Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

All are Welcome!

  • Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
  • July 14, 2024
  • 10:00am, Hybrid Worship
  • Continue scrolling or view the PDF

Order of Worship

We Will Glorify
(Twila Parks)

Kathy Onishi
Welcome of Grace and Greeting
Anne Arakaki-Lock
*Call to Worship
Written by Dr. Lisa Hancock, Discipleship Ministries, May 2024
Anne Arakaki-Lock
*Opening Hymn
Holy Ground (TFWS #2272)
Kathy and Eugene Onishi
Opening Prayer
George Yates
Scripture Reading
Ephesians 1:3-14 (CEB)
Tsutomu Nagoya George Yates
Children’s Message
Sai Hanaoka
Second Scripture Reading
Philippians 4:4-9
Tsutomu Nagoya, George Yates
Faith Journey Message
My Journey with God
Anne Arakaki-Lock
Hymn of Reflection
Change My Heart, O God Kathy Onishi
(TFWS #2152)

Eugene Onishi
Introduction to the Offering
George Yates
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
(UMH #94)

Kathy Onishi
Prayer of Dedication
George Yates
George Yates and Friends
*Closing Hymn
I Surrender All
(UMH 354)

Kathy and Eugene Onishi
Anne Arakaki-Lock
Lamb of God
(Twila Parks)

Kathy Onishi
Zoom Breakout Room
Dale Kaneko

Today’s flowers are provided by Anne Arakaki-Lock

Sermon Questions

When and why do we gather together to worship?
What is the formula for not being anxious? What can we do to practice?
Did you know that you were chosen by God to be God’s child? Therefore, did you know that you receive God’s inheritance? Knowing this, what would your relationship be to Jesus?

Daily Lectionary

Sunday, July 14, 2024
2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19 and Psalm 24; Amos 7:7-15 and Psalm 85:8-13; Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:14-29
Monday, July 15, 2024
Semi-continuous: Psalm 68:24-35; 2 Samuel 6:6-12a; Acts 21:27-39 Complementary: Psalm 142; Amos 5:1-9; Acts 21:27-39
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Semi-continuous: Psalm 68:24-35; 2 Samuel 3:12-16; Acts 23:12-35 Complementary: Psalm 142; Amos 9:1-4; Acts 23:12-35
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Semi-continuous: Psalm 68:24-35; 2 Samuel 6:16-23; Luke 7:31-35 Complementary: Psalm 142; Amos 9:11-15; Luke 7:31-35
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Semi-continuous: Psalm 89:20-37; 1 Chronicles 11:15-19; Colossians 1:15-23 Complementary: Psalm 23; Jeremiah 10:1-16; Colossians 1:15-23
Friday, July 19, 2024
Semi-continuous: Psalm 89:20-37; 1 Chronicles 14:1-2; Acts 17:16-31 Complementary: Psalm 23; Jeremiah 10:17-25; Acts 17:16-31
Saturday, July 20, 2024
Semi-continuous: Psalm 89:20-37; 1 Chronicles 15:1-2, 16:4-13; Luke 18:35-43 Complementary: Psalm 23; Jeremiah 12:1-13; Luke 18:35-43


BYG Merch Presale • Now to Aug. 10

Thank you for supporting BYG’s Camping Ministries! We will be taking presale orders for our new sweatshirts, caps, and tote bags (and T-shirts) until Sunday, August 11th at 11:59pm.

  • T-Shirts are $30 each
  • Hoodies are $40 each
  • Caps are $30 each
  • Tote bags are $25 each

Pre-order here!

Prayers and Coffee on Zoom • Wednesdays at 9am

Join Rev. Karen for prayer and community on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM on Zoom. Our time together consists of brief check-ins, devotionals, and prayers. This is a great way to start your morning, clear and center your mind, all while connecting with God and your prayer community. Feel free to bring a cup of coffee, tea, and a bite to eat. Hope to see you on Wednesday.

Vacation Bible School 2024 • Four Sundays Save these Sunday dates for VBS!

  • July 28
  • August 4
  • August 11
  • August 18

Theme: Operation Restoration – Mending God’s World Time: 10 am to 12 pm, including lunch.

Registration: $20 per Sunday per child. Location: Blaine Memorial Church School Classroom.

Email: blainevbs@gmail.com to enroll now!

Register here!

Everyone smiles for a whole Asian Camp photo in the camp T-shirt!

Blaine Memorial Church School and Blaine Youth Group Summer Schedule

July 13-20, 2024 (incuding travel time)
• Asian Camp at Camp Gilmore (Incoming 10th – 2nd year college)

Afghanistan and Ukrainian Refugee Donation Ministry

Items being collected: At this time, we have an abundance of some items and so we are NOT in need of clothing or children’s toys. Especially needed items include women’s products, toothpaste, personal care items, rice cookers, blenders, mixing bowls, microwave ovens, toasters, mixers, irons, dish sets, towels, and blankets.

Blaine Memorial UMC Collection Hours: Collection items can be dropped off at the Blaine Memorial Social Hall from Tuesday-Friday between 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Please call the Church Office at (206) 723-1536 prior to dropping off your items.

South King County Response Center Collection Volunteer Hours: The Donation Center is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, same time as the Tukwila Pantry at 3118 S. 140th St. Seattle. Please text Kim Parks at (206) 683-1707 when you would like to help. Please wear a mask and bring a marking pen and measuring tape if possible. Other Questions? Please contact Donna Sekijima or Anne Arakaki-Lock.

View the Beacon!

July 2024 Calendar