By Rev. Karen Yokota Love, photos by Ryan Kozu and Kai Yamamoto, graphics by Ally and Steve
Thank you, Blaine Memorial, for making this year’s Sukiyaki Take Out fundraiser a huge success! The entire community came out to help, cook, set-up, bake, clean, and make this year’s event memorable, exciting and meaningful. This was the first year we had Sukiyaki in three years. Thank you for your commitment to the Blaine Memorial UMC community! A portion of our earnings will benefit the Rainier Valley Food Bank. We look forward to preparing more activities and opportunities to bring our community back to Blaine for fellowship and to connect with the greater neighborhood. Enjoy photos from this year’s Sukiyaki event!
David Hayasaka, Jim Mano, and Rick Mano pour out Saifun noodles. The Saifun noodles are an important ingredient for Sukiyaki.
Howard Nakase cleans and peels vegetables to be chopped.
Many Blaine volunteers fill the uncooked Sukiyaki orders so that each dish is proportionally equal.
(L-R): Carol Okano and Pam Ikegami cut tofu
(L-R): Miriam Tong, Stephanie Nishida and Barbara Kanaya cook the beef before merging it with the vegetables and Sukiyaki broth.
Justine, Lily, and Terry Adolfo sell baked goods to our community members. Some of the baked goods included cakes, cookies, bake mochi, manju, brownies, chi-chi dango, and ohagi.
Volunteers count each of the uncooked Sukiyaki servings.
Eugene Onishi and Kobe Yamamoto transfer cooked Sukiyaki into a different pan, as they get ready to package Sukiyaki orders. How much sukiyaki did you order?
(Above) Tala and Marisa happily sell baked goods to customers.
(Left) Jill Fluvog, Margaret Inouye and Donna Sekijima put different varieties of mochi and manju to make assorted packages to sell. This was sold at the Bakery and sold out within the first hour after opening at 2pm.
Read the Beacon!
The latest issue of the Beacon newsletter is ready for viewing! Printed versions are available in the office, sanctuary, and social hall!