Our Staff

Our Staff

Our friendly staff is available to help assist you with questions and can be contacted anytime by calling or emailing the church office at 206-723-1536 or blaineoffice@yahoo.com. We look forward to meeting you!

The Rev. Karen welcomes attendees to Blaine Memorial UMC.

Rev. Karen Yokota Love

Senior Pastor

Karen Yokota Love (she/her/hers) currently serves at the senior pastor at Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church in Seattle, WA. Prior to being appointed to Blaine Memorial, Rev. Karen served congregations in Milton, Puyallup, and Tacoma.

She is a Yonsei, or fourth generation American of Japanese descent. Rev. Karen has spent her life collecting stories about her ancestors’ experiences during their detention to help bring to light justice and healing. She also enjoys educating people about this nugget of history and how we use the past to work towards a better future.

Rev. Karen currently serves as the president of the National Japanese American United Methodist Caucus. She holds a B.A. degree in Journalism from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Master of Divinity degree from Claremont School of Theology in Claremont, California.

When not at church, Karen enjoys spending time with her husband, Jesse, getting her hands dirty with any sort of DIY project, reading, taking long walks, and attending a good yoga class.

Program Staff

Yuki Sofronas

Office Assistant

Kaylee Yokoyama

Associate Co-Director, Blaine Youth Group

Kaylee Yokoyama (she/her) is an associate director of Blaine Youth Group. She is currently studying psychology and minoring in education at the University of Washington. Kaylee strives to make BYG a welcoming faith community, where youth grow in their faith and develop meaningful relationships through community and service.

Kaylee is excited about supporting the youth in their passions and engaging in opportunities to continue growing BYG. She has experience working with youth and young adults. She has served as a youth leader in BYG and volunteer shephard at vacation bible school. Kaylee has also worked with children, youth, and young adults as an undergraduate research assistant, clinical summer camp intern, undergraduate psychology peer mentor, and volunteer teaching assistant.

In her free time, Kaylee enjoys spending time in nature, listening to music, reading, playing board games, and golfing!

Support Staff

Wendy Yates


Wendy is a long-time Blaine Memorial UMC member, mom of 3 daughters and 4 grandchildren. She spent most of her working career in education. Loves to crochet!