Happy New Year!
- Second Sunday After Christmas Day
- January 5, 2025 • 10:00am
- Hybrid Worship
- View the PDF
Order of Worship
Prelude Selective Christmas Music Arranged by Leann Onishi Leann Onishi |
Welcome of Grace and Greeting Ron Nobuyama |
Call to Worship Written by Dr. Lisa Hancock From Discipleship Ministries Used with permission Ron Nobuyama |
Opening Prayer David Yorozu |
Children’s Message Sai Hanaoka |
Scripture Reading Matthew 2:1-12 (JLB, CEB) Tsutomu Nagoya, David Yorozu |
Reflection Questions Discussion with Neighbor Ron Nobuyama |
Prayers of the People Holden Evening Prayer Service God of Mercy, Hold Us in Love Leann Onishi Mako Willett |
Holy Communion Rev. Dr. Jeney Park Hearn |
Holy Communion Music Traditional Okinawan Music Mako Willett |
Introduction to the Offering David Yorozu |
Offertory Music Amazing Grace (v 1,2,4,6) Leann Onishi and Mako Willett |
Doxology Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow UMH #94 Kathy Onishi |
Prayer of Dedication David Yorozu |
Announcements Rev. Karen and Friends |
*Benediction Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
*Postlude Go Now in Peace Leann Onishi and Mako Willett |
Zoom Breakout Room Rev. Dr. Jeney Park-Hearn |
Today’s Flowers Carol Kastrup |
Sermon Questions
- Reflect on an experience from your past when faith in God was hard for you, one where you were able to overcome and push through.
- What are the barriers to faith and following Jesus that you must contend with in your life right now? (doubt, negative church experiences, etc.) What are some the current faith struggles that you are dealing with?
- How is the Christian life exemplified in the magi? (Seeking Jesus, worshiping Jesus, offering our gifts to Jesus.)
- How might you better live as a Christian this coming year? How can this group help?
Daily Lectionary Readings
Sunday, January 5, 2025: Second Sunday after Christmas Day Jeremiah 31:7-14 or Sirach 24:1-12 Psalm 147:12-20 or Wisdom of Solomon 10:15-21 Ephesians 1:3-14 John 1:(1-9), 10-18 |
Monday, January 6, 2025: Epiphany of the Lord Isaiah 60:1-6 Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 Ephesians 3:1-12 Matthew 2:1-12 |
Tuesday, January 7, 2025: Psalm 72 Daniel 2:1-19 Ephesians 4:17-5:1 |
Wednesday, January 8, 2025: Psalm 72 Daniel 2:24-49 Ephesians 5:15-20 |
Thursday, January 9, 2025: Psalm 29 Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 |
Friday, January 10, 2025: Psalm 29 Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 1 Corinthians 2:1-10 |
Saturday, January 11, 2025: Psalm 29 Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 1 Corinthians 2:11-16 |

New Year’s Ozoni Soup Meal • Today after Worship
Ozoni mochi soup will be celebrated and served after church worship. The Blaine Memorial Choir will host us in the customary making and serving of the New Year’s rice-cake ozoni. The Choir is happy to serve you best wishes for the new year of 2025 in every bowl of ozoni!

Prayer and Coffee Canceled • Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Wednesday Coffee and Prayer will be canceled (1/8/25) but will resume Wednesday (1/15/25). See you next week. Blessings on your evening!

120th/121st Anniversary Sunday Service and Potluck • Sunday, January 26, 2025
On Sunday, January 26, 2025, Blaine Memorial UMC will have a 120th Anniversary Sunday service with special guests to celebrate and reflect on its 120-year history and look forward to its further growth and development into the next 120 years of service in love.
We’ll honor our church members and friends who have or will have reached by the end of January, the glorious age of 88 and older by reading their names aloud during worship. In addition, we will remember our saints who have passed away in the last year who were 88 and older by the reading of their names.
There will be a potluck gathering and program following the service. There will also be ministry table exhibits of past and present ministries of the church such as music ministry, Sunday School ministry, Youth ministry, mission ministry, sports ministry, etc.
Please join us for the culminating celebration of our 120th anniversary and start of our 121st year! We look forward to celebrating with all our members new and old and our many community friends. All are welcome. We will also have a lunch celebration honoring our 88+ and our 120 years! Stay tuned for more information to come.
Video: “A Season of Stewardship: Blaine Memorial UMC Supports Kimball Elementary”
With challenges such as food insecurity, a harsh economy, and homelessness, Blaine Memorial UMC has teamed with Kimball Elementary School to provide dinners through Thanksgiving Meals and presents through the Giving Tree.
Several members of the Blaine Memorial UMC Community, including its Blaine Youth Group (BYG), share what makes this lay-led ministry vital to the families in the neighborhood.
Visit our Original Videos page to view this story and more!