Senior Pastor Reflection
(Cover) Lynne Onishi, the Rev. Dr. Jeney Park Hearn, Kaylee Yokoyama, Kai Yamamoto, Ron Nobuyama, Santa Claus, the Rev. Karen Yokota Love, Jesse Love, Sai Hanaoka, and Yuki Sofronas serve as staff for Blaine Memorial UMC.

(Below) Greater Northwest Area Bishop Cedrick D. Bridgeforth, the Rev. Edwin Cruz Santos, Retired Bishop Robert Hoshibata, the Revs. Karen Yokota Love, Dr. Mark Hearn, Dione Corsilles, Alann Hamada, David Nieda, and Shalom Agtarap gather before Anniversary Sunday at Blaine Memorial UMC.

Keep Walking On: Blaine Memorial as a Beloved Community

By the Rev. Karen Yokota Love, photos by Kai Yamamoto

In times of great change, both in our local community and the world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. News of division, injustice, and uncertainty can weigh heavily on our hearts. Yet, as followers of Christ, we are called to see these moments not as insurmountable challenges but as opportunities to embody hope, healing, and justice – to be the Body of Christ. 

The changes we face – be they social, political, or personal – are reminders that the world is constantly in motion. As Christians, we are uniquely positioned to embrace motion as part of God’s unfolding work in the world. 

Isaiah reminds us, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:19) God’s promise is not that the path will be easy, but that new life will emerge. 

Despite all of the dreariness of the world, Blaine Memorial has been finding joy in doing good for the world – we have been busy while working for justice! We had a delightful Christmas season packed with many events including the Children’s Play, Christmas Music Sunday, Christmas Eve service and our first mochi making session to celebrate 2025! January went by quickly as we joyfully prepared our hearts and minds for our big 120th Anniversary Sunday celebration. 

Washington State Representative Sharon Tomiko Santos, the Rev. Karen Yokota Love, and Seattle City Councilwoman Alexis Mercedes Rinck share a moment during Anniversary Sunday at Blaine Memorial UMC.

120th Anniversary Sunday

On January 26, 2025, we celebrated the many changes and the resilience of Blaine Memorial UMC at the culmination of our 120th Anniversary and the beginning of our 121st Anniversary. Bishop Robert T. Hoshibata and his wife, Greta, blessed us with their presence. Bishop Bob gave a compelling sermon about being rooted and grounded in love. If you missed it, please take a look at our Blaine Memorial UMC YouTube Page. Also, if you’d like to take a look at a photo spread, please take a look at our celebration on page 4. We had many formers pastors visit with us including Revs. Ken Miyake, Dave Nieda, Alann Hamada, Shalom Agtarap, and Dione Corsilles. Greater Northwest Bishop Cedrick D. Bridgeforth presided over Holy Communion and blessed us with his presence. Dignitaries included Representative for the 37th Legislative District Sharon Tomiko Santos and Seattle Council Position Eight Alexis Mercedes Rinck attended our celebration and provided us with a Resolution from the State of Washington and a Proclamation from the City of Seattle. After the worship service, we celebrated with an abundant “Blaine-Way” potluck and program with exhibits, entertainment, reunions with friends and family. We also had a special moment where we honored the of church members who turned 88+ years old from February 1, 2024 – January 31, 2025.

While reminiscing on the past 120 years with photos and stories, we also look forward to being here for the next 120 years. What does it look like for Blaine Memorial UMC to be a Christian community that cares for the vulnerable and works for justice? How can we dream together to create a “beloved community” – a term that the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. envisioned. 

Dreaming of Affordable Housing 

As a part of our dreaming and visioning for the future, Blaine Memorial UMC recently announced that we will begin researching the greenbelt area on our property to complete a possible affordable housing/mixed housing development project. 

As affordable housing is less available in all neighborhoods of Seattle, it’s a part of God’s kin-dom to provide for all people. Today’s church vision and dream of having affordable housing reflects our shared commitment to building a more equitable city and faith community. 

Blaine Memorial UMC looks forward to working together with our community partners which will serve for generations to come. I’m excited about this vision and opportunity to be an integral part of the Beacon Hill community as we dream together and seek the unended possibilities for the future. 

