Cookies, baked mochi, and other delicious treats were offered during the Blaine Youth Group Bake Sale!
B.Y.G. Update Bake Sale raises hopes, funds for young people
By Lawrence Paltep, B.Y.G. Co-Director
Camping is an important part of our youth ministry. Developing deep relationships with other youth is an opportunity for all attendees to experience. These camps are held in California, the Blaine Youth Group makes great efforts to ensure that we attend. Last year, BYG covered costs for flights, charter bus, hotel, and COVID-19 exposure related costs. To raise funds, we hosted pop-ups and bake sales last year. Before the pandemic, we hosted annual banquets with auctions that took months of planning and organizing.
Knowing the financial responsibilities of sending a youth to camp, BYG and families have been proactive in raising funds. Earlier this year, our youth hosted a bake sale along with hand-crafted candles for church members to purchase. Co-Director Lynne Onishi and I have been very impressed with the ways that youth and parents have stepped up to lead these events. For the bake sale, youth, leaders, parents, and congregants prepared various baked goods such as cookies, mochi, and brownies. Everyone who contributed sweets put great thought and care in making their items.
On Friday, February 10, our youth made 40 candles, enjoyed potluck, and prayed together for the work that’s dedicated for summer camps. BYG came up with this brilliant idea to have a purposeful gathering to benefit camping ministries and create candles for others to enjoy. On Sunday, February 12, youth created signs and designed the presentation of the bake and candle sale, which generated over $1000.
As co-directors, Lynne and I oversee the extensive amount of coordination, support, and people-power to make these events happen. It is humbling to be part of a community that goes through great lengths to ensure the growth of our young people. Without the continued investment of the Blaine Memorial community, we would not feel secure in sending our youth to camp and continue our BYG programming. We greatly appreciate your continued love and support for this ministry.
The Blaine Youth Group meets on Sundays at 10:00am in the sanctuary then in the Nishida Room. If you are interested in growing spiritually, learning acceptance of self and others, and developing a love for God and neighbor, contact Lynne Onishi & Lawrence Paltep – co-directors of Youth Ministry at Blaine Memorial UMC.
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