 9am
The Wednesday Prayer group continues to meet each week. Our time together consists of a check-in question centering around United Methodist Founder John Wesley’s famous question, “How is it with your soul?” Our time together continues with a few readings from The Upper Room Magazine September/October edition. Finally, we end our time together with a pastoral prayer. We hope you can join us!
For more information, contact the church office for details!

All-Church Conference Meeting • Tuesday, Nov. 14, 7pm
This year’s All-Church Conference will be on Tuesday, November 14 at 7pm. This gathering holds great significance for our faith community as we come together to celebrate our ministries in 2023. Our District Superintendent, Rev. Derek Nakano will preside over the meeting. All are invited to hear about the state of our church and other important updates. More details to come!

Thanksgiving Meal Work Party • Sunday, Nov. 19 & Monday, Nov. 20
BYG is once again partnering with Kimball Elementary School to provide Thanksgiving meals for food-insecure families. We’ll gather on Sunday, November 19, after worship to prepare apple crisps together in the LAC kitchen. Additionally, on Monday evening at 6pm in the LAC kitchen, we’ll make mashed potatoes and bake apple crisps (a light dinner will be provided). We plan to deliver the meals to Kimball Elementary School on Tuesday, the 21st, in the morning. Please contact BYG Directors or Terri Adolfo for more details.

Greening of Blaine 2023
All are welcome to participate in the Greening of Blaine 2023. There will be two work parties, this year:
- Tuesday, Nov. 28 (10a-12p) – Worship Committee & Pam Ikegami will focus on the Sanctuary.
- Saturday, Dec. 2 (9a-12p) – Volunteers will mount the wreaths, garlands, and swags to decorate the outside of the church and to install the year’s Christmas tree. Lunch will be provided.
Please come take part! No prior experience necessary. Bring a tool to trim greenery for the wreaths! Welcome!
Visit the Poinsettia page!

Orders are now open for Poinsettias on the Altar. Read more.
The Beacon is Now Available!

Read the latest issue of The Beacon newsletter, here!
November 2023 Calendar

Click on calendar to view the PDF.