Sukiyaki Beneficiary: Altadena UMC

Our Sukiyaki Benefit Fundraiser is right around the corner! It’ll take place at Blaine Memorial UMC on Saturday, March 1 from 1pm-6pm. This year’s benefit recipient will be the Altadena UMC in Altadena, CA. Altadena United Methodist Church (AUMC) and its families need your support. 

On January 8, flames engulfed Altadena United Methodist Church, north of Pasadena, in Southern California, fueled by dry conditions and fanned by ferocious Santa Ana winds. The Eaton Fire in Southern California destroyed the church building and many of the church members’ homes burned to ashes. The consequences of the destructive Eaton Canyon fires are immeasurable. 

The church was chartered in 1806 by the German Evangelical United Brethren denomination. After 1974 and the formation of the UMC, and later in 1980s Altadena UMC church merged with Lincoln Park United Methodist Church; a predominantly Black congregation that was located in Pasadena. AUMC became a diverse community in every way, very similar to Blaine Memorial UMC’s rich history. Come and support our Sukiyaki Benefit Fundraiser for an important cause this year! Pre-order your meals today by visiting

Lent Theme: Bread of Life 

This year’s Lent theme is Bread of Life: Gather. Savor. Share. Nourish your soul with Bread of Life. When the world feels heavy — divided and uncertain — hearts ache, minds seek peace, and souls hunger for hope. In these moments, while many search for a way forward, the Bread of Life reminds us of abundance. There is enough love, grace, and hope for all.

Bread of Life highlights how Jesus fed people — not just their bodies but their souls —with good news, redemption, and stories of God’s kin(g)dom. From wedding feasts to eating with tax collectors to feeding thousands, people left Jesus’ presence with full hearts and bellies. As we journey through Lent, from the wilderness to the shorelines of Galilee, we will find the sacred in the ordinary — like bread, simple yet essential. This Lent, let’s gather together to do what we love to do – eat, break bread, savor in the divine generosity of God, and rise to share with the world out of the abundance we have received from the Bread of Life! Lent devotionals will be available for you to pick up for free in the Narthex! Join us on Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 7:00PM as we kick of the Lent Season.

Be the hope for this season and throughout Lent.


Rev. Karen


Click the poster above to visit our Sukiyaki 2025 page for updates on this year’s event!

Pre-Order, Now! Annual Sukiyaki Dinner @ Blaine Memorial UMC • March 1, 2025


Blaine Memorial’s Sukiyaki Benefit Fundraiser is on Saturday, March 12025 from 1:00pm-6:00pm! Sukiyaki will be $20.00 per serving. We will have cooked and uncooked Sukiyaki. We will provide take out and have limited dine-in.  Visit the Sukiyaki 2025 page for event details!

Blaine Girl Scout Troop #43880 Cookie Booth

  • March 1, 2025 during Sukiyaki (LAC)
  • March 16, 2025 after Sunday service (Social Hall)

Please come out to get your favorite cookies and support our Girl Scout Troop this year as they raise money for their annual camping trip! Thank you for your support!

Learn more about our next Guatemala Mission Trip during our Info Meeting in March.

Guatemala Mission Trip Informational Meeting • March 16, 2025

Are you interested in going on a mission trip this coming August 8 to August 16?  Do you have a desire to serve others in an underdeveloped country?  Are you not sure about going, but want to learn more? Blaine will again partner with Mission Guatemala and send a mission team to San Andrés Semetebaj, Guatemala.  Please join us for a short informational meeting Sunday, March 16, in the Webb Room at 12:00.  If you have any questions, please contact Bob or Donna Sekijima at or Alice Ikeda.

Read more about Blaine Memorial’s 2024 Guatemala Mission trip.

Migrant and Refugee Donation Ministry @ Riverton Park UMC • Blaine Memorial UMC Collection Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 10:00am-4:00pm

Riverton Park UMC is in need of: diapers (sizes 3 – 7), diaper wipes, kitchen pots and pans, paper plates, toothpaste, long grain rice, and cooking oil. Collection items can be dropped off at the Social Hall. Call the Church Office at (206) 723-1536 prior to drop-off.

The Beacon Newsletter is Now Available!

Click the image above to view our latest issue or view past issues here.