1. Elle Flute Trio – WORSHIP – SUNDAY, JULY 27
Please join us in joint service in the Sanctuary on Sunday, July 27th at 10:00am. The Elle Flute Trio, comprised of: Lisa Hedley, Lisa Hirayama, and Linda Sebenius, will be providing music throughout this worship service.
2. Asian Pacific Islander Blood Drive and Bone Marrow Registration EventÂ
Saturday, July 26th – 8am to 2pm, Blaine Memorial UMC
In remembrance of its founder, Ed Wong, let us join together in this effort to provide blood and possible marrow matches for special types found in Asian Pacific Islander persons. Please call 206-721-3630 ext 158 or email jwong@kinon.org to make an appointment for this most important service to persons in need.
3. Our July Collection for Atlantic Street Center
Our July and August Monthly Collection will be for Atlantic Street Center. Items needed are Back to School supplies: pens, pencils, pink pearl erasers, rulers, pencil pouches, lined paper (college and wide ruled) markers, colored pencils, crayons, folders, composition books, back packs, scissors, construction paper, Glue (Elmer’s and glue sticks).
Please leave your donations in the trunks in the Narthex or Lee Activity Center by August 31. Thank you for your continued support.
4. Hold These Truths: The Journey of Gordon Hirabayashi by Jeanne Sakata
July 31 – August 3
Pacific Northwest premiere, ACT’s Allen Theatre in Seattle – a one-man solo show inspired by the true story of first generation Japanese-American Gordon Hirabayashi with Joel de la Fuente, directed by Lisa Rothe.
Four performances – July 31 – August 3. For more information:Â http://www.holdthesetruths.info/ or for tickets:Â http://www.acttheatre.org/Tickets/OnStage/HoldTheseTruths#Tickets