Good Friday

Good Friday


Order of Worship

What Wondrous Love Is This
Music: USA Folk Hymn
Kathy Onishi
Welcome with Meditation
Pastor Mia MiKyung Park
Opening Hymn
O Mighty Cross
Music: David Baroni and John Chisum
Arranged by: Tom Fettke

Japanese Baptist Choir
Blaine Memorial Choir
Scripture Reading
John 18:1-19:42 (CEB)
John Stice, JBC
Ellie Santos, JBC
Congregational Hymn
Jesus, Remember Me
(UMH #488)
Eugene & Kathy Onishi, Unison
Pastor Karen Yokota Love
Congregational Hymn
The Old Rugged Cross (UMH #504)
Eugene & Kathy Onishi, Unison
Closing Prayer
Pastor Angeline Lau, JBC
Pastor Karen Yokota Love

After Pastor Karen provides the Benediction, members of the Blaine Memorial Worship Team will carefully and lovingly remove the candles, rocks, and paraments from the altar. We will sit in the dark while we meditate on Christ’s love for us. The pastors will quietly walk out of the Sanctuary. You may follow when you are ready. You are welcome to sit and pray after the service is finished.

If you’d like to stay for a bit, the Social Hall will be open for conversation.