Associate Pastor’s Spiritual Reflection
The Revs. John Go, Mia MiKyung Park, Gloria, Grace with Nooni spend family time together.

Associate Pastor’s Spiritual Reflection

Treasuring Each Moment at Blaine Memorial

By the Rev. Mia MiKyung Park

My parents practiced Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism before they became Christians. My mother had a particularly deep connection with Buddhism, and one of the most powerful lessons from her Buddhist practices was to consider any encounter as a gift to be treasured. She often said that if we meet once in this lifetime, it means we have met a thousand times in previous lifetimes. Although I don’t agree with the concept of reincarnation, this teaching impressed upon my siblings and me the importance of relationships and being present in every moment.

Additionally, one of the BYG Directors introduced me to a Japanese proverb, ichi-go ichi-e. ‘Ichi-go’ means one’s lifetime, and ‘ichi-e’ means experiencing something just once. Together, they signify treasuring the unrepeatable nature of a moment that is here and now. This proverb resonates deeply with me as I reflect on my time with you.

I cherish this moment as I write my final newsletter article as your associate pastor. I am grateful for each day I spend with you and treasure every moment that I share with you. Every interaction, conversation, and shared prayer is a unique and irreplaceable experience. I appreciate the beauty of our community and the divine connections we share. It has been an honor and delight to serve as your pastor for the past four years, and I will treasure every moment at Blaine Memorial.

The Blaine Youth Group and friends celebrate the class of 2024!

Our Church School’s memorization verse is Isaiah 41:10: ‘Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.’ This verse is a powerful reminder of God’s unwavering presence and support. I hope and pray that our children memorize this Bible verse and remember God’s guiding hands and the promise of Emmanuel, God with us. It is essential for them to understand that they are never alone and that God’s strength is always surrounding them.

Click this image to enroll in VBS 2024!

In addition, Church School has decided to hold four Sunday VBS sessions (7/28, 8/4, 8/11, and 8/18) this year, which is a new format of VBS.) This change presents a wonderful opportunity for our children to grow in their faith in a fresh and engaging way. I pray for the growth of our children as Jesus increased in wisdom and in years and in divine and human favor (Luke 2:52). It is my hope that these sessions will be enriching and transformative for them.

The Rev. Mia MiKyung Park celebrates Grad Night with her daughter, Grace.

I am deeply grateful for my ministry with Blaine Memorial over the past four years. This time has been an incredible journey of faith, growth, and fellowship, helping me to grow, stretch, and strengthen my faith and ministry.

As I depart from Blaine Memorial, I will carry with me the lessons learned and the cherished memories from my time here. I also want to remind myself and you that upon leaving Blaine Memorial UMC, I will not be present or participate in worship, events, or church groups, including weddings, baptisms, communions, counseling, visitations, and funerals.

Please know that I am thankful for each of you being a vital part of my journey and for the unwavering support and love you have shown me. I deeply appreciate you all and hold onto the words from Philippians 1:6: “I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.”

May God’s love overflow in you as you become the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, and may the Holy Spirit empower and strengthen you all, now and always. Beloved, be blessed and be a blessing to many others!

The Revs. Mark Hearn, Mia MiKyung Park, Karen Yokota, and Jeney Park-Hearn.

The Rev. Mia MiKyung Park is the outgoing Associate Pastor of Blaine Memorial UMC – now serving Redeemer UMC in Kingston, WA.


Prayers and Coffee on Zoom • Wednesdays at 9am

Join Rev. Karen for prayer and community on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM on Zoom. Our time together consists of brief check-ins, devotionals, and prayers. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Feel free to bring a cup of coffee, tea, and a bite to eat. Hope to see you on Wednesday.

Vacation Bible School 2024 • Four Sundays Save these Sunday dates for VBS!

  • July 28
  • August 4
  • August 11
  • August 18

Theme: Operation Restoration – Mending God’s World Time: 10 am to 12 pm, including lunch.

Registration: $20 per Sunday per child. Location: Blaine Memorial Church School Classroom.

Email: to enroll now!

Register here!

Everyone smiles for a whole Asian Camp photo in the camp T-shirt!

Blaine Memorial Church School and Blaine Youth Group Summer Schedule

July 13-20, 2024 (incuding travel time)
• Asian Camp at Camp Gilmore (Incoming 10th – 2nd year college)

Afghanistan and Ukrainian Refugee Donation Ministry

Items being collected: At this time, we have an abundance of some items and so we are NOT in need of clothing or children’s toys. Especially needed items include women’s products, toothpaste, personal care items, rice cookers, blenders, mixing bowls, microwave ovens, toasters, mixers, irons, dish sets, towels, and blankets.

Blaine Memorial UMC Collection Hours: Collection items can be dropped off at the Blaine Memorial Social Hall from Tuesday-Friday between 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Please call the Church Office at (206) 723-1536 prior to dropping off your items.

South King County Response Center Collection Volunteer Hours: The Donation Center is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, same time as the Tukwila Pantry at 3118 S. 140th St. Seattle. Please text Kim Parks at (206) 683-1707 when you would like to help. Please wear a mask and bring a marking pen and measuring tape if possible. Other Questions? Please contact Donna Sekijima or Anne Arakaki-Lock.

View the Beacon!

July 2023 Calendar