Kubota garden walk & RM drop-in usher fall season of innovation!
By Lynne Onishi
As the summer winds down and we get ready for fall, the Innovation Hub continues (in true innovative fashion) to create spaces for new expressions of ministry. We hope you enjoy some of these photos from our most recent events and the things we’re trying!

Kubota Garden Walk
On August 12, a group of congregation members carpooled to Kubota Garden and enjoyed a peaceful morning walk through the park. We talked about the spiritual significance and symbolism in a Japanese garden and then set out for a time of silent reflection. When we came back together as a group, it was interesting to hear what stood out to folks most. We each experienced the silent reflection time in different ways!

Some mentioned seeing wildlife like turtles and blue jays, while others reflected on the peace that accompanied a few minutes of slowing down. I took notice of the flowers blooming around the garden and the way some of them were growing in unexpected directions. I think we all gained something meaningful from setting aside that intentional time for silence and reflection. It made me wonder about how I might find ways to have a snippet of this kind of silence in my everyday life.

Reconciling Ministries Fellowship Hour Drop-In
The Reconciling Ministries team hosted a drop-in activity and Q&A session during social hour on July 30. The team offered resources, delicious (and beautiful) treats, and space to discuss questions about the reconciling ministry journey. We also asked folks to contribute their hopes for an inclusive future at our church and created a colorful poster with all their responses. We encourage you to check out this poster next time you’re in the Social Hall and read about all our hopes and dreams for Blaine Memorial!

The IH team and RM Task Force are always looking for new folks to join us. Please contact Lynne or any of the other team members for more information.
Contact Lynne Onishi with questions about the Innovation Hub team or Reconciling Ministries lynneonishi@gmail.com
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