BYG Update – August 2023
The BYG leadership team poses for a group photo at their leadership retreat last year (August 2022). We couldn’t do BYG without our leaders and directors!

BYG Update

By Kai Yamamoto

Upcoming Events

Bake Sale
Aug. 27
BYG Leaders Retreat
Sept. 9
Rally Sunday
Sept. 10
Camping Ministries Sunday

As we progress through the summer, the Blaine Youth Group has been taking a break from our regular Sunday morning meetings. Although we have not been meeting on Sundays, our youth have been able to gather and fellowship together!

Prior to BYG’s summer break and youth leaving for Junior High Camp, BYG gathered one last time to fellowship and prepare for the summer!

The JHC campers and adult chaperones gather for a photo at the airport before taking off for camp.

This past June, we sent eight youth to JHC, where they were able to spend a week together growing and developing their faith together at Camp Lodestar in California.

Our BYG also helped at Vacation Bible School this year! They did a wonderful job guiding the campers in their faith journeys and walked alongside Jesus throughout the week. At VBS, the youth could be found shepherding and helping as station teachers.

BYG also held a room cleanup day! We gathered the youth together for fellowship and clean the BYG room as we prepare for next year. It is always great to start the new year with a clean room! We organized several different drawers and bins. We also vacuumed and cleaned the furniture and floors to give us a fresh start for the new year of BYG!

Lawrence, Kaylee, and Michelle support BYG’s Bake Sale!

BYG is also planning a Bake Sale this August! As the youth are already preparing to go to camp next summer, the funds from this bake sale will help provide the youth and their families an opportunity for them to go to camp! Thank you for all your support and we hope to see you at the bake sale!

As fall is rapidly approaching, the BYG leadership team will be preparing for the next school year. Like last year, the leadership team will gather for a retreat to reflect on past years of BYG and begin plan for this next year of BYG. BYG leaders will continue to meet throughout this summer and brainstorm ideas for future BYG nights and events.

BYG will not meet on Sunday mornings throughout the month of August. We encourage youth and families to attend worship together at 10:00am in-person or via live stream!

Blaine Youth Group (BYG) is a place where youth (6th-12th grade) are invited into a loving community and celebrated as they are. BYG provides a safe environment for youth to build lasting friendships, grow spiritually, learn acceptance of self and others, express compassion for the world, and develop a love for God and neighbor. BYG has a space for any person who is interested.

Director of Youth Ministry: Lynne Onishi,; Associate Directors of Youth Ministry: Kai Yamamoto, and Kaylee Yokoyama,

Bazaar 2023 is coming!

Read the latest issue of the Beacon!

View this month’s calendar!