BYG Update
BYG made and delivered spaghetti for Tent City 3. TC3 is located a block away from Blaine Memorial UMC.

BYG Ministry in ‘23 sets up impact for ‘24

By Kaylee Yokoyama

At this time of year we are all setting New Year resolutions by reflecting on the past year. As we reflect on BYG, this past year, BYG has engaged in various events and activities throughout 2023. 

We started off the year by fundraising through candle making. This was a time where the youth came together and taught one another how to make a candle. Also, BYG was fortunate enough to establish a relationship with Tent City 3. Throughout the year, BYG served food to Tent City 3 on multiple occasions, especially during times of need. The youth were able to support Tent City 3 through making blankets during the winter. Additionally, BYG was able to bring back many popular events such as overnighters and serving Easter breakfast. This is a time for youth and leaders to gather and spend time reflecting and have fun! 

BYG organized another Bake Sale to raise funds for Jr. High Camp and Asian Camp.

In the summer, we were able to send our youth to Junior High Camp and Asian Camp (a total of 15 youth!). Youth worked diligently to fund-raise for camping ministries through various activities. These included bake sales, candle making, and volunteering their time at receptions. Also during this time, our youth volunteered as leaders for VBS. It was amazing to see the youth grow from campers into stepping into these important leadership roles (WOW! Time flies!). 

BYG had a White Elephant gift exchange at a BYG Christmas party overnighter. Everyone had a marvelous time!

As we transitioned into Autumn, we brought back the Youth Booth for Bazaar. Some of our younger youth, who have never experienced working in the Youth booth, learned how to make their first Suno Dog! Transitioning to November, we participated in the famous Thanksgiving service project. Our youth made mashed potatoes and apple crisps by hand, for a total of 24 Kimball families! 

Finally, ending the year, our youth volunteered to participate in the various Christmas festivities at church. This included roles in the Christmas play and music ministries. Youth dedicated their time to showcase their performing talents for the congregation. We cannot thank the youth enough for all the talent they brought to us in the month of December. 

BYG constructed the Twelve Days of Christmas signs to accompany the Blaine Ukulele Group of Seattle’s musical performance for Christmas Music Sunday. The beautiful art work is designed by Ally S.

We have done so much this year! BYG thanks you for your continued support. Without congregational support, BYG would not be able to do all we have done. We look forward to this upcoming year, where we can continually showcase our talents and remain involved in the church community! 

Continue to check the church calendar and BYG weekly updates for events! 

BYG meets on Sundays at 10:00 AM. We will gather in the Sanctuary for the beginning of worship service before transitioning over to the Nishida Room for BYG time after the children’s message. Blaine Youth Group (BYG) is a place where youth (6th-12th grade) are invited into a loving community and celebrated as they are. 

BYG provides a safe environment for youth to build lasting friendships, grow spiritually, learn acceptance of self and others, express compassion for the world, and develop a love for God. BYG has a space for any person who is interested and all are welcome. 

Contact Information

Director of Youth Ministry:

Lynne Onishi

Associate Directors of Youth Ministry:

Kai Yamamoto and Kaylee Yokoyama,

The Beacon is now available!

View the Jan-Feb 2024 Calendar