Please visit the NJAUMC Camps website for more information about the 2023 camps! https://www.njaumccamps.org/
Blaine Memorial UMC has been involved in the camping ministries of the National Japanese American United Methodist Caucus (NJAUMC) for many years. The NJAUMC summer camps offer young people a chance to meet new friends, deepen their relationships with Christ, and learn to engage with the world as people of faith. Each year, our youth and young people at Blaine Memorial are invited to attend NJAUMC summer camps as campers and leaders.
JUNIOR HIGH CAMP is geared towards incoming 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th graders. We strive for our youth to leave with a sense of relationship to Christ through tangible and practical life applications.
ASIAN CAMP serves incoming 10th, 11th, 12th grades of high school and 1st, 2nd year post-high . Our hope is to allow campers to grow in their faith and identity through a space that is safe for them to connect, reflect and discern with one another.
If you have questions about our youth summer camps, please contact BYG Directors Lynne Onishi & Lawrence Paltep.
Lynne Onishi – lynneonishi@gmail.com
Lawrence Paltep – lawrence.byg@gmail.com