Change the World Sunday

Change the World Sunday

Change the World Sunday

Sunday, August 28 – 10 am 

Please come and serve with us….again this year, we are engaging in efforts to connect Blaine Memorial with our neighborhood on Change the World Sunday and we hope that you will join in with us. In this, we continue to offer our support of our neighborhood school, Kimball Elementary, with projects that will prepare them for the upcoming school year. We will begin our morning with a short worship service to pray for God to bless our efforts, and then we will be break off into work teams to engage in projects with different levels of effort. There will be work projects onsite at Kimball - including curb painting, and general clean up inside and outside of the building.  We will also have  “less taxing” work projects in the Lee Activity Center, as we assemble student and teacher supply boxes and make fleece blankets for the classrooms. These projects are for all ages and generations, the young and “not so young” alike and we will have different levels of effort for all. After our projects are completed, we will gather for lunch fellowship in the Lee Activity Center, and bring together the projects we have done. And then we will close our time with a prayer of blessing upon all that we have done, asking God to bless the students, teachers and administrators of Kimball through our efforts. Please do join us for this inter-generational service project, as we express through our community our desire to bless others as we have been blessed.