VBS 2023 Food Truck Party inspires and uplifts!

VBS 2023 Food Truck Party inspires and uplifts!
This year’s VBS provided quality time with our young people and adults alike. What was your favorite moment?

VBS 2023 Food Truck Party inspires and uplifts!

By the Rev. Mia MiKyung Park

Thank you VBS leaders, participants, parents, and attendees! During the week of Vacation Bible School, volunteers gathered every morning for devotion and prayer. It was a truly humbling experience to serve alongside a diverse group of individuals, both seen and unseen, who dedicated their time and efforts to this year’s VBS. The collective contribution of these volunteers was instrumental in creating a memorable and impactful event.

Sally S. and Terri P. provide healthy meals for our children.

There were countless individuals who played vital roles behind the scenes, working hard to bring everything together. From the talented hands that crafted the decorations, including the food truck, to those diligently creating the daily special signs and lending their fish kites, their selfless acts of service were evident. Additionally, there were those who generously donated decorations, and others who invested their time and energy into setting up the gym. The commitment and dedication of various leaders and volunteers were one of the main strengths at our VBS. Station leaders, section leaders, shepherds, lunch chefs, and those involved in making name tags and sending out communication emails, all played crucial roles in the smooth operation of each day’s activities. It truly took a village to serve VBS.

Kaila A. leads singing during the VBS Debrief Meeting.

As the days progressed, it was amazing to witness the transformation of the children, particularly the younger ones, as they engaged and interacted with their peers. VBS provided a nurturing environment where they could grow, learn, and connect with one another. The seeds of faith and friendship were sown, and it was a joy to see these young hearts blossom as they participated in various activities and embraced the teachings.

Rev. Karen helps John create a container to weave yard.

Reflecting on VBS 2023, I am reminded of Psalm 126:5-6, which beautifully captures the essence of our experience: “May those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy. Those who go out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, carrying their sheaves.” I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve and be a part of VBS 2023. The collective efforts of volunteers, the enthusiasm of the children, and the blessings we experienced have left an indelible mark on my heart. May the spirit of VBS continue to inspire and uplift us, as we carry the lessons learned and the joy shared into our lives beyond this memorable week.

The children at VBS learned about science, too!

The Rev. Mia MiKyung Park serves as the Associate Pastor of Blaine Memorial UMC.

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