All are Welcome!
- Fifth Sunday in Lent
- March 17, 2024 • 10:00am
- Hybrid Worship
- Continue scrolling or view the print version of the bulletin
Order of Worship
Prelude Love the Lord Your God By Jean and Jim Strathdee Kathy Onishi |
Welcome of Grace and Greeting Rev. Mia MiKyung Park |
*Call to Worship Rev. Mia MiKyung Park |
*Opening Hymn Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing UMH #400 Kathy & Eugene Onishi |
Opening Prayer Rev. Mia MiKyung Park |
First Scripture Reading John 12:20-33 (JLB, CEB) Yuki Sofronas & Dale Watanabe |
Children’s Message Rev. Mia MiKyung Park |
Blessing of the Blankets Rev. Karen Yokota Love & Rev. Mia MiKyung Park |
Special Music Lord, Sanctify Me Wholly By Thomas Ken and Jean Pasquet Blaine Memorial Choir |
Second Scripture Reading Matthew 18:15-22 (JLB, CEB) Yuki Sofronas & Dale Watanabe |
Sermon How Many Times Should We Forgive? Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
Affirmation of Faith Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
Hymn of Reflection My Hope Is Built UMH #368 (Verses 1-2, 4) Kathy & Eugene Onishi |
Introduction to the Offering Dale Watanabe |
*Doxology Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow UMH #94 |
*Prayer of Dedication Dale Watanabe |
Announcements Rev. Karen and Friends |
*Closing Hymn Seek the Lord UMH #124 Kathy & Eugene Onishi |
*Benediction Rev. Karen Yokota Love |
Postlude It Is Well with My Soul By Bliss/Carter Kathy Onishi |
Zoom Breakout Room Rev. Dr. Jeney Park-Hearn |
Sermon Questions
- Some translate Jesus’ response to Peter’s question in Matthew 18:22 as “seventy-seven times” and others translate it as “seventy times seven.” What is the significance of this? How do you calculate the math of grace?
- What would this look like if applied on a larger scale, such as in our criminal justice system? Are there any specific situations or circumstances where you would choose not to follow this advice?
- What do you think of Jesus’ step-by-step advice for dealing with conflict? Have you ever followed this when someone hurt you? How did that go?
- Do we need to forgive a person if they haven’t asked for forgiveness yet?

Guatemala Mission Meeting • Today
Our second Guatemala mission meeting will be Sunday, March 17 at 11:45 a.m. in the Webb Room. We hope to get a rough count on who is going so we can start looking into airfare. The trip date is August 16-24, 2024, only about 5 months away. If you can’t make the meeting but still are interested in going, please let us know.

Order Easter Lillies Today!
Download the PDF form and print at home. Forms are needed by Sunday, March 24.

Read the latest issue of the Beacon!
Our February-March issue of the Beacon newsletter is ready for view. The March 2024 issue will be available very soon with more of the great news and insights Blaine Memorial UMC has to offer!
You can access past issues in our archive.

Wednesday Meditation & Prayer • Every Wednesday
The Wednesday Prayer group continues to meet each week. Our time together consists of a check-in question centering around United Methodist Founder John Wesley’s famous question, “How is it with your soul?” Our time together continues with a few readings from The Upper Room Magazine. Finally, we end our time together with a pastoral prayer. Join us!
Lent Book Studies

The Third Day: Living the Resurrection Lenten Book Study
This year’s All Church Lenten study is The Third Day: Living the Resurrection by Tom Berlin and Mark A. Miller. Join us in this Zoom study on Tuesdays at 7:00PM, which is being facilitated by Rev. Mia MiKyung Park and Rev. Karen Yokota Love. The link will be emailed prior to the meeting date. Our last meeting will be March 19.
The Office is selling The Third Day: Living the Resurrection books for $14.00 and the Leader Guide is $12.00. You are welcome to buy the book in the Office and read with your small groups.
In The Third Day: Living the Resurrection, Tom Berlin uses his storytelling gifts and scriptural understanding to connect readers to the experiences of individuals around Jesus in his final days. The focus is on new life and redemption rather than loss.
Come and journey with characters like Peter, Mary Magdalene, and Thomas as they experience the despair of losing Jesus and the surprise and joy that awaits them in the resurrection. This study will explore events around these characters, along with Paul and the disciples at Emmaus, and how the resurrection transforms their lives.

NJAUMC Lenten Book Study continues until March 25!
Join Rev. John Miyahara (UMC/US Navy Chaplain), Rev. Brian Lee (Simpson UMC), and members of the Japanese American United Methodist Caucus congregations in a 6-week Lenten book study. We are reading Savior: What the Bible Says about the Cross by Magrey DeVega. Books are $17.00 in the Church Office. Please note that reading the book isn’t required! Join us tomorrow, Monday, March 18 from 4:30-6:00 PM (Hawaii), 6:30-8:00 PM (Pacific) and 7:30-9:00 PM (Mountain). The study will conclude on Mon., March 25.

Educational Scholarships 2024, Apply Now! • Due May 15, 2024
The Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church Educational Scholarships are designed to support the mission of the church through supporting a multitude of educational opportunities. We are proud to have helped students in their pursuit of continuing education since 1968. We encourage all applicants; from those just entering their next phase of education to those returning to complete or pursue continued education.
We are blessed to offer the following scholarships:
- Vera Ing Scholarship
- Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church Scholarship
- Yasuda Scholarship
- William S. Yorozu Scholarship
- Robert S. Sato Scholarship
Applications are available through emailing Blaine Scholarships or through the church office. All scholarships will consider, but are not limited to, elements such as grades (if applicable), personal essay, church participation and finances. Applications and two (2) letters of recommendation must be received no later than May 15, 2024 for consideration.
We are looking forward to applicants excited about pursuing their education.
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