A Time to Grow!

A Time to Grow!
The Revs. John Go and Mia MiKyung Park share their summer garden veggies.

A Time to Grow

By the Rev. Mia MiKyung Park

After Pentecost, the season in the church calendar is known as Ordinary Time, and its liturgical color is green. This color symbolizes the hope of new life that we attain through Jesus Christ. Green represents nature, growth, rebirth, health, hope, and various positive elements associated with overall well-being. Ordinary Time falls between the seasons of Christmas and Easter, during which we engage in observing, discussing, and actively participating in God’s ongoing work in the world. It is a time of growth.

This spring, my spouse and I planted around 15 lettuces in our small, raised vegetable bed. Not too long ago, we harvested about 10 lettuces. When we first planted the tiny lettuce plants we received from our friend, they appeared fragile, and I doubted if they would survive. However, through John’s tender care, determination, and providing them with enough water, they began to take root and grow. After a while, he applied fertilizer when they seemed to not grow as expected. When I look at our small vegetable bed, I am reminded of our children and youth in the faith community and how we can support and help them grow, flourish, and bear fruit. I believe the education of children and youth requires fertile soil of home, school, church, or other spiritual spaces. At church, they can deepen their faith, explore their spirituality, and engage in the community of faith near and far. The faith community offers a supportive network of guidance, mentorship and a sense of belonging. It is within these spaces we provide opportunities for young people to learn about compassion, grace, forgiveness and the values that form the foundation of their characters. I am grateful for Blaine Memorial where we strive to be a rich and abundant soil for our young people and adults as well.

Church School Superintendent, Sai Hanaoka, presents a message for the children during Sunday Worship.

As the school year quickly approaches its end, I am humbled to recall the memories from the past school year. I am grateful for our dedicated Church School Teachers who continue to plant seeds of God’s grace and love in the hearts of our children. Our Church School Teachers meet every Wednesday evening via Zoom for check-ins and to discuss upcoming Sunday activities and events. I am deeply thankful for our Church School Superintendent, Sai Hanaoka, who teaches, guides, and supports our children and teachers. Additionally, I express my heartfelt gratitude to our BYG directors and leaders for their dedication. They gather via Zoom every Monday to check in with each other and discuss upcoming BYG activities. I am excited to prepare for this summer with all these dedicated leaders and congregations as we seek God’s guidance. This summer holds much excitement as we make arrangements to send eight youth to Jr. High Camp, six high schoolers to Asian Camp, and prepare for Vacation Bible School. What a wonderful teamwork we are witnessing as a part of the wonderful team with God and families. We are all wonderfully and fearfully created in God’s image (Psalm 139:14).

The Rev. Mia MiKyung Park presents the Children’s Message during Sunday Worship. “It is within these spaces we provide opportunities for young people to learn about compassion, grace, forgiveness and the values that form the foundation of their characters,” shares Rev. Mia.

The Church School memorization for June is John 10:10 where Jesus says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

This Ordinary Time will be a wonderful time of experiencing God’s abundance through the life of Jesus, whom we follow and resemble. Because of the life of Jesus, our true selves are restored and rebuilt by God’s grace, growing as “we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ,” as the Apostle Paul directs us in Ephesians 4:13. May this Ordinary Time be extraordinary as we continue to grow as faithful stewards of our gracious God. Let us embark on the summer with hope and prayer, embracing the blessings that await us. Have a blessed summer!

The Rev. Mia MiKyung Park serves as Associate Pastor of Blaine Memorial UMC.

Read our latest issue of the Beacon!

The July edition of the Beacon features stories from our church in celebration of Summer! Download the PDF!

July 2023 Calendar