BYG Suno Dogs support Maui relief!
By Kaylee Yokoyama, photos by Kai Yamamoto
It’s already Fall! Blaine Youth Group has begun a brand new school year. The youth are meeting on Sundays in the Nishida Room. We are excited for a fresh start to youth ministries. This past month was filled with tons of exciting and fun events.
One of those events being the long-awaited Blaine Bazaar! BYG featured a Youth Booth where youth served delicious suno dogs and sodas. Youth plan to work diligently through their various roles in serving suno dogs, sodas, and collecting cash/donations to support Maui disaster recovery via the United Methodist Committee on Relief. In preparation for the Bazaar, BYG held a Suno Dog/Youth Booth training night, where youth learned all the essential roles to run the Youth Booth. Youth were taught proper food safety, how to assemble suno dogs, provide excellent customer service, and how to best run the Youth Booth through their various roles. Afterwards, the youth were rewarded with also being able to get a taste of the famous suno dogs for dinner. We are very excited for the return and appearance of the BYG Youth Booth iconic hot dog mascot during Bazaar! Thank you, Blaine Congregation, for continuing to support youth throughout various Blaine events!

As this new school year begins, BYG is excited to welcome new youth. We are excited for the upcoming school year and have lots in store for BYG. Please make sure to keep a look out for upcoming BYG events, news, and announcements! Again, thanks to your continued support which has allowed the youth the opportunities to grow their faith and develop meaningful relationships.
BYG meets on Sundays at 10:00 AM. We will gather in the Sanctuary for the beginning of worship service before transitioning over to the Nishida Room for BYG time after the children’s message.
Blaine Youth Group (BYG) is a place where youth (6th-12th grade) are invited into a loving community and celebrated as they are. BYG provides a safe environment for youth to build lasting friendships, grow spiritually, learn acceptance of self and others, express compassion for the world, and develop a love for God. BYG has a space for any person who is interested, and all are welcome.
Contact Information:
Director of Youth Ministry: Lynne Onishi
Associate Directors of Youth Ministry: Kai Yamamoto and Kaylee Yokoyama
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