Go tell it on the mountain!
By the Rev. Mia MiKyung Park
The Church calendar begins with Advent, a season of anticipation and waiting for the arrival of our Savior, who came to us as a tiny baby. This period is a time of reflection and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It reminds me of the most mysterious and significant event in all human history – the incarnation. In this divine act, God took on human form to be with us, and the very name “Emmanuel: God with us” signifies the incredible hope, peace, joy and love he brings to all people.
As we eagerly anticipate the arrival of Christmas and the boundless joy it brings, we must also acknowledge the somber realities of our world. Ongoing conflicts, such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the Israel-Hamas conflict, cast a shadow of despair and suffering over our global community. The juxtaposition of this turmoil with the message of hope during Advent raises the question: how do we find and maintain hope in seemingly hopeless situations? How can we sustain inner peace amidst external chaos?
The answer lies in the promise from the Gospel of Luke 2:10-12. These verses are a beacon of hope, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, we can find light and solace. The angel’s message to the shepherds is a message to us all: “Do not be afraid, for see, I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people.” Which is our Church School’s December memorization.
This message encapsulates the essence of the Christmas season. It is a call to banish fear from our hearts, for perfect love casts out fear. In a world where fear often seems to govern our actions and decisions, it is in this perfect love, this divine love, that we find hope, peace and joy. The birth of Jesus on Christmas Day signifies the embodiment of this perfect love, a love that can dispel even the deepest fears and transform it to endless love.
The challenges and circumstances of life may attempt to diminish the great joy we receive through this divine love, but the good news remains steadfast. It is not exclusive to a select few; it is meant for “all the people.”
As we light the candles on the Advent wreath, we are reminded of the meanings of each candle – hope, peace, joy and love. The season allows us to reflect on the message Advent, deepening our understanding and experiencing of incarnation that Christ’s birth brings.
As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, let us not only be recipients of hope, peace, joy and love but also channels through which these gifts can flow to others. Children and youth delivered the message of Christmas in their play BREAKING NEWS! The Savior is Born! on Sunday, December 10 in the Lee Activity Center. The message from our children reached out to every person living in different circumstances or stations in life. We honor the true meaning of this season, and we participate in the sacred mission of spreading hope, peace, joy and love in a world that often longs for them. May we remember the angel’s message: “Do not be afraid,” for through the birth of Christ, we are invited to go tell the message on the mountains and to be a sanctuary of perfect love that can withstand any storm, illuminating our lives and those around us until all can truly sleep in heavenly peace.
The Rev. Mia MiKyung Park serves as the Associate Pastor of Blaine Memorial UMC.
